Ian Cheah Kian Mun's home timeline


  1. ay do site managers still come on here from time to time?

    Saturday, 02-Oct-21 18:40:26 UTC from web
  2. Is this thing on?

    Sunday, 15-Aug-21 18:35:48 UTC from web
  3. So has anyone ported Doom to the Virtual Boy, and do they make a good VB emulator for a VR headset yet? !vgp

    Sunday, 01-Aug-21 17:44:27 UTC from web
  4. I'm not big into LEGO but somehow I want a Star Wars Clone Wars Gunship set.

    Thursday, 15-Jul-21 19:19:37 UTC from web
  5. E-mails asking me if I wanna be harder and longer, meanwhile I've been hard long enough and just wanna mellow, man....

    Friday, 16-Jul-21 18:06:17 UTC from web
  6. @scribus To answer the question I just got via email, the server is a basic digitalocean droplet. The $20 one. Depending on how much traffic you're expecting, you could easily run a couple of instances on there.

    Wednesday, 07-Apr-21 22:48:40 UTC from web
  7. i logged out for like 8 months and now email notifs are working again

    Sunday, 21-Mar-21 23:40:46 UTC from web

    Wednesday, 23-Dec-20 06:45:22 UTC from web
  9. Disney+ has a collection titled "The Simpsons Predict the Future", which includes episodes of The Simpsons in which they make jokes that later became fact. One such episode is "Bart to the Future", in which Lisa mentions "President Trump", and "The Serfsons", where they predicted the ending to Game of Thrones, and "The City of New York Vs. Homer Simpson", where... uh...

    Hey Disney, what the mango

    Monday, 27-Apr-20 06:29:58 UTC from web
  10. whoops i'm playing fallout 76 again

    Sunday, 19-Apr-20 08:09:08 UTC from web
  11. Fluffle Puff it, I'm turning the search off.

    Friday, 17-Apr-20 08:55:45 UTC from web
    • I optimized the database for the two of you. Just shows I still care~

      Thursday, 16-Apr-20 21:52:45 UTC from web
      • @mrmattimation This seems like something you might find interesting: https://bluwingskitty.tumblr.com/post/613056765209214976

        Friday, 20-Mar-20 08:18:58 UTC from web
      • I'm sure you all want to know what Rainbow Dash Network is doing about Coronavirus. The answer is, much like McDonalds: "grapeing nothing".

        Wednesday, 18-Mar-20 19:23:27 UTC from web
      • I’m not too proud to admit I was wrong @nerthos was right. I am in fact, enjoying Fallout 76 a great deal.

        Friday, 28-Feb-20 09:01:25 UTC from web

        Thursday, 27-Feb-20 08:02:46 UTC from web
      • But I do have something today: I bought a house!

        Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:28 UTC from web
      • I do actually miss you guys pretty often. I just very rarely find I have anything to say anymore?

        Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:09 UTC from web
      • honestly im not sure if i expected to be still coming here ten years later.

        The site has kinda lost it's relevance. Maybe we should rebrand.

        " the microblogging service formerly known as rainbow dash network "

        Friday, 11-Oct-19 06:17:03 UTC from web
      • That said, I'm pretty sure we *are* a gay speed dating service? How many people came to terms with having the big gay just through this website alone? At least two of them.

        Friday, 11-Oct-19 23:14:19 UTC from web
      • I swear, I'm about to start walking down the street with a hammer in hand for the next halfwit who can't be bothered to lok where they're driving. It's self-defense.

        Friday, 11-Oct-19 17:25:49 UTC from web
      • https://twitter.com/HackedOffHugh/status/1166740030947287040 Guys I think Hugh Grant is mad about something

        Wednesday, 28-Aug-19 22:13:09 UTC from web
      • @ceruleanspark https://skippers-bin.com/files/67fb2c40-dd87-418b-a5cb-d0ce09353481

        Wednesday, 07-Aug-19 19:49:08 UTC from web
      • I can't believe I was able to run do-release-upgrade on this server and it work *perfectly*.

        Monday, 24-Jun-19 21:06:50 UTC from web
      • I miss Touhou games. Do they still make those?

        Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:19:49 UTC from web
      • The only piece of videogame news that matters right now is the existence of Wooloo, the round sheep pokemon.

        Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:18:09 UTC from web
        • Whoever is in charge of Brazils internet should reboot it.

          Tuesday, 14-May-19 20:08:39 UTC from web
          • And now, the highpoint of Homestuck: >[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter. https://www.homestuck.com/story/1931

            Sunday, 14-Apr-19 15:16:32 UTC from web
            • I just want @scribus to know that my phone pinged me that I had received his monthly donation just as I flushed the toilet, so it felt like he was paying me for that.

              Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:21:28 UTC from web
            • Also RDN has now outlived Google Plus

              Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:23:29 UTC from web