yuri's home timeline


  1. @yuri Hehe.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:58:43 UTC from web
  2. @yuri It could go at a relatively slower speed. If you arc the light, then it will travel at the same time, but take more time to reach it's destination.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:54:58 UTC from web
  3. @yuri Backwards Rs will result in a jealousy-fueled banhammer. #

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:34:55 UTC from web
  4. @yuri Blow the nazi tank with you hammer and sickle, for mother Russia!

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:32:01 UTC from web
  5. @yuri Oh what an odd world we live in

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:28:51 UTC from web
  6. @yuri Lol.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:21:12 UTC from web
  7. @yuri A more so stable app than StatusNet Android.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:13:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  8. @yuri There's no kill like the overkill.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:12:23 UTC from web
  9. @yuri What he wishes is wrong. But whatever, I got evidence of the hypocrisy. Let him be one. Let him carry the title of Hypocrite.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:04:19 UTC from web
    • @yuri Oh, well... the same as machines, no two beings has the same capabilities.

      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:02:52 UTC from web
    • @yuri Something as well-spoken as this surely makes sense coming from someone with a Twiulight avatar (no sarcasm)

      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 06:00:10 UTC from web
      • @yuri Me too... Damn I feel old. Let's just throw in do the evolution by Pearl Jam.

        Sunday, 04-Mar-12 05:57:24 UTC from StatusNet Android
      • @yuri I love 2.0

        Sunday, 04-Mar-12 05:57:11 UTC from web
        • @yuri He could. But it's better to test how clever you are eith a system he can abuse just to a point. I mean, if the DM in the campaing I most play ways "it's raining rocks" I just say "I cast a shield spell, that added to my base defense as a lvl 40 paladin makes me imprevous to them" And then it starts raining dracoliches or something like that.

          Sunday, 04-Mar-12 05:54:36 UTC from web
          • @yuri In >3.5 ALL is decided by the DM, all the rolls and stuff, at a point where if he's on a bad mood your character is going to get hurt no matter how good you are playing.

            Sunday, 04-Mar-12 05:51:14 UTC from web
          • @yuri Lol.

            Sunday, 04-Mar-12 05:32:55 UTC from web
            • @yuri That's the way to live, bro.

              Sunday, 04-Mar-12 01:01:02 UTC from web
            • @yuri He's the smartest bot ever, he got you to click the link. haha

              Sunday, 04-Mar-12 00:58:49 UTC from web
            • @yuri I'm afraid C'thulu's ability to predict trends in future episodes is foreign to me.

              Saturday, 03-Mar-12 22:06:19 UTC from web
            • @yuri Before medicine knew what cancer was it still had a metaphorical gun. So, hypothetically, anything we're unaware of might have a metaphorical gun.

              Saturday, 03-Mar-12 21:53:48 UTC from web
            • @yuri I wish Americans were less stupid. I mean, how can you call yourself "land of freedom and equality" but still oppose gay marriage? I'm proud that my country was the first one to legalize gay marriage. The Netherlands is generally really open and quickly accepting.

              Saturday, 03-Mar-12 21:53:08 UTC from Choqok
            • @yuri and as the pony fandom demonstrates on a daily basis, Ignorance is strength.

              Saturday, 03-Mar-12 21:44:57 UTC from web
              • @yuri Oh 8oy, I've made another guy go off. :::;P

                Saturday, 03-Mar-12 21:43:10 UTC from web
              • @yuri War is peace

                Saturday, 03-Mar-12 21:40:32 UTC from web
              • @yuri It's infinitely better than anything I could do, so I'm not going to nitpick.

                Saturday, 03-Mar-12 00:28:48 UTC from web
              • @yuri Blue team rules.

                Saturday, 03-Mar-12 00:27:29 UTC from web
                • @yuri Yes?

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-12 00:25:24 UTC from web
                  • @yuri @lovetolerateandsquee You guys should have seen during the summer. He was nigh on unbannable.

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 00:23:32 UTC from web
                  • @yuri Okay I'm so confused, what are you trying to do specifically? xD

                    Friday, 02-Mar-12 22:22:20 UTC from web
                    • @yuri Yeah it's \n

                      Friday, 02-Mar-12 22:18:20 UTC from web