lyokotravels subscribers, page 4

These are the people who listen to lyokotravels's notices.

  • Scribus scribus Scribus IE, CA

    The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.

  • Stumperman stumperman Stumperman United States of da mericans

    Sup I'm a random dude who's not a brony anymore but only here cause friends

  • Aaron Luke M. Pelayo trolliepie Aaron Luke M. Pelayo Philippines

    Simple really: I'm a brony and a guy who likes internet memes, lulz and is a natural born troll. Well... anyway, since I'm a brony, I exercise... LOVE AND TOLERANCE! *brohoof

  • Jonathan Conrad fnordly Jonathan Conrad Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

    Born on the 16th of October, 1975. Energetic and outdoorsy. Programming at 7 years of age. RPGing on-line in 1993. IRCing in the final hours of 1999 and first few of the new millennium. Roofing. Electrical work. Shovels, tractors, concrete, recreational surfaces. Etc. Puppetry. Tae-Kwon-Do. Little school. Blah, blah, blah... Watched "My Little Pony" for the first time a few hours ago. Friendship *is* magic! I will probably not sleep until my free, open-source Brony Tripcode Generator for Windows is complete. (See where "b" is for pony!)

  • RDN's Lucifer nerthos RDN's Lucifer Sea Hitler's water apocalypse

    For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle’s lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. Federation is getting worse by the minute so contact info Steam: sirnerthos Skype: nerthos.osea.yo

  • cumbo maxdemone cumbo Victor, MT
  • Christian Carranza chillman23 Christian Carranza Daly City, CA

    17/High School Student/Love Princess Luna/ The Apprentice of fluttershy321 /Skype:chilledchaos23/ Gamertag:Chaosbringer23/ Steam: chillman23/PSN: Chilledchaos23

  • Jaden Stock princehikaru Jaden Stock

    How did I get back here?

  • Equestria Daily Mailpony eqdpony Equestria Daily Mailpony Ponyville, EA

    I am the unofficial Equestria Daily Mailpony! I diligently post stuff from EqD the moment it goes up!

  • cabal cabal

    Founder of

  • theowl theowl


  • Sweetie Belle sweetiebelle99 Sweetie Belle Ponyville, Equestria

    Hay everypony!! I'm Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sis. My best friends are Scootaloo an' Applebloom an' Sugar - together we are THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!! xD We are on an epic quest to find our Cutie Marks, so if you have any tips on getting a Cutie Mark or if you could share with us the story of how you got yours - that would be AWESOME!!! On a random side note, I enjoy singing REALLY LOUD!! xD

  • Xandrae Imnotgivingmynametoamachine fortecanter Xandrae Imnotgivingmynametoamachine Chelsea, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    I'm only making this account because Fluttershy will cry if I don't.

  • Dylan Sorrell ladestitute Dylan Sorrell Reno, Nevada

    ###IF YOU NEED MY ATTENTION WHEN I'M NOT ON RDN, shoot me an email at lad3stitute AT gmail DOT com### I'm a 19 year old male student, who is home schooled/takes online classes. I'm also autistic (asperger's syndrome/high functiong autism) and besides being a brony, my passions are video games and computers. My interest and hobbies include video games, computers, drawing, cooking, music (mostly video game music and alt rock), and game development.

  • Gherkin ☑️ thelastgherkin Gherkin ☑️ Airstrip One

    I love my boyfriend! He is always happy and he plays video games with me. I'm giving him five stars even though he didn't warn me about how many pizzas he requires every day. It's like two pizzas.

  • Ramiel ramiel Ramiel Las Vegas

    something something something ponies

  • Macpony55 macpony55 Macpony55 United States

    I dunno, I suppose I do stuff, there's pretty much no limit to the stuff I do. Enjoy new things, enjoy old things, talk to me about something, maybe I'll know what you're sayin', or maybe I won't and I'll be learning something new. Win-Win, for me at least :p TCButters is my name for other online things

  • Drew drewdle Drew Victoria, BC, Canada
  • Desmond Roseluck desiros Desmond Roseluck The combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell

    The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

  • Cheerillie cheerillie Cheerillie

    Hello there, everypony!! I have the joy teach all the wonderful colts and fillies here in Ponyville! Sometime they can get a little rowdy, but I love them all dearly. :) My Cutie Mark is three smileing daisies. :)

  • madington flavors madflavors madington flavors Somewhere over the rainbow


  • Rainbow Dash rainbowdash1911 Rainbow Dash Virginia

    I love doing everything fast and efficient! I love almost all games, movies, and music. I Program things in my free time and play games/make music as well.

  • LibbyLishly libbylishly LibbyLishly Anywhere but here.

    Fell in love with MLP:FIS despite all my attempts to the contrary, thanks unexpectedly to my Sonic the Hedgehog obsession. What can i say? We're all mad here.

  • Jonathan Burgess ral Jonathan Burgess Infamy

    N'er-do-well of the highest order.

  • kirurakiru kirurakiru n/a

    yeah. i'm that one dude that you see on rdn. enough said.

  • derps derps
  • theironpony theironpony California, U.S.A.

    A French-major, nerd, photography student, and the iron pony. [Co-Organizer for the SoCal Bronies meetup site.] This account is also relatively inactive. I come back sometimes, but rarely to talk. I'll always remember this place fondly for all the great people I've met and as my first foray into the Brony fanbase.