deleteaccountlol's home timeline


  1. @thatonestocking I put one name and an emoticon. There's... really nothing I could spoiler. :/

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 16:42:35 UTC from web
  2. HOW DID YOU MISS? the berzerker was like 5 FEET AWAY FROM YOU and you had an 85% CHANCE TO HIT and you hit the car instead and blew yourself up. You know what? I'm glad you are dead Squaddie Richard Nixon, you were a detriment to XCOM forces anyways.

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:55:31 UTC from web
  3. Anyway I need to go. Bye guys!

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:38:40 UTC from web
  4. # # Pinkie stop touching ponies' butts.

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:20:45 UTC from web
    • Eric likes this.
    • Show all 8 replies
    • @nerthos She's pretty much only good when she's angry. Points for being the only woman that applies to though.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:26:52 UTC in context
    • @nerthos That's hot.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:31:33 UTC in context
    • @pokestrike What did you just say about me, you little newpony? I'll have you know that I graduated top hater in the Pony Seals and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on ponychan, and I have over 300 confirmed hates. I am trained in internet warfare and I'm the top poster in the entire RDN hate forces. I will wipe you the apples out with drama the likes of which has never been seen before on this timeline. You think you can get away with having a different opinion to me on the internet? Think again kiddo. You're doleing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can annoy you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare posts. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" opinion was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your lying tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn flutterlover.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:37:22 UTC in context
  5. Weirdest day. Too much CUHRAYZEE is going around.

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 14:13:57 UTC from web
  6. There it goes.. The Train has: Left the station.

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 12:58:25 UTC from web
  7. @loak loak

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 13:12:37 UTC from web
  8. Variety level 15. The Return of Genola.

    Tuesday, 19-Feb-13 16:44:11 UTC from web
  9. butts

    Tuesday, 19-Feb-13 02:48:06 UTC from web
  10. oh wait I remembered the unclose shortcut NEVERMIND

    Tuesday, 19-Feb-13 05:38:20 UTC from web
  11. Ok now it's working. LET US PROCEED TO BREAK THE GAME

    Monday, 18-Feb-13 19:56:25 UTC from web
  12. As much as I hate saying this, TV and video games DOES have an effect on social development and stupidity levels.

    Monday, 18-Feb-13 19:01:52 UTC from web
  13. *sigh* Can't find art that incorporates both Chrysalis and Derpy that would make a nice icon, so pretty Chrysalis icon it is.

    Monday, 18-Feb-13 18:56:42 UTC from web
  14. sup

    Monday, 18-Feb-13 18:36:20 UTC from web
  15. @vt3c Automatic. Also I am naturally poor. The engine was completely redone, new tires and everything. I suppose It could have re-sale value, but I play for keeps since its not a pleasure vehicle. It gets me to work!

    Sunday, 17-Feb-13 18:25:51 UTC from web
  16. This is amazing. I can literally say "make this a fad, guys" and you'll all do it. It's like my own personal circus troupe.

    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:57:50 UTC from web
  17. @zeldatra @snowcone And at what point did I complain about the latest changes to the show?

    Saturday, 16-Feb-13 16:11:19 UTC from web
  18. Wow! Its finally over!

    Saturday, 16-Feb-13 16:10:12 UTC from web
    • @anarchycarcino ayooo qurl

      Saturday, 16-Feb-13 05:24:09 UTC from web
    • I sure do hope they don't notice this missing from work

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 17:53:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 17:43:49 UTC from web
    • I have no butt, and I must fart.

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 17:10:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Twilight help me.. I can't focus on studying and I have a test in an hour and a half.. :P

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 14:10:39 UTC from web
    • only one class today, thank goodness.

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 14:36:05 UTC from web
    • @snowcone *hiss*

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 13:54:09 UTC from StatusNet Android
    • @loak I'M GOING TO SLEEP.

      Friday, 15-Feb-13 14:32:20 UTC from web
    • so much birthday, the site crashes when repeating multipledashes and liking dashes. @widget @colfax

      Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:38:09 UTC from web
      • ♫Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!♫ Happy Birthday Dear Cabal! ♫ Happy Birthday to me! ♫♫♫

        Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:24:06 UTC from web