Saercho's home timeline



    Saturday, 23-Aug-14 04:14:16 UTC from web
  2. I'm a pretty girl

    Friday, 22-Aug-14 10:16:03 UTC from web
  3. Something tells me that picture of Discord sensually licking a sub sandwich did not originally look like that.

    Thursday, 21-Aug-14 04:09:28 UTC from web
  4. I used to wonder what friendship could bees.

    Thursday, 21-Aug-14 03:58:21 UTC from web
  5. It's true.

    Thursday, 21-Aug-14 01:44:49 UTC from web
  6. Everybody, move your feet and feel united, oo-oo-oh~

    Thursday, 21-Aug-14 01:34:20 UTC from web
    • ... likes this.
  7. Goodnight RDN. We cool.

    Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 15:09:29 UTC from web
  8. holy crap it's been forever. o.o

    Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 11:24:46 UTC from web
  9. Dad giving me crap about my driving, mainly the few easy safe mistakes i made. Because his car I guess

    Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 09:47:31 UTC from Mayonnaise
  10. @nut Yeah, sorry about that.

    Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 09:47:58 UTC from Mayonnaise
    • Oops. Well that's 3gb of phone data down the drain this month

      Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 08:33:34 UTC from web
      • Oh god Bon Bon's tail

        Sunday, 21-Jul-13 22:45:17 UTC from web
      • Dude. RubberRoss. You are one stone cold motherlover with that ice water.

        Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 07:15:40 UTC from web
        • Oh god, finally, a keyboard.

          Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 06:32:42 UTC from web
          • @neuraria Keyboards. Such an useful invention. You get used to them, at first, you don't understand them. They seem impractical. Then, with time, you get used to them. You start to love them. You become dependant. You can't imagine yourself without one. But the truth is, that's what they want. They want you to NEED them. And then, when you completely depend on them, they strike.

            Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 06:34:52 UTC in context
        • You know the bus from not that long ago? It just passed by again . A bit late; Im basically already home

          Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 06:11:26 UTC from Mayonnaise
          • @mrmattimation Yes, noses and butts definitely don't belong together.

            Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 06:03:13 UTC from web
          • no not quite, me, try again

            Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 06:07:11 UTC from Mayonnaise
            • Guess im walking.

              Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:40:24 UTC from Mayonnaise
            • Okay, back. ive sorta been playing that track to myself way too much. 50 times altogrther maybe?

              Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:58:08 UTC from Mayonnaise
              • Well im gonna focus on walking for a bit, back after this mashup

                Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:48:09 UTC from Mayonnaise
                • GODDAMNIT. Shouldve known. The bus just passed me. Guess im committing to the walk now

                  Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:46:20 UTC from Mayonnaise
                  • Also i am waiting for a bus home that should have been here ten minutes ago. If it doesnt show up in the next few minutes i will actually walk 40 minutes to get home

                    Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:37:21 UTC from Mayonnaise
                  • How does a text box on a phone not support aitocorrect i this day and age

                    Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:39:25 UTC from Mayonnaise
                    • Pretend Youre Xyzzy supports custom cards through Cardcast now.

                      Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:35:45 UTC from Mayonnaise
                      • Is this Gangnam enough for you

                        Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 02:54:39 UTC from web
                        • Well the room sure filled up quickly

                          Thursday, 26-Jun-14 06:13:00 UTC from web
                        • "Protesters Fail To Appreciate Inescapable, Burning Sriracha Odor"

                          Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 08:59:47 UTC from web
                          • Do robots even have genders?

                            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
                          • @admin ahaha.

                            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
                            • god this run is a snoozefest

                              Monday, 23-Jun-14 05:14:57 UTC from web