Connie's home timeline


  1. I really have to post more but I keep on forgetting to get on.

    Sunday, 11-Feb-18 04:23:48 UTC from web
  2. @extebert I remember hearing that Ghost in the Shell was good and then finally watching a movie with the name and thinking it was incomprehensible garbage. After which I basically wrote it off and internelly decided that everyone who liked it must have just had cherry taste. But looking at it again it seems there are a lot of differerent things called GITS. Which one of them would you recommend? The manga?

    Sunday, 11-Feb-18 07:22:45 UTC from
  3. In the event you all live under a rock. Or Boulder. !vgp

    Thursday, 08-Feb-18 18:45:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  4. I'm drawing a cute spider thingy !art

    Thursday, 08-Feb-18 04:47:43 UTC from web
  5. @mushi So whats new? Any more horses in your collection yet?

    Thursday, 01-Feb-18 21:27:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  6. We're all a little mad here !vgp

    Tuesday, 06-Feb-18 07:19:23 UTC from web
    • My face if I start studying again.

      Tuesday, 06-Feb-18 05:07:49 UTC from web
      • My doggie got cancer =(

        Tuesday, 06-Feb-18 00:32:36 UTC from web
      • Whats every Pon3 up too?

        Saturday, 03-Feb-18 18:57:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • :V

        Thursday, 01-Feb-18 21:45:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • My last DM was 2013. #

          Thursday, 01-Feb-18 21:25:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • booperino

            Friday, 24-Mar-17 23:37:25 UTC from web
          • oh my god all the mods and admins are like gone

            Tuesday, 30-Jan-18 06:53:35 UTC from web
          • Ive had a nosebleed for two daus and the doctirs are having a bad time trying to fix it...

            Im do god damn ready to give up on everything.

            Monday, 29-Jan-18 03:09:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • So here's something amusing:

            Sunday, 28-Jan-18 16:19:00 UTC from web
          • you know what, I wouldn’t be NEARLY as opposed to Donald Trump’s wall plan if it was actually economically feasible. People have tried before him. There’s a REASON we haven’t done it yet.

            Saturday, 27-Jan-18 18:09:47 UTC from web
          • actually, no, my fave former RDN user was the pedophile who thought mourning Robin Williams was crossing the linw

            Saturday, 27-Jan-18 03:56:22 UTC from web
          • actually no just kidding my fave former RDN user definitely was one of the seventeen Canadians

            Saturday, 27-Jan-18 03:56:55 UTC from web
          • My favourite former RDN user is Gherkin

            Saturday, 27-Jan-18 10:20:51 UTC from web
          • Memes

            Wednesday, 24-Jan-18 23:29:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Finally <3 !vgp #

              Wednesday, 24-Jan-18 07:12:49 UTC from web
              • Trying to draw human, i'm pretty happy with it :3

                It is Adenine from xenoblade 2

                Wednesday, 24-Jan-18 01:17:51 UTC from web
                • .

                  Saturday, 20-Jan-18 21:43:42 UTC from web
                • I'm looking forward to this weekends MLP Movie Mettup. I have already seen the movie, but it's allways better when you are in a group. # #

                  Thursday, 26-Oct-17 13:34:12 UTC from web
                • Two. Two near death encounters - By linchtime, mind you - Two near death encounters in one day, both with some ass-wit trying to make a right on red without checking that the (active) crosswalk was clear. For those of you who have forgotten, I am 6'4" and prone to Hawaiian shirts. They didn't "not see me," they didn't even look. Completely unrelated I swear but does anybody know a way to shatter a windshield on less than heartbeat's notice? Asking for a friend.

                  Friday, 19-Jan-18 21:29:30 UTC from web
                • lol it sure has been a while since i've been on here. rip

                  Friday, 19-Jan-18 04:44:04 UTC from web
                • How does this tablet works if the pen doesnt require batteries?

                  Thursday, 18-Jan-18 21:19:33 UTC from web
                • “Terryfold” was the only good thing to come out of Rick & Morty’s third season

                  Friday, 19-Jan-18 01:05:19 UTC from web
                • New battery in my S3. MUCH REJOYCING

                  Friday, 19-Jan-18 01:16:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • FInally got my tablet working. I did the same thing over and over again untill it decided to work

                    Thursday, 18-Jan-18 21:15:24 UTC from web