Ben Terry's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • !nebronies hi, is there anybody out there. The last post I see on here was about a year ago.

      Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 05:48:25 UTC from web
    • @russianbronymn !midwestbronies Yes, but currently attending collage in SD

      Thursday, 02-May-13 12:24:54 UTC from web
    • Anyone going to AnimeIowa this month? !iowabronies !homestuck !midwestbronies !furrybronies

      Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 04:53:06 UTC from web
    • !midwestbronies anypony a fan of harry potter? got an extra ticket to LeakyCon...:)

      Saturday, 23-Jun-12 20:43:06 UTC from web
      • I don't really use this website anymore but I'll just leave this here

        Tuesday, 22-May-12 22:57:54 UTC from web
        • ...

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 00:24:08 UTC from web
        • There was only about 12 people in the stream last night but ...

          Monday, 16-Apr-12 02:33:04 UTC from web
          • Hey !midwestbronies or !chibronies anyone want a ticket to C2E2 this weekend. I know short notice but hey it's free!!! I may be able to get a extra bed in my hotel room if you want to travel.

            Thursday, 12-Apr-12 02:20:30 UTC from web
            • Postal service transferred my order to Derpy mail. It was sent to Kansas City, then Omaha (my location), then to Jersey City, and then to Des Moines. Should have arrived 2 days ago.

              Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 23:27:22 UTC from web
              • @flecdorbee Well there could be. I'm still working in LaVista and wouldn't mind dropping in somewhere to meet another "brony". Sorry I'm not a big fan of "bronies" but I do like Friendship is Magic and I like discussing with other fans.

                Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:05:52 UTC from web
                • re-watching the series now I can see that the first episode is a terrible way to convert people... the first minute of that episode is just so girly. I'm a little surprised my past, non-brony self didn't just close youtube and walk away

                  Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 23:56:28 UTC from web
                • Found blindbags at walmart and bought 2 sparkly Rainbow Dash

                  Monday, 19-Mar-12 01:07:26 UTC from web
                  • Discorded Rarity spends 10 million dollars to move boulder

                    Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:40:52 UTC from web
                    • Only the manliest boys can like a pony called Twilight.

                      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 00:57:07 UTC from web
                    • Gender: Boys

                      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 00:51:06 UTC from web
                    • !ottawabronies Remember to pay attention to numbers or colours, because staff won't recognize names:

                      Monday, 12-Mar-12 22:21:18 UTC from web
                    • Opening my Friendship Express DVD... G3 strikes again!

                      Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 01:43:00 UTC from web
                      • Painting time lapse if you really want music I was listening to this at the time

                        Monday, 05-Mar-12 03:47:56 UTC from web
                        • a tribute to

                          Sunday, 04-Mar-12 23:25:13 UTC from web
                          • No, even more graphic. Look, I realize we're in a bad trend - I try not to talk about aen you graphic joke, th try to offer a graphic joke to defeat the purpose of me not saying one. This is quite the joke in itself, actually. It's a "look what I almost stepped in!" scenario.

                            Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:59:09 UTC from web
                          • Wore my Pinkie Pie shirt to work and spent the day loading boxes full of party supplies, #

                            Wednesday, 29-Feb-12 03:48:58 UTC from web
                            • Upon reading commentary on Derpy's demise, I have come to realize something: There are no "bronies" and "haters". There are haters, and there are those who don't bother to comment on the situation because they have better things to do.

                              Wednesday, 29-Feb-12 03:43:33 UTC from web
                              • @yuri How you treat others also depends on how you treat yourself. I have to eat well and sleep enough or else I can't do my job well and my co-workers have to make up for it. I know, it's happened before.

                                Sunday, 26-Feb-12 06:29:36 UTC from web
                              • Made this in FL Studio. Mind opinionating, guys?

                                Sunday, 26-Feb-12 05:05:01 UTC from web
                              • While I wholeheartedly agree that the new scene just isn't as special as the original, and the edited lines make me want to shoot myself, I'm siding with Hasbro here. For once, they proved that THEY control the show. Not us. Maybe it'll show some bronies that they need to calm down and just love the show, instead of whining every time something happens that doesn't meet their extremely high expectations, or isn't how THEY wanted the character interpreted.

                                Saturday, 25-Feb-12 06:52:06 UTC from web
                              • livestreaming on just derping around

                                Saturday, 25-Feb-12 06:12:16 UTC from web