Phil's home timeline


  1. Buh. Getting tired. Losing motivation to work on the stupid mini-project I just started (because starting small games on a whim is NEVER a bad idea). Good night.

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:05:51 UTC from web
  2. @hoit21 I dunno.

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:59:45 UTC from web
  3. @widget The needle is such a baby weapon.

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:13:44 UTC from web
  4. My little ponies: Discord is chocolate rain.

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:14:45 UTC from web
    • Cupcakes >:)

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:13:03 UTC from web
      • Ladies and gentlecolts

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:11:31 UTC from web
        • Up because I am. Probably drank too much mountain dew at pony poker.

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:08:50 UTC from web
        • @rainbowtoaster Becareful with your profanity. (suggest delete)

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 07:55:26 UTC from web
        • I luv all of u

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 07:48:12 UTC from web
        • watchin mlp fim episode 1 upside down eating ramen

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 07:51:53 UTC from web
          • hai

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 07:36:44 UTC from web

            Thursday, 26-Jul-12 09:13:43 UTC from web
            • Ship all of this refreshing >:l

              Thursday, 26-Jul-12 09:07:05 UTC from web
            • wait am i the only teenager on here?

              Thursday, 26-Jul-12 09:01:03 UTC from web
            • @hoit21 A tan is basically toasted skin.

              Thursday, 26-Jul-12 08:59:41 UTC from web
            • !straight this feels like something I should have been a part of.

              Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:16:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
              • Oh wait, everyone here is gay. Nevermind.

                Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:14:29 UTC from web
              • ... Man I confuse myself sometimes. Why am I in !straight AND !lgbt ..

                Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 07:07:28 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies Hey guys we have our very own houston bronie website come join our meetup on june 30th we are having a beach party free food and water to all who rsvp at

                Sunday, 17-Jun-12 06:55:15 UTC from web
                • !Houstonbronies it's a shame that this group isn't getting as many notices. I would really like to know what's going on here in H-town

                  Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 06:11:05 UTC from web
                  • @alejog1993 Last I heard, there was a meetup at Comic Palooza 2-3 weeks ago - But I found out a few days after the con ended. Most of Houston Brony plans are on various facebook accounts, having no facebook account myself, I dont know which one - more often than not, I can't view the page when I do find plans on FB, as FB won't let me view the page without making me sign up for an account.

                    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 13:15:56 UTC in context
                • I got a shout-out in an !eqdaily post again today. Does this mean I finally can become a real pony?

                  Thursday, 31-May-12 04:13:58 UTC from web
                  • !strait im glad that this group is here

                    Sunday, 27-May-12 23:58:42 UTC from web
                  • !Houstonbronies Austin, Texas is having a Brony Fan Fair September 8-9 2012! - There's their website - you can register early right now for $20. All the information you need is on the site - Planned events so far are costume contest, sing alongs, panels - details TBA, and more to come. Check it out if you plan to go :)

                    Sunday, 20-May-12 02:23:03 UTC from web
                    • !Houstonbronies There's a meetup this Saturday at Third Planet - Begins at 1:30 - Address: 2718 Southwest Freeway ( US 59), near Lakewood Church - It'll be the 8,000ft blue building by the Crowne Plaza Hotel - for more information you can look up their site - - or contact Urvy1a via facebook: or here.

                      Tuesday, 01-May-12 12:32:58 UTC from web
                      • !Houstonbronies I picked a spectacular time to plan this thing. It seems Houston is having its beerfest, so the main stage is kaput. I'm still here in the park. If you come ito the park from downtown, facing the convention center, there is a little stage all the way to the right. that's me, chilling. And resenting not being older than 21.

                        Saturday, 28-Apr-12 18:17:27 UTC from web
                        • !Houstonbronies This Saturday 28th at 12:00 PM, I will lug my guitar amp down to Downtown at Discovery Green, sit on the stage, and practice mixing pony-dance songs, dubstep, and other tomfoolery on my laptop. I will also watch a few eps of FiM and rewatch the season finale. If you like wubs and ponies, come out and chill as I attempt to resemble an actual DJ. There might be food....but no promises. Gotta raid my fridge and see.

                          Thursday, 26-Apr-12 22:38:32 UTC from web
                        • !Houstonbronies That was SOME Meetup - Over 100 attended! Houston is a force to be reckoned with now :) I've never been so excited about a season finale for any show before, but that one hell of a ride! This fandom continues to amaze me. Please let me know if there's anything I can help with in regards to a Brony Con here in Houston next year, I'll do what I can to help make it happen! - BTW: If you attended, I was the guy with the tan & white striped collar shirt with the Dr. Whooves Scarf :) I recognized a few bronies from meetups in October in Sugarland & the Main Event Woodlands one from Novemeber. We went from around a dozen to over 100 - Awesome! ^_^

                          Sunday, 22-Apr-12 08:02:54 UTC from web
                          • !Houstonbronies what's up yall i just got into mlp and found this site...would love to meet up for the season finale on saturday! Whats the address of the place?

                            Thursday, 19-Apr-12 20:19:23 UTC from web
                          • @thatonepony Well I'm sorry for being !straight then. *pfft*

                            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 00:56:04 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies Are there going to be any viewing parties on Saturday or Sunday night? I work Saturdays so it looks like i'm missing the official meet-up.

                            Monday, 16-Apr-12 22:21:04 UTC from web