Jonathan Buchanan's home timeline


  1. @oracle They should make me an admin for that. #

    Wednesday, 13-Nov-13 16:33:25 UTC from web
  2. Coolest guy in the house reporting in. Coolest guy in the house leaving. Too busy for you.

    Wednesday, 20-Nov-13 03:59:40 UTC from web
  3. Also Celestia uses all six elements by herself, indicating she's the coolest horse. And that in the present she's either drained or very lazy.

    Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 10:02:15 UTC from web
  4. bluh

    Sunday, 24-Nov-13 20:27:40 UTC from web
  5. wHAT ARE THiS

    Wednesday, 20-Nov-13 03:47:37 UTC from web
  6. oh them censors

    Wednesday, 20-Nov-13 03:56:49 UTC from web
    • My favorite pony of non-standard design also happens to be the indisputable best pony. !Celestia

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 12:41:30 UTC from web
      • I was asked by a kid yesterday why I have a Pinkie Pie sticker on the back of my car. I simply responded, "Cause I watch the show! :) I love all kinds of cartoons." Little does that kid know that I am full-blown obsessed with this cartoon in particular. I thought I salvaged the situation rather well, considering.

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 20:41:44 UTC from web
      • Just watch the videos on the channel. It has that creepy Portal theme to it that I enjoyed.

        Sunday, 03-Nov-13 16:39:02 UTC from web
        • !roleplayponies

          Wednesday, 16-Oct-13 03:11:08 UTC from web
        • I woke up this morning... and I somehow, i knew that at least a million people started their quest to be a Pokemon master today.

          Saturday, 12-Oct-13 15:30:12 UTC from web
        • !Celestia @#Celestia

          Saturday, 12-Oct-13 14:12:04 UTC from web
          • !celestia I have a queen size bed myself.

            Saturday, 12-Oct-13 14:08:46 UTC from web
          • @flashmint Okay...

            Wednesday, 11-Sep-13 23:02:03 UTC from web
          • !Celestia @#Celestia Here's one reason why she's best pony.

            Saturday, 31-Aug-13 13:03:38 UTC from web
            • Why is this guy treating everyone without AdBlock like they're in a third world country? It's literally waiting 5-30 seconds for a video to load, at most.

              Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 20:30:56 UTC from web
            • Does anybody know me enough to suggest a color that I might like?

              Thursday, 22-Aug-13 02:11:08 UTC from web
            • @awlderpy You couldn't come up with anything feta than that?

              Thursday, 22-Aug-13 02:35:53 UTC from web
            • Hello losers the party is here

              Thursday, 22-Aug-13 02:12:33 UTC from web
            • !skypers anyone wanna skype? im at tyuiopguy and im on right now pm me

              Sunday, 18-Aug-13 16:25:35 UTC from web
            • !saved !ppr !Celestia @#Celestia

              Friday, 16-Aug-13 13:46:38 UTC from web
              • @widget @cabal oh, I've just happened to see you sent a test-dent (, 11 days ago) to . The test will have failed, but perhaps only because my non-RDN statusnet address is actually . Or perhaps you wanted to reach

                Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 02:21:13 UTC from web
              • Attention! If you use FireFox or Thunderbird please update to the latest versions to fix an issue with SSL certs due to new techniques in MitM attacks, thank you.

                Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 09:10:23 UTC from web
                • I'm not displeased with the portrayal of !Celestia, and Sombra seems fantastically formidable.

                  Sunday, 04-Aug-13 04:28:19 UTC from web
                  • !roleplayponies So strange to look back on all that was... in the light of what is now occurring...

                    Thursday, 29-Nov-12 21:21:20 UTC from web
                  • @widget Not neccesarily. Someone can pay without claiming ownership.

                    Saturday, 20-Jul-13 03:10:17 UTC from web
                  • @cabal @nerthos Hi. A statusnet security issue has been discovered and sent you a dent to tell you about it. Unfortunately the dent seems not to have reached Rainbowdash: Best regards :-)

                    Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:52 UTC from web
                  • Clearly !Celestia is and will forever be best pony even after all the mane 6 and background ponies are no more than dust..

                    Thursday, 18-Jul-13 05:57:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • Jeez you guys were debating at TWO MEGABYTES PER SECOND.

                      Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:28:57 UTC from web
                    • @russianbronymn I see you, always.

                      Friday, 12-Jul-13 02:52:52 UTC from web