heman's home timeline


  1. man, i dont know why, but i'm feeling real sleepy now

    Thursday, 10-Oct-13 23:40:47 UTC from web
  2. PS, tablet keyboards suck

    Thursday, 10-Oct-13 23:20:22 UTC from web
  3. hello~

    Thursday, 10-Oct-13 22:57:15 UTC from web
  4. I can't find the power cord to the HD-PVR. I was gonna try streaming tonight. :(

    Monday, 07-Oct-13 01:40:50 UTC from web
  5. These past two months have been very depressing for me.

    Monday, 07-Oct-13 01:06:29 UTC from web
  6. And now he asks, "So why did I \ Wait to live til it was time to die? \ If I could have the time back, how I'd live" \ (Life is such a gift)

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 23:59:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
  7. So I just had an argument with my stepdad now I'm locked outside and bananaed off

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 23:36:52 UTC from web
  8. the room where he spends the entire day playing COD with his stupid little friends is one thin wall away from my room and I can hear every single "OH MY FREAKIN GOD THAT FREAKING CAMPER HOW DID HE SEE ME UUUUUU"

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 23:16:39 UTC from web
  9. I swear to god. I swear to bananaing god, if my brother makes that stupid ass kiwiing noise that he thinks is so funny to make EVERY FIVE SECONDS, I am going to be a felon by the morning

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 23:13:56 UTC from web
  10. We live in an age where you can buy birthday cards with a picture of a cat with its legs spread on the front.

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:57:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
  11. @randomwonderbolt beacous there are people here who I still like, and wont leave

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:01:19 UTC from web
  12. @randomwonderbolt my last name is "Dressmaker" wich only feeds my fantisy of marrying Rarity.

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:50:20 UTC from web
  13. @redenchilada http://digitoxin.github.io/snowworld/

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:12:48 UTC from web
  14. @randomwonderbolt yeah, sherlock

    Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:29:01 UTC from web
    • @randomwonderbolt so yeah, I rtead sherlock holms

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:24:57 UTC from web
    • @randomwonderbolt I said I have read sherlock holms

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:22:44 UTC from web
    • @randomwonderbolt weekly. Kappa

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:11:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
    • so how wants to play l4d2 with me just wondering (so bored)

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 22:07:52 UTC from web
    • Alcohol is a strong DEPRESSANT it makes you sad, not happy. This has been back up by years of research and study. so Alcohol is the exact opsest of what I need.

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 21:52:58 UTC from web
    • @awlpony I said I hate alochol

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 21:50:48 UTC from web
    • *sogh* I don't care anymore, I just do not care anymore. happyness dose not exist

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 21:39:58 UTC from web
    • god damnit

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 21:43:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
    • You guys never learn

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 21:39:19 UTC from web
    • @chaosmagic meh, i could resist http://ur1.ca/fruas

      Monday, 30-Sep-13 13:25:41 UTC from web
    • Saints @ Chicago the Saints will win.

      Sunday, 06-Oct-13 16:44:33 UTC from web
      • YES! http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/106-doctor-who-episodes-uncovered-2343474 #

        Sunday, 06-Oct-13 15:34:53 UTC from Choqok
      • who wants to do jumpingjacks?

        Sunday, 06-Oct-13 15:41:24 UTC from web
      • http://www.livestream.com/cajundosestuff and like magic it's working again

        Sunday, 06-Oct-13 04:55:54 UTC from web
        • live stream has never done this before

          Sunday, 06-Oct-13 04:49:55 UTC from web
        • ok here is the link, my firend is on skype with me and she'll be adding witty inputs http://www.livestream.com/cajundosestuff

          Sunday, 06-Oct-13 04:38:36 UTC from web