Jake's home timeline


  1. re:that last bullet, i think the push for inclusivity is broadly good because it's a life simulator and i think the more inclusive games like this are, the better, but it seems like they use inclusivity as an all-encompassing shield to stymy criticism when their updates come out half-baked and even broken. this most recent update breaks the aging system beyond repair, removes most whims in exchange for wants and fears that cover exclusively the base game and the latest expansion pack, and somehow bungled relationship checks so now my sims wanna papaya their brothers. but hey, they've added a sexuality system that probably should've been in there seven years ago eight years after release, so all is forgiven, we can move on to The Sims 4: Need for Speed, which finally adds (a) car (which cannot be used outside of its specialized map)

    Saturday, 30-Jul-22 03:32:31 UTC from web
    • Show all 4 replies
    • @scribus I wouldn’t, at least not until they do at least a couple of bug fixes. Sims are currently aging up at random AT BEST, and at worst just straight up dying. It only affects long and short lifespans, and it’s actually an issue that has apparently existed for a few patches now, although I never encountered it before this one and the issue has verifiably been exasperated by something they did to the backend to support new features added by the High School expansion pack. And that’s just ONE of the problems… a lot of the new features are straight up broken and the new wants & fears system is actually less in-depth than the previous whims system, which it replaces, so… I don’t see many reasons to update ATM.

      Saturday, 30-Jul-22 22:20:36 UTC in context
    • @scribus the update DOES add sexual orientation and it’s surprisingly in-depth (albeit it is currently very gender binary), but that too is broken and is resulting in Sims rolling incestuous wants because the orientation check happens after the relationship check.

      Saturday, 30-Jul-22 22:28:33 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Wow, used to need mods and plugins to bang your own mom, talk about updates

      Sunday, 31-Jul-22 16:05:26 UTC in context
  2. I’ve been transferred to a new store closer to DC for my new promotion starting on Sunday and I gotta say: now that I have to deal with the traffic repercussions, I firmly believe that all construction on the metro line should immediately be halted as not having to stop for construction workers would shave ten minutes off my drive easily.

    Friday, 29-Jul-22 17:11:24 UTC from web
  3. I don't think these blatantly right-leaning survey questions are gonna like my answers

    Thursday, 28-Jul-22 04:30:30 UTC from web
  4. Resident Evil has always stood for teenage bully drama in a neo-cubist Stepford, right?

    Tuesday, 26-Jul-22 05:37:03 UTC from web
  5. Clone Wars somewhat redeems the prequels. The films are still very clunky and don't stand very well on their own but Clone Wars gives the films a little bit more dimension. Also with a lot of time passed between now and their releases it makes the outrage seem silly. As if Star Wars had excellent writing in the first place. It was always corny and clunky. The original trilogy came out at a time where those things were overlooked pretty easily as the overall quality standard of films was generally quite low in comparison to today. Nostalgia goggles twist the perception of the original trilogy films into something better it is not. Star Wars is a homage to old adventure serials that were quite bad and I adopted that kind of mindset and enjoy the moment. Even Rise of the Skywalker has some charm, harder to swallow but entertaining in a different way.

    Monday, 25-Jul-22 17:06:34 UTC from web
    • @adiwan I've been saying for a while now, after seeing the retrospective praise the prequels get (especially Episode III), that once the next trilogy comes out and it's directed by Kevin Fiege or The Wachowskis or something like that, people are probably gonna look back at the Sequels and go "hey you know those weren't so bad actually"

      Monday, 25-Jul-22 19:05:22 UTC in context
  6. The Star Wars prequels only structurally make sense if you watch them after Empire but before Jedi, think about it

    Sunday, 24-Jul-22 20:34:00 UTC from web
  7. Opening Disney+ and seeing Deadpool on the front page is making me wonder what exactly the point is of keeping Disney+ and Hulu as separate services anymore.

    Friday, 22-Jul-22 22:09:45 UTC from web
  8. the sims mp game has escalated, Mortimer Goth is a slightly permanent houseguest now after a very silly misunderstanding

    Monday, 04-Jul-22 06:33:03 UTC from web
  9. things got a bit out of hand in my Sims 4 multiplayer game. http://rainbowdash.net/url/876169

    Friday, 01-Jul-22 05:10:27 UTC from web
  10. I just had a customer accuse me of racially profiling her (from what I can tell, purely because I checked her id on an alcohol purchase) and she said “I used to work here, so, I know how it goes”, which I can literally only interpret as “I know you’re profiling me because I used to profile people”

    Sunday, 26-Jun-22 16:05:59 UTC from web
  11. Big corporations use their power to suppress everything that can threaten their business. Microsoft famously adopts free and open standards and alter them such that they are dominating them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish

    Friday, 17-Jun-22 19:05:47 UTC from web
  12. So now I have a set of folders synced between my iPad and my computer so animation I do on the go just appears on my desktop when I get home. Pretty convenient. For some reason I thought Apple was anti-convenience.

    Friday, 17-Jun-22 16:33:11 UTC from web
  13. Going to finally see Bob’s Burgers today after being delayed by relatable setbacks such as my co-worker getting COVID, me having to work 70 hours, and then me and my entire family getting COVID

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-22 18:06:25 UTC from web
  14. Bob's Burgers was a good movie (:

    Friday, 10-Jun-22 06:13:41 UTC from web
  15. Hearing Kingdom Hearts IV’s theme song will be an Eminem feature to try and appeal to people who liked that period in the early 2010s where every pop album had Eminem on it

    Tuesday, 07-Jun-22 23:13:33 UTC from web
  16. My D&D group adopted a Xorn, a gem-eating monster, and named it Ruby. We bought some Xorns to smuggle them to a mine in order to sell them there but we kept one, as my character was good enough in animal handling that it got tamed.

    Sunday, 05-Jun-22 10:19:23 UTC from web
  17. buying a gun to protect myself from the gun owners who bought a gun to protect themself from the gun owners who bought a gun to protect themself from the gun owners who bought

    Thursday, 02-Jun-22 21:19:23 UTC from web
  18. I'd like to slap the beard off of Ted Cruz and feed it to him, but that's not very on-topic for the site, so I just hope he gets kicked in the head by a horse (:

    Wednesday, 25-May-22 01:32:48 UTC from web
  19. I genuinely believe we need a constitutional amendment securing the innate human right to kick the everloving goddamnit out of people who make -- or kowtow to implement -- moronic ass-backwards software design choices. Why in any god's holiest of names would the Keyboard Settings be ANYWHERE OTHER THAN SETTINGS > KEYBOARD??? The HELL I gotta go under papayaing "Time" for this you god damned useless batcaves!!? Who decided this, and have I missed out on the opportunity to skin the dumbass alive and roll them in rock salt?

    Friday, 20-May-22 21:15:20 UTC from web
  20. Really think Adam Sandler shoulda been the next Doctor. Doctor Jew.

    Sunday, 08-May-22 16:30:04 UTC from web
  21. @zeldatra Were you looking for some kind of lost Sims 2 thing? https://simworld.neocities.org/frontpage.html

    Saturday, 07-May-22 00:40:26 UTC from web
  22. I am very comfortable with this "web 1.0" movement, I think

    Saturday, 07-May-22 00:41:00 UTC from web
  23. my second full day in England was spent asleep because I caught something on the plane. to whomever did that: you are a dick

    Friday, 15-Apr-22 16:54:35 UTC from web
  24. New PowerPoint just dropped https://youtu.be/J_tstG691CQ

    Saturday, 09-Apr-22 22:35:01 UTC from web
  25. it is kind of a long shot, but are any of you nerds good with that Julia programing language?

    Wednesday, 30-Mar-22 14:17:33 UTC from web
  26. Got today my first scammer on my company phone. They spoofed a local phone number (probably a SIP gate) and called probably from India, as the caller had an Indian accent and spoke English. They said they were from Microsoft and my computer had a "problem". I didn't hesitate very long and hung up. It'd be funny to waste their time but it's also my time too that would have been wasted.

    Friday, 01-Apr-22 12:14:25 UTC from web
  27. Now, I, fully vaccinated AND having caught the virus, personally am proceeding through life as I did prior to the pandemic, with the exception that I wear a mask to work and in crowded places still, but the idea that there should be zero precautions taken whatsoever and people just shouldn’t care about it anymore is frankly incredibly shortsighted.

    Thursday, 31-Mar-22 17:02:34 UTC from web
  28. i made this car in 2016, when I was 19. This is the first time the badging - a very mature nazi joke, poking fun at Mercedes-Benz' origins as a manufacturer - appears on screen. Going back and forth on whether or not I want to retexture it to remove that. http://rainbowdash.net/url/876094

    Friday, 18-Mar-22 02:06:51 UTC from web
  29. back when i was e-famous i used to get requests to draw weird Undertale AU stuff a LOT during streams. i usually ended up taking the banana and making the characters say terrible things to get people to stop. unsurprisingly, this only encouraged people http://rainbowdash.net/url/876088

    Saturday, 12-Mar-22 06:53:03 UTC from web
  30. That relatable moment when you have to spend 40 minutes on the phone with Western Union because one of your customers is a Russian national on an international sanctions list sending money to saboteurs in Ukraine

    Tuesday, 08-Mar-22 19:05:39 UTC from web