tenebarius subscriptions, page 7

These are the people whose notices tenebarius listens to.

  • derpyshy / chem shyderp derpyshy / chem earth

    I like pizza I'm Callie!

  • Darkly Cute darklycute Darkly Cute Hubbard, OH, USA http://darklycutecustoms.com
  • Taylor Donovan rainbowdashsboyfriend Taylor Donovan Californian; Petaluma

    I am one of the youngest bronys I know... At 13 years old. I became a fan of my little pony friendship is magic when I saw a preview for it on demand. So I watched the first episode on youtube and I said, "I don't want to watch the next one"..... But I did and here I am now. Ive also had a crush on Rainbowdash since I was 11. I am a true brony at heart. I am crazy about this website and I am going to post on it everyday until I can't anymore. I am also a fan of code lyoko. There is a group on a this website called: Lyokoponies. Hope you like my posts!

  • finnishguy finnishguy the land of sad songs... aka finland

    better off dead... like really

  • I am best poni foxgopher I am best poni Las Pegasus http://foxgopher.tumblr.com/


  • KC quilzel KC Kansas City http://www.twitter.com/quilzel
  • Pinkie Pie partypinkiestyle Pinkie Pie http://partypinkiestyle.deviantart.com/

    Helllloooooo. I'm a 18 y/o pegasister and I enjoy anime, manga and chatting along with mlp ^^

  • Flare Dancer (Jenna) flaredancer Flare Dancer (Jenna) Inland Empire, Southern California, USA http://ponysquare.com/Miss-Loki/

    I'm going to UCLA for my BA in Archaeology and Scandinavian Studies. I'm pescatarian & I can't eat dairy. I don't have a cutie mark yet. @Noirbatch's kitten and very special somepony <3 I love him with all my heart =^.^= http://twitter.com/FlareDancer42 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Miss_Loki http://missloki.tumblr.com/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/kara.freydis/

  • Doctor Science, PHD praxis Doctor Science, PHD Ottawa,ON. Canada http://www.own3d.tv/live/274678

    Sup my fellow bronies? I'm a U of O student in Biochem!...YEAH!...BIO...CHEM...ISTRY...also I play SC2 and the guitar with not 4, not 6 but 7 whole strings(so metal!)

  • That wierd guy next door maverick That wierd guy next door Iceberg, Canada

    Leave before you make a fool of yourself.

  • deadname deadname
  • Connor Pelkey cyrilthewolf Connor Pelkey Madrid, New York, USA http://youtube.com/CyrilRufus

    I am a musician. I make a lot of different kinds of pony music. I'm serious when I say that, Rap, Techno, Metal. Doesn't matter to me.

  • A Big Pony bigpony A Big Pony America http://goo.gl/82DdAp

    Just a man, dying.

  • Seth Edwards noirbatch Seth Edwards Tulsa, OK

    So I am not on this site that much anymore, if you reply it may be a month later before I get back. Anyways, Have a good day. *rides off into the sunset*

  • Firestorm firestormdangerdash Firestorm Ponyville (outskirts), Equestria http://firestormdangerdash.deviantart.com/

    Full bio in all it's radicalness on my DA.

  • p p
  • shadowlight shadowlight
  • nobody nobody Ontario, Canada

    I'm a 15 year old brony, and I love MLP:FiM :D My steam name is nibz http://niibz.deviantart.com/

  • Chris Bell mrdragon Chris Bell

    What are you doing here?

  • Kellen Smith silverbrony Kellen Smith Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of Awesome

    Just a February 2012 Brony. Discovered the awesomeness and have been assimilated into the brony consciousness. Hasbrony; will laugh~ 8D

  • RDN's Lucifer nerthos RDN's Lucifer Sea Hitler's water apocalypse

    For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle’s lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. Federation is getting worse by the minute so contact info Steam: sirnerthos Skype: nerthos.osea.yo nerthosnyaa@gmail.com

  • sb42 sb42 sb42 United States

    Yo! I should really write a bio sometime shouldn't I? Gah... I guess I will. Someday... Oh! I know! I'll write it tomorrow! Yeah, that's it! =D Cool? Cool.

  • Techdisk techdisk Techdisk Toronto, Ontario, Caneighda, Eh? http://techdisk.tumblr.com/

    I'm a nerd who likes obsolete technology. Yep. That basically covers everything. I created any background graphics you see on my profile. Yay pixel art! 3DS Friend Code: 4699-7067-0114 I am an incurable optimist. I will always try to be the happy guy around. If I act sad, it is not normal.

  • Forest Rain forestrain Forest Rain Waterloo, Ontario, Canada http://www.youtube.com/user/PutTrustInFate

    Hi everypony! ^.^ I'm Forest Rain. I produce music (alternative, orchestral, pop), sing, paint, and narrate fanfictions. I love nature, art, music, and the use of technology for good. I am proudly a blank flank! ;p

  • Toothpaste Pony! minti Toothpaste Pony! Quebec, Canada http://tylian.net/

    If you need to contact me, PM me or send me an @ reply. I have notifications on so I will get it. Was a moderator and contributing programmer for RDN at one point, no longer am. Contact details: Skype: tylian0 Email: immatyger+rdn@gmail.com (Primary) Please note that if you add me on Skype, don't expect me to talk ever. It's not that I don't want to I'm just REALLY bad at having one-on-one conversations. I'm perfectly fine in group chats though so, feel free to do that.

  • Thecloakednightmare@gmail.com mysty Thecloakednightmare@gmail.com In the realm of darkness and oblivion. (kentucky)

    In between the realms of light and dark, there is an expansive space of nothingness. It is called the oblivion. And in there, lies the cloaked nightmare. He neither rests nor stays awake. He is dormant. He just stays watching.....waiting.... And observing. He knows that one day, the realms will fall and he can come out of hiding and take over. But for now, lying dormant is good enough, for he is patient, using futuristic technology to surf the web in search of ponies...... AND cats holding cheeseburgers.....

  • LyokoTravels lyokotravels LyokoTravels United States http://lyokotravels.deviantart.com/
  • Crusader 8 princelypublictimeline Crusader 8