Liz's home timeline


  1. I'm actually at a point where I like what I'm drawing? I wonder how long this'll last.

    Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 23:45:50 UTC from web
    • Oh yeah, here's my favourite 4 seconds of my film so far:

      Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 23:39:36 UTC from web
    • Spend over an hour drawing something, then realise the pose is super boring. Great. If I fix it, I'll post it

      Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 22:55:34 UTC from web
    • I wish I didn't have Uni work to do so I could spend more time drawing cute art. Does someone want to animate the rest of my film for me?

      Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 19:23:02 UTC from web
    • Rewatching the Pokecapn Sonic 06 let's play is all that's keeping me going at this point.

      Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 19:54:17 UTC from web
      • Can someone explain to me where all the Overwatch hate is suddenly coming from ? It seems that half the internet is blowing up over Tracer's delicate derriere ?

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 19:13:58 UTC from web
      • Dear Adobe: Please do not allow your Photoshop timeline to resize into fractions of a frame, having my frames be out of sync by .1 of a frame is frustrating and weird. Thanks.

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 16:33:37 UTC from web
      • RDN has fun-loving users.

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 16:22:44 UTC from web
      • It appears we have reached an impasse. Tiff and James, fight to the death.

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 16:18:22 UTC from web
      • Your opinions on: music with sound effects.

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 16:12:06 UTC from web
      • If I can't figure out how to draw paws so help me GOD I will kill a man

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:44:20 UTC from web
      • "time to rewrite this script" [deletes everything] [doesn't write anything]

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:40:47 UTC from web
      • Ken Ashcorp retweeted my picture of Kenny and now I have some new followers already. Exciting

        Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:49:03 UTC from web
        • james is in cahoots with my nan I can't believe this

          Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:36:23 UTC from web
        • For anyone interested I've decided to use Twitter to post art stuff:

          Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:24:40 UTC from web
        • I think right now my mind isn't in a drawing place because the idea I want to work with isn't a drawn one but my mind isn't in a script-writing place either

          Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:16:56 UTC from web
        • I caaaan't draw

          Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 13:13:51 UTC from web
        • Stay up til 5am drawing something I'm literally too afraid to show to anyone, what a good use of time.

          Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 04:00:45 UTC from web
          • One of you furries find me someone who I can commission to draw my fursona in the Zootopia pseudo-quadruped style. (They've all got those stubby limbs that don't quite make sense until you see them drop onto all fours, where suddenly, they're perfectly proportioned)

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 11:19:17 UTC from web
          • i dont want to get on Ellistia's level

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 11:24:42 UTC from web
          • whatever happened to us, RDN?

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 11:08:36 UTC from web
          • OK bedtime goodbye

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 00:59:09 UTC from web
          • Final doodle + name. Getting tired so I don't think this one turned out as good

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 00:41:39 UTC from web
          • ...and this time, I WON'T wait two and a half years to make a sequel!

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 00:52:34 UTC from web
          • Hey guys, I just started animating my next cartoon today and it opens with this Star Wars opening crawl-type deal but I feel like it might bore viewers before the cartoon even starts. Should I omit it y/n?

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 00:38:20 UTC from web
          • I've been watching a lot of anime recently, so here's some !art

            Sunday, 27-Mar-16 23:24:47 UTC from web
          • Couple of extra doodles because I like her. I'll probably give her a name and actually have an OC for once.

            Monday, 28-Mar-16 00:07:49 UTC from web
          • Finally had some time to myself just to doodle, pretty happy with it for once. Pretty sure Marceline's anatomy needs work, but it seems passable.

            Thursday, 24-Mar-16 04:40:51 UTC from web
          • Over 1/3 of my animation done. I can't wait for this to be over.

            Friday, 11-Mar-16 20:45:32 UTC from web
          • I have 41 seconds worth of finished animation for my 3rd year film. Only 2 minutes 20 to go! (Kill me) (No sound, not edited, just the frames).

            Thursday, 10-Mar-16 20:15:59 UTC from web