Phil's home timeline


  1. So if there are groups for straight and bi/gay/etc. ponies, does this mean I can make a group for ponies who have no idea what the hell their sexuality is even doing?

    Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:37:25 UTC from web
  2. !straight Epic group is epic! I'm straight, like a boss! xD

    Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:34:43 UTC from web
    • Im going to request again now other people are online, does anyone have any pictures of ponies wearing dresses? Long dresses, as in one long piece of fabric.

      Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:18:06 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies we have a big meetup on the 21st of april at sro's bar and grill we will be watching the season finale live at twelve the meetup starts at eleven for more info check the facebook page or email me at or text me at 2812168870

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 17:17:25 UTC from web
    • @redenchilada Ikr? now my question to you is !straight mare or stallion?

      Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 06:31:44 UTC from web
      • Those times when you feel like the only !straight person on the site.

        Monday, 02-Apr-12 18:33:05 UTC from web
      • !vancouverbronies !eqdaily The BCIT Magazine news story is now in tonight's Nightly Roundup on EqD.

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:48:37 UTC from web
        • @seanprice whoa! Hay! i haven't seen you in a while!

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 22:59:27 UTC from web
        • @chipperlunaro hows ur day been

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 23:03:16 UTC from web
        • @conventrix hay!

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 22:58:03 UTC from web
          • Hay ponies! How yall doin?

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 22:53:53 UTC from web
            • @conventrix lol

              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 01:26:30 UTC from web
            • Hay ponies! I just got home from wathcing the Hunger Games for the third time! I looooooove it! josh hutcherson is a sexy beast!!!!! How yall doin?

              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 00:46:21 UTC from web
            • Hay ponis! I just made a new PMV and its awesome! Heres the link and I hope you guys check it out! Thanks!

              Monday, 26-Mar-12 20:24:29 UTC from web
            • @joker thats good!

              Monday, 26-Mar-12 15:16:53 UTC from web
              • Has anypony seen The Hunger Games movie yet? I watched it last night and it was AWESOME!!! Although the book was 20% cooler the movie was epic and the guy who played Peeta was HOT!!!

                Monday, 26-Mar-12 15:16:48 UTC from web
              • Hay ponies! How yall doin?

                Monday, 26-Mar-12 15:14:30 UTC from web
              • k im serious this time, bye ponies! see ya tmrw!

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:26:59 UTC from web
              • No challenge accepted...? D: -saddd-

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:25:47 UTC from web
              • @bicmacpony55 yeah i love that song!

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:18:39 UTC from web
              • kk ponies i gotta go shower and finish hw its like 10:20. ttyl! ill be back tmrw! ttfn

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:22:13 UTC from web
              • whoa i just realized i have 136 subscribers, thanks guys! i love making everyone smile!

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:23:37 UTC from web
                • Guys, I'm in a bind here. I've decided that I'm going to at least attempt to learn how to draw, except: I have NO clue where to start. tl;dr: Help a guy who can't draw a circle to save his life learn how to draw (preferably ponies) xD

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:09:49 UTC from web
                • @bicmacpony55 all i have hw wise is a bananasload of la. goodluck on ur biology hw!

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 00:37:22 UTC from web
                • @bicmacpony55 i have that song on mine lol sry for the late reply

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:16:43 UTC from web
                • Back from food :D

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 01:50:55 UTC from web
                • Searching #, find this :

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 01:53:06 UTC from web
                • @bicmacpony55 haha ;D i try to make everyone smile smile smile cus it fills my heart up with sunshine sunshine

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 01:57:59 UTC from web
                • @conventrix thats cool! ive never been there. im from colorado but i moved to ohio when i was 10

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 01:51:10 UTC from web
                • @greydragon412 it is alway time for #

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 01:39:01 UTC from web