Adolfo G.'s home timeline


  1. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • So this is a thing.

      Saturday, 14-Jun-14 01:26:47 UTC from web
    • And then I upped my eBay bid for "Darkwing Duck" on the TG16 to an embarrassing amount of dollars. !vgp

      Thursday, 12-Jun-14 20:13:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • My level 9 dwarf turned into a fire-breathing chicken. O_o !vgp

      Thursday, 12-Jun-14 20:04:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Jegus, I might actually win "Darkwing Duck" for the TG16. !vgp

      Thursday, 12-Jun-14 05:02:17 UTC from web
    • Aww, yeah! Showed that Plague Fiend what a level 6 dwarf is all ABOUT!! !vgp

      Wednesday, 11-Jun-14 19:38:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Anybody here know snakes from kiwis about 6502 assembly language? !vgp !coderponies

      Monday, 09-Jun-14 21:47:25 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • If I'd have had just ONE more token, I could have beaten the Plague Fiend. :-( !vgp

      Monday, 09-Jun-14 19:58:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Legend of Zelda's second quest and I are not friends any more! !vgp

      Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 19:41:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • I think bullet hell space shooters are my personal most under-appreciated genre. !vgp

      Sunday, 25-May-14 19:23:58 UTC from web
    • !vancouverbronies Come celebrate with everyone as we ring out this epic season of MLP! We will be having a screening followed by an MLP CCG tournament (hosted by Connection Games & Comics) as well as a Brony Feud game based off the Family Feud game show.

      Wednesday, 07-May-14 22:10:09 UTC from web
      • Kids these days talkin' like Pong isn't a timeless beauty. !vgp

        Saturday, 03-May-14 20:55:05 UTC from web
      • Breaking News! The buried Atari E.T. games are finally discovered. !vgp

        Saturday, 26-Apr-14 19:35:30 UTC from Choqok

        Friday, 18-Apr-14 20:06:09 UTC from web
      • !eqg Now that the Legends of Equestria open server weekend is live, here's our mandatory brief post on the subject, along with a copypasta of their blood-curdlingly bad official game guide.

        Friday, 18-Apr-14 16:05:15 UTC from web
      • Let the # playing begin. !vgp

        Friday, 18-Apr-14 13:43:27 UTC from web
      • Tomorrow # will be allowing downloads of their updated game which will open its servers from the 18th through the 20th. Get your forum account now for convenience later. !vgp

        Wednesday, 16-Apr-14 08:21:59 UTC from web
      • I'm not sure I like Nuzlocke-style Pokemon... :( !vgp

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 18:33:21 UTC from web
      • I'm just going to skip this gen of consoles and get another N64.

        Thursday, 20-Mar-14 22:49:11 UTC from web
        • Finished South Park: The Stick of Truth. Story wise it was an extended episode of the show. Gameplay wise it was a mixture between early Final Fantasy and Metroid, with a bit of rhythm game in there for texture. Over all it didn't seem that long though looking at my timer (yes I time how long it takes me to play games. I do this for reasons) it took me about twenty hours to get through the story and do all the side quests. If you're a fan of irreverent humor and surprisingly subtle self-referential humor then you should check it out. !VGP

          Thursday, 20-Mar-14 15:43:49 UTC from web
        • Won the TurboGrafx. !vgp

          Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 20:16:53 UTC from web
        • !vgp Did anyone else not know this?

          Sunday, 16-Mar-14 01:25:34 UTC from web
        • POKEMON WHITE ARRIVED~ Good thing I'm doing my taxes today, because my weekend is already spent! !vgp

          Thursday, 13-Mar-14 19:37:11 UTC from web
          • I hope I get my Pokemon White by the weekend, I'm thinking about Tumblring a Nuzlocke run, having never played any Pokemon of that generation before. !vgp

            Wednesday, 12-Mar-14 09:58:43 UTC from web
            • Woo, Pokemon White is (going to be) mine! !vgp

              Monday, 10-Mar-14 22:41:49 UTC from web
            • I am getting the feeling that obtaining a copy of Pokemon White will be easier said than done. !vgp

              Sunday, 09-Mar-14 20:52:43 UTC from web
            • Well I just bid on a TurboGrafx 16 on eBay.

              Saturday, 08-Mar-14 21:34:47 UTC from web
            • Custom Black ops 2 emblem yaaaaa !vgp !Rainbow_Dash

              Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 06:48:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !vgp And then Starcraft invades pony land

                Saturday, 22-Feb-14 04:57:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • # ? TITANFALL! The game is amazing, for anyone who was looking forward to it. The pilot combat is super smooth, yet actiony and the Titan combat is just ridiculously awesome in almost every way. And this is just the beta! I can't wait to see how the game shapes up in the future eeeeeeee !vgp

                  Sunday, 16-Feb-14 03:12:27 UTC from web