starshine's favorite notices, page 3

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  1. @tabithastgherkin What, you wouldn't love to turn me on?

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 12:06:53 UTC from web in context
  2. @starshine @purpletinker Woah everypony calm down. Having been well-versed in the anime convention trenches, this bickering is not a path we want to go down. I really, really, REALLY don't want to see the various brony meetup groups and the like devolve into the "ours is better!" mentality that so many anime conventions have fallen prey to. It's the path that leads to pointless elitism and 3 confounding conventions in one city, and it's a terrible thing. We should support each other and play to our strengths, not fight each other. So chill, relax, think about your goals and aspirations in the fandom, and make sure you're doing your best to achieve them for the benefit of all.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:32:56 UTC from web in context
  3. NEXT 5 DAYS (until Sunday night): Get admission to BroNYCon September for just $25! You just have to pledge to donate 5 cans of food to our charity drive. Go to and sign up!

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 04:10:14 UTC from web in context
  4. @tuck I hardly think bronies are in any situation to criticize people about age =P

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 03:27:50 UTC from web in context
  5. @starshine Hmm... I love Mr Breezy! For me, if they put him in season two, that would be real... B-|... fanservice! !YEAAAAHHHHH

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:18:50 UTC from web in context
  6. #

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:07:05 UTC from web in context
  7. @scribus If you weren't in the 60s, you probably remember them. Or words to that effect.

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:52:14 UTC from web in context
  8. @zachariastargazer That the picture is correctly positioned for once.

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 18:31:42 UTC from web in context
  9. Somepony seems to be on a redash bender...

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 16:41:23 UTC from web
  10. "TROUBLE IN PARADISE", a RExABP fanfiction. "Now I see why they call you a BIG pony," said @redenchilada, wrapping the bedsheets around himself. All those months of stalking had finally paid off! He turned his head on the pillow... but @abigpony was nowhere to be seen. Grabbing the bedsheets for modesty, Red followed the flickering lights and familiar sounds coming from down the hallway and found himself in the den. "What are you doing?" he asked. "It's 1am," replied Big, "and I always play # at 1am." "But..." muttered Red, his jaw dropping. "But #!" END OF CHAPTER ONE.

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 13:49:16 UTC from web in context
  11. What kind of person joins a public discussion site and then gets creeped out when people talk to them anyway?

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 14:20:31 UTC from web in context
  12. We should all just join the Calgary Bronies group and start using the tag for inconsequential stuff. Just to get them out of their bizzare shell a little.

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 14:16:31 UTC from web
  13. Now that it's been updated, for ponies new to !art I recommend trying to generate a pony in a pose similar to what you want using this generator and then trying to draw based on that. Though there are other perspectives than side. For references on those poses, check dA or the show by pausing.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 23:37:47 UTC from web
  14. I swear, I'm older than my decor suggests...

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 17:03:35 UTC from web
  15. @noizybrony Yes, but the people that made the community awesome, were the people that said cleaver things and great drawings or music. Now whenever someone makes something good, it goes unseen amongst the spam and attention whore that refuse to aknowledge it, because it will take attention away from their lame accomplishments (if thats what you want to call them). It's very very very rare I find anything on here worth replying to, and when I do no one else joins the conversation, they continue their huggles snuggles bs and spam some more and talk about their post count.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 12:21:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  16. A great and powerful wizard has turned you into a little pony! Is this awesome? (Y/N)

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 01:46:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  17. @starshine Most of what I'm seeing is mostly just stuff from being new. You've got the right idea. Here are some suggestions: When the viewing the character from the side, the eyes tend to be a bit closer to the front of the head rather than the center. I'd post a screenshot, but I'll have to dig that up in a sec- they usually use a 3/4th shot for scenes rather than a direct frontal or direct side view.Also, the portion going to the neck tends to curve inwards rather than being a sharp drop. Similar for the back of the neck. Also, the rear leg was pretty close, but I think it was a but squished proportionately in relation to the show. I can't be a lot of help with proportions as I'm pretty bad at it too, but I'd recommend using GIMP's ruler function or drawing lines to help you measure it out. Load up a screenshot in GIMP and do some markings on it to help you figure out your own sizing rules.... If there's anything you want me to clarify, feel free to ask. :3

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 21:59:12 UTC from web in context
  18. Dear Princess Rainbow Dash. Today I learned that Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash. Your faithful Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash.

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 21:29:48 UTC from web
  19. Soon we will be a literal network of Rainbow Dashes.

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 21:24:54 UTC from web in context
  20. @starshine Sorry, I was typing one-handed and also eating pizza so I didn't catch up with the whole conversation. But really, honestly, practice makes perfect is the best advice. Start simple and small, maybe by copying some of your favourite screenshots, and work your way up to more complex stuff. :)

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 21:01:54 UTC from web in context
  21. @mrbrown Spell it hay. Embrace the puns.

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 05:26:46 UTC from web in context
  22. I am going to love and tolerate the muffins out of you!

    Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 20:41:58 UTC from web
  23. Oh hi guys, what's going on in - *reads popular notices* *aghast look of horror*

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 07:54:39 UTC from web in context
  24. @fnordly Looking at your profile, I think there may be some meatspace distance issues...

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 13:14:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  25. Remember ponies Haters gonna hate, Ponies gonna pwn.

    Thursday, 28-Jul-11 02:35:57 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 20:48:59 UTC from web in context
  27. You guys are really interesting to debate with. Nobody has even called me an Apple fanboy or anything yet.

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:19:10 UTC from web in context
  28. PINKIE PIE (GB) keeps her friends laughing! (F) fait toujours rire ses amies! (D) bringt ihre Freunde immer zum Lachen! (E) ¡hace que sus amigas no paren de reír! (P) faz rir os seus amigos! (I) fa sempre ridere i suoi amici!

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 21:57:45 UTC from web in context
  29. @thelastgherkin We're turning into /oat/ again.

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 19:27:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  30. @abigpony Late reply, but you can tell when Bronies have gone through; all the miniatures and brushables are gone, all the baby ponies and pinkistas are still on the shelf.

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 05:10:52 UTC from web in context