Chaotic Rose's home timeline


  1. here it is XD

    Tuesday, 09-Sep-14 00:54:29 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 09-Sep-14 00:50:13 UTC from web
    • The grinding in Pokemon White seems so much more tedious than any other game ever. !vgp

      Friday, 05-Sep-14 19:04:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • i kinda wanna draw onyx and 4sounder as them X'D

      Thursday, 04-Sep-14 23:23:52 UTC from web
    • does anybody here know bout panty & stocking??

      Thursday, 04-Sep-14 23:16:26 UTC from web
    • Put a leash on it RDN. Put it on.

      Thursday, 04-Sep-14 07:14:54 UTC from web
      • hiya ppl!! :3

        Wednesday, 03-Sep-14 22:41:54 UTC from web
      • @mrmattimation I really really dislike him. As much as he might make good music, won't change my mind.

        Wednesday, 03-Sep-14 21:22:47 UTC from web
      • i don't enjoy brony made music

        Wednesday, 03-Sep-14 20:55:00 UTC from Mayonnaise
      • Tumblr's icon is slightly different I'm triggered

        Wednesday, 03-Sep-14 21:03:16 UTC from web
      • Jesus dole it's in my head murdock you @hoit

        Wednesday, 03-Sep-14 21:00:56 UTC from web
      • So it looks like Pathfinder has taken over as the big !pnprpg these days.

        Monday, 01-Sep-14 00:55:16 UTC from web
        • !vgp

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 17:50:39 UTC from web
        • Pokemon tournaments have come a long way since I was beating up six year olds. !vgp

          Monday, 18-Aug-14 02:28:18 UTC from web
        • !linguistics # # Some of you may like Cut Spelling, a proposal for trimming English spelling so that it is more phonetically consistent:

          Friday, 15-Aug-14 19:37:39 UTC from web
        • Speaking of vidya music, "Maniac Mansion" on the NES. # !vgp

          Friday, 15-Aug-14 18:39:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • Ever have one of those moments when you realize just how significant the final battles for Final Fantasy 3/6 and EarthBound were to your childhood? !vgp

          Friday, 15-Aug-14 17:37:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

          Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
        • Is it possible (and/or recommended) to jump into the Ace Attorney series wherever possible, or should I start from the beginning? !vgp !3ds

          Friday, 01-Aug-14 17:14:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I am just not altogether that fond of (most) pokemon that evolve by stones. Or, at least the ones that stop learning moves when you stone-evolve them. !vgp

          Thursday, 31-Jul-14 04:02:53 UTC from web
        • @nut I hope that works out

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 18:30:54 UTC from web
        • anyways off to work I go

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 18:27:15 UTC from web
        • @nut Yes

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 18:18:01 UTC from web
        • @ellie The world will hear from my lawyers!

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 18:10:36 UTC from web
        • Nothing on earth to doooo

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 05:56:25 UTC from web
        • @hoit im sorry. but.... i honestly cant stop thinking of this every time i see you xDD dont kill me please

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 06:30:32 UTC from web
        • @nut Okay, I'm just sayin' a sip might help you out.

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 01:22:30 UTC from web
        • Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 00:18:05 UTC from web
        • I can't remember the last time I was as proud of something I drew as this. I like it so much I'll tag it !art

          Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 00:29:45 UTC from web
        • Its 3 am and I'm ready to die!

          Sunday, 27-Jul-14 10:04:34 UTC from web