Spike Pines's home timeline


  1. I do want to talk about the implications of this unit for a moment, specifically "Dry Bones" and "Dry Bowser", whose naming conventions confuse and frighten me. When I die, will I become Dry Brian? Is a living Bowser Wet Bowser? Why do Piranha Plant have bone in it?

    Thursday, 21-Mar-19 00:00:23 UTC from web
  2. Watching classic Futurama, this quote has aged well: "Listen here, missy. Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only thing that's different is me: I've become bitter, and, let's face it, crazy over the years. And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place. Muahahaha!"

    Thursday, 31-Jan-19 21:09:03 UTC from web
  3. Plus it has a song about stabbing someone in the eye. What's not to love?

    Thursday, 31-Jan-19 20:14:23 UTC from web
    • the Goats have a new album coming out in April and honestly the most surprising thing to me about it being based on Dungeons & Dragons is that they didn't do it sooner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=987MTbOl0mc

      Thursday, 31-Jan-19 20:08:52 UTC from web
    • thinking about that time @ceruleanspark recommended me the Mountain Goats' The Sunset Tree on a whim and it turned out to be the exact album I needed to get me through my troubled youth. I love music

      Thursday, 31-Jan-19 20:05:17 UTC from web
    • God help me but sometimes I miss Homestuck

      Wednesday, 09-Jan-19 23:46:25 UTC from web
    • Like god, I'm sure some of you wonder if I'm still here. I am! I even fix this thing when it falls apart still.

      Wednesday, 09-Jan-19 21:02:14 UTC from web
    • Welcome to RDN, where you still can’t post Potato Knishes, but you can guarantee your account deletion will be driven by good old 100% human spite

      Tuesday, 04-Dec-18 10:34:45 UTC from web
      • @ceruleanspark Thoughts on fallout 76?

        Friday, 30-Nov-18 01:19:33 UTC from web
        • Show all 9 replies
        • @nerthos There are AI enemies, just no NPC humans. It's kind of a man vs. nature sort of thing in that every AI that you DO encounter is usually a wild animal (or a busted robot). There's the usual stuff, there are feral ghouls, super mutants, robots, deathclaws, mole rats, etc. etc., but then there's also some new ones. Scorched are ghouls that are in between feralism and still having some semblance of brain activity, so they don't communicate verbally but they can use guns. Mole Miners hang out in the coal mines and I THINK they're people that have gone mad? I'm not sure, the game's really ambiguous about what they actually are, and you can't see what's underneath their masks. Scorched Beasts are, uh, really buff dragons. The closest thing I've seen to an actual NPC is a supercomputer who reads poetry to you, and I want to put her AI into a synth body and marry her.

          Monday, 03-Dec-18 02:59:23 UTC in context
        • @mrmattimation TFW you'll need to wait 150 years for your robowaifu

          Thursday, 06-Dec-18 01:13:47 UTC in context
        • @nerthos I am not saving my virtue for the wedding night.

          Thursday, 06-Dec-18 01:49:21 UTC in context
      • OK so like I was all balls deep into Sabrina as a kid, but yeah man I'm still up into my witches, grapees!

        Saturday, 17-Nov-18 05:16:23 UTC from web
      • After years of running this place, I thought I’d seen every way a Linux machine could collapse, but once again, my work has shown me another level of “how did this even happen”. I have a machine at work which is suddenly incapable of any function involving cryptography, including but not limited to: allowing SSH access and serving pages over HTTPS

        Thursday, 15-Nov-18 23:35:44 UTC from web
      • Wow that's a real blast from the past. Someone is once again, trying to break into my Minecraft account

        Sunday, 11-Nov-18 00:09:35 UTC from web
        • http://captainsnoop.tumblr.com/post/179261153185 I'm sure this will trigger at least one of you

          Saturday, 10-Nov-18 13:22:04 UTC from web
          • I'm waiting for Fibonacci Nut February.

            Tuesday, 06-Nov-18 23:22:57 UTC from web
          • Remember when this place was popular enough for random mothers to threaten to sue me over it? Good times.

            Tuesday, 06-Nov-18 23:20:58 UTC from web
          • Choosing furniture is agony.

            Sunday, 04-Nov-18 19:23:42 UTC from web
          • Remember @scoot ? It's his birthday

            Wednesday, 10-Oct-18 18:35:12 UTC from web
            • I bear an old name. It cannot be killed.

              Wednesday, 10-Oct-18 18:23:44 UTC from web
              • Also, since it's been a while, DEATH TO AMERICA etc

                Friday, 07-Sep-18 10:33:17 UTC from web
              • so this cartoon opens on a very long zoom-out and i keep finding myself tempted to animate absolutely every member of the crowd. (Largest crowd scene I've ever done)

                Friday, 07-Sep-18 04:16:52 UTC from web
              • i think my roommate is gay but i don’t think he trusts me enough to let me know. should i bring that up eventually or just leave it be, because i don’t want him to like suppress something about himself around me because he thinks he’d make me uncomfortable (he wouldn’t)

                Thursday, 23-Aug-18 22:34:40 UTC from web
              • Final Space is worth watching if you've got netflix, incidentally.

                Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:47:34 UTC from web
              • Does Rainbow Six Siege require some kind of "Dickloaf Certificate" before you're allowed to use voice? Because I swear to god, these people...

                Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:43:33 UTC from web
                • Why didn't Thanos just double the amount of resources in the universe?

                  Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:00:09 UTC from web
                • Brock: I mango boys. I cherry white, white boys.

                  Saturday, 04-Aug-18 20:04:35 UTC from web
                • I just got a load of notifications from an RDN YouTube channel I didn’t know existed. Apparently bound to the “webmaster@“ email address

                  Thursday, 02-Aug-18 07:24:02 UTC from web
                  • I dreamed you guys missed me. That seems implausible

                    Sunday, 22-Jul-18 19:05:44 UTC from web
                  • It’s horseshoe theory in action you guys

                    Thursday, 24-May-18 12:00:32 UTC from web
                    • For the people who care about federation (Probably just @nerthos and @awl) I have no idea why it isn’t working. This is actually a new server, at a new hosting provider and a functionally fresh install of RDN’s version of statusnet. So unless DigitalOcean, Cloudflare, or the other instances themselves are blocking us (or them), there’s no particular reason why it *shouldn’t* work.

                      Thursday, 24-May-18 06:14:26 UTC from web
                    • So I understand Brexit voters were largely halfwits at best.

                      Wednesday, 02-May-18 19:05:13 UTC from web