yuri's home timeline


  1. @yuri when I search "Thief" in games on TPB i see "Thief - Deadly Shadows" - "Thief 2" and "Thief 3" which should I download?

    Thursday, 08-Mar-12 07:50:18 UTC from web
    • @yuri I do like games were i can be sneaky haha XD and i dont mind bad / classic graphics really :P

      Thursday, 08-Mar-12 07:48:26 UTC from web
      • @yuri Haha, would I be able to get this from TPB?

        Thursday, 08-Mar-12 07:46:37 UTC from web
        • @yuri I do not have this game, is it free? :s

          Thursday, 08-Mar-12 07:41:24 UTC from web
          • @yuri What? :s

            Thursday, 08-Mar-12 07:39:40 UTC from web
            • @yuri Thing is, that internal system represents physical interactions that are also consistent with the same system...

              Thursday, 08-Mar-12 07:21:23 UTC from web
            • @yuri Thank you.

              Thursday, 08-Mar-12 06:50:35 UTC from Choqok
            • @yuri Oh, I see. I was under the impression the discussion was based more on philosophy and I missed the parts that suggested otherwise. Because I was going to define existence with parameters with p(∞)≥1. It looks obvious and dumb, but I used this to show that there has to be things or occurences that do NOT exist in order for there to be existence.

              Thursday, 08-Mar-12 06:47:41 UTC from web
            • @yuri RDN may be shutting down again? god im so confused >.>

              Thursday, 08-Mar-12 06:15:36 UTC from web
            • @yuri zero a lack of value = a value containing nothing, as the words could be played with all day. But if verbiage does count, zero is an absence of a value, whereas "a value containing nothing" makes no sense to me. Is 1 a value that contains 1 thing? When applies to define other values, it doesn't work, and also requires a number to be defined by itself. zero is like darkness, it is what there is when there is the absence of value. zero is sometimes categorized as a whole rational integer because it satisfies all three descriptors, but the descriptors do not define what zero is compared to one or two.

              Thursday, 08-Mar-12 06:12:53 UTC from web
            • @yuri Murdoch doesn't own the Mail.

              Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 18:41:12 UTC from web
            • @yuri I like it. Interesting.

              Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 08:11:25 UTC from web
              • @yuri Twilight so rocks!

                Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 08:05:25 UTC from web
                • @yuri UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

                  Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 08:00:35 UTC from Choqok
                • @yuri oh... virgin sacrifices are in this year? My dark gods still demand orphans.

                  Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 05:43:05 UTC from web
                • @yuri something about money or something I don't know much is all

                  Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 03:37:05 UTC from web
                • !torontobronies c'mon lets get this meet up goin! I'm willing to book a room and schedule times at laser quest if you are all up for it! But Im not paying for it all of course

                  Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 02:47:39 UTC from web
                  • @yuri NOOOO NOT SEPPUKU!!! unless its epic anime seppuku

                    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 01:21:05 UTC from web
                  • @yuri lol

                    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 01:15:23 UTC from web
                  • @yuri today was Marriage Enhancement and Advanced Writing.

                    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 01:15:01 UTC from web
                  • @yuri Good point.

                    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 01:14:45 UTC from web
                  • @yuri If two users subscribe to each other, they can use the DM system.

                    Monday, 05-Mar-12 21:56:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  • @yuri I would check in with @getacutiemark about that, he has been doing some research on eating human flesh

                    Monday, 05-Mar-12 02:56:23 UTC from web
                  • @yuri Heh, thanks

                    Monday, 05-Mar-12 02:53:31 UTC from web
                  • @yuri That made me laugh a little more than it should have.. xD

                    Monday, 05-Mar-12 02:43:08 UTC from web
                  • @yuri xD I'd say that's perfectly valid but I'm paying half the rent and buy my own food, so I'm basically boarding at the moment.

                    Monday, 05-Mar-12 02:42:33 UTC from web
                  • !torontobronies this march break lets get a meetup going! also tell me if ur going to be at comic con next week.

                    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 21:50:40 UTC from web
                    • @yuri Lol.

                      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 07:56:24 UTC from web
                    • @yuri The kind of thing to say that gets you in all the black lists xD

                      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 07:11:48 UTC from web
                    • @yuri Well, thing is, there's no need for massive reproduction right now, so it doesn't need to be encouraged anymore. At that time it was useful.

                      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 07:03:41 UTC from web