http://invadertaki.deviantart.com/http://invadertaki.deviantart.com/art/Takisawesome-Pony-OC-204749148 (My character)
Just the regular Pegasi worker. Trying my best to do my work
Takisawesome (takisawesome)
@chipthe3rd #ooc Maybe, i think that adult justin is actually emo dad http://www.memecore.com/storage/emo-dad-22891-1257438303-107.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1273807462537 See
#ooc !vgp http://www.aperturescience.com/glados@home/ Manure just got real, have fun counting down the hours till it comes out :B
#ooc How is this http://youtu.be/KCH3obTqldA Related to Celestia?
#ooc FINALY! Done... Heres a link to it in my DA page. http://fav.me/d3eb6fl Now to take a head picture and make her an account before i get incenerated.
#ooc Oh yeah btw if anypony wants to join in on my livestream here http://www.livestream.com/frienshipismagnets im being random and livestreaming us rp and stuff. And playing videos in the BG
#ooc OK guys, livestream is a go! http://www.livestream.com/frienshipismagnets Join if you wish
#ooc So yeah, Renard made a new song. Klippa one. Listen really carefully to the vocals and try to understand where its from http://youtu.be/I8e-G1XN7OA
#ooc Ok guys im back from eating :D That means live streaming is back up, if you would like to join here a link http://www.livestream.com/frienshipismagnets
@chipthe3rd http://www.livestream.com/frienshipismagnets here you are :3
#ooc ok then everypony i've decided im gonna do a livestream, what will i do i dunno, heres a link to it http://www.livestream.com/frienshipismagnets
#ooc :D Colored full body picture of my oc is up, feedback is alot of apreciated http://fav.me/d3dwhgc
@twilight http://fav.me/d3dvszd there you are, the sketch of my OC. ATM im colouring him.
#ooc So lately ive been working on my oc's pic, i think it looks ok, but id like to hear some feedback, http://fav.me/d3dvszd here he is. Yes he has a blank flank but il add it in later.
#ooc Ok guys, just uped some doodles i made in school http://fav.me/d3dturz Tell me what you think.
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 17:32:37 UTC from web -
!vgp i made a clan in SOCOM 4, heres a link to a post i made in ponychan http://www.ponychan.net/chan/g/res/7195.html
Sunday, 10-Apr-11 19:48:00 UTC from web