Chaotic Rose's home timeline


  1. someone should help me google an anime base for me! i dont know wut to draw.. o-o

    Sunday, 31-May-15 01:32:24 UTC from web
  2. i hav no ideas wut so ever o-o....... i wuz making my own manga all day today and want a break from thinking...

    Sunday, 31-May-15 01:35:36 UTC from web
    • Dear "Sims 3:" spaghetti and sushi are not the same tier of difficulty. Sincerely, anybody who has ever cooked. !vgp

      Monday, 25-May-15 04:35:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Hey, who wants to be (poorly represented) in my RDN-based Sims 1 household!? !vgp

        Monday, 18-May-15 03:56:17 UTC from web
      • So after waiting many years for a certain portable to bring enough meal at a McDonalds price I finally own a PSP! Has some alright side loaded pony themes (though the best looking is if I modded said new device). Just happy they keep having games and firmware released for a semi old device. !vgp

        Sunday, 10-May-15 05:39:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • Jump scare got me. Well done, Silent Hill. Well done. !vgp

          Monday, 06-Apr-15 00:39:32 UTC from web
        • !vgp !coderponies !equestriagaming !important !streamers !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown !twitchfaces The Diamonde Kwest DLC is finished! Get it now!

          Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 16:22:01 UTC from web
          • Cloud, you ass-papaya! You've got NOTHING on Terra as a protagonist! NOTHING!! !vgp

            Tuesday, 31-Mar-15 05:13:57 UTC from web
          • whatcha think?

            Tuesday, 31-Mar-15 01:46:02 UTC from web
          • Meloetta and Metaltao you both wore the same name to the prom. One of you has to change or we're all gonna be confused.

            Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 06:01:00 UTC from web
          • Damn Skippy! !vgp

            Monday, 02-Feb-15 21:34:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • So after you see the tree lady in Okamiden and the village is all frozen, the theme starts sounding exactly like Dino Crisis and IM FREAKING OUT about walking around now. !vgp

              Thursday, 15-Jan-15 00:29:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Its amazingly hard to draw !Rainbow_Dash's cutie mark in Okami. Had to settle with RD. !vgp

              Monday, 12-Jan-15 07:50:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Imagine if someone stole Matt's identity

                Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 23:03:16 UTC from web
              • Ye erry time I come back I got me a new look. How y'all doin' friends? uwu

                Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 22:14:20 UTC from web
                • Awesome Games Done Quick is back !vgp

                  Sunday, 04-Jan-15 18:52:31 UTC from Choqok
                  • Quake on an oscilloscope !vgp !techponies

                    Monday, 29-Dec-14 10:19:57 UTC from Choqok
                  • I believe Final Fantasy has officially done an acrobatic flippin' pirouette off the handle and over the shark. !vgp

                    Saturday, 27-Dec-14 17:19:34 UTC from web
                    • Damn horse games. !vgp??

                      Thursday, 25-Dec-14 05:15:09 UTC from web
                    • I wonder how Steam on Linux is coming along? !vgp

                      Wednesday, 17-Dec-14 16:10:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • Hey Sybria is on Xbox Arcade. I remember playing that ol steam punk none horror silent hill type game. !vgp

                        Tuesday, 09-Dec-14 05:13:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        • Oh, Lord... zombies ate my wing-wong. :-( # !pnprpg

                          Sunday, 07-Dec-14 06:32:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • Yo, where is the party in this place

                            Wednesday, 03-Dec-14 05:51:13 UTC from web
                          • Just sayin' Amaki is the gayest cat.

                            Wednesday, 03-Dec-14 05:16:17 UTC from web
                          • boop

                            Wednesday, 03-Dec-14 04:38:53 UTC from web
                          • Wassup my nerds!

                            Wednesday, 03-Dec-14 04:29:09 UTC from web
                          • danezoned again

                            Wednesday, 03-Dec-14 04:30:48 UTC from web

                            Wednesday, 03-Dec-14 04:28:31 UTC from ban me pls
                          • I was so ready for Halo Collection, I wasnt prepared for IT to be ready for me!

                            Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 04:13:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • I don't know if that affects a lot of people here but US citizens who own a PS Vita get a refund because of false advertising !vgp

                            Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 22:26:10 UTC from Choqok