ceruleanspark subscribers, page 10

These are the people who listen to ceruleanspark's notices.

  • Sir E. Hooves III eaglehooves Sir E. Hooves III Cleveland, Ohio http://eaglehooves.deviantart.com/

    Just as a clarification, the name (if I'm not using a gag one) is a reference to my time with the BSA. Three big interests (excluding ponies) are cars, computers, and scouting, and the last one means the most to me (There's a very long, personal, story there) (plus the fleur-de-leis looks nice). For the people linked here, the '/signature' is pretty much my universal signature for texts and emails, and the one thing that my pony and non-pony accounts have in common across the web. Other than that, I'm your average pegasus from the suburbs. Also, I finally got a dedicated e-mail: eaglehooves (at) gmail, a dedicated pony Skype: eagle.hooves, and am on Steam as "Lord Elusive"

  • RDN's Lucifer nerthos RDN's Lucifer Sea Hitler's water apocalypse

    For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle’s lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. Federation is getting worse by the minute so contact info Steam: sirnerthos Skype: nerthos.osea.yo nerthosnyaa@gmail.com

  • Christian Carranza chillman23 Christian Carranza Daly City, CA http://www.youtube.com/user/mightyone727

    17/High School Student/Love Princess Luna/ The Apprentice of fluttershy321 /Skype:chilledchaos23/ Gamertag:Chaosbringer23/ Steam: chillman23/PSN: Chilledchaos23

  • Weenie Wanga Langa Genghis Khan flaxx Weenie Wanga Langa Genghis Khan Sweden http://kalleflaxx.deviantart.com/


  • siobhan macheesemo acrylicsplash siobhan macheesemo MA

    deviantart: http://vokaloidrinchanfan.deviantart.com/

  • Pidge (or Clover) rnbwdashiswin Pidge (or Clover) Phoenix, AZ http://www.twitter.com/starryclovers

    A girl who likes ponies, cats and cute things

  • Sean seanthebluesheep Sean Birmingham http://seanthebluesheep.deviantart.com/

    15 years old, currently in year 11, doing Spanish, Geology, Geography, Food Tech, R.E., Bio, Phys, Chem GCSEs and General Studies AS. Already done English and Maths. Kind of a drama queen and a major attention whorse.

  • Crash lightningcrash Crash Hamilton, Ohio

    A lone pony trots along an empty dusty road. His wings furled back against his sides, he pushes on as the wind whips dirt into his face. He quests for two things: his purpose in life and a pony to share his heart with.

  • Ryuuio Spike (or Kevin Davis) ryuuio Ryuuio Spike (or Kevin Davis) United Kingdom

    Ryuuio on the Equestria Forums, Twitter and FurAffinity. Also insane in the membrane.

  • Wester Toes planeorange Wester Toes Manella, the Fillypines http://twitter.com/orange_plane

    feeling unlimited, still unsatisfied

  • Eli Hekel modulusshift Eli Hekel Arkansas

    I'm musicssound from twitter, Eli Hekel from everywhere else, including figment.com, an awesome writer's site that could probably use a few more bronies in it's forums.

  • Joey Hurst knoxemerald Joey Hurst Knoxville, TN

    I like checkin' up on the ponyfolk...and stuff. http://www.youtube.com/user/EmeraldGroove?feature=mhee Brony music channel! Subscribe if you'd like!

  • lilytheamazingfaintingpony lilytheamazingfaintingpony Østlandet, Norway


  • muffin muffin muffin Ponyville, Equestria

    Male. 18 y.o. I love ponies. Been obsessed with them since January. I love everypony. That is all.

  • Scott yappy Scott Derbyshire, UK

    A programmer by day, and an editor by night. Yet somehow I manage to be a brony 24/7.

  • Fearn podling Fearn Edinburgh

    21 year old brony in Edinburgh (off to London for uni though)

  • Dylan Sorrell ladestitute Dylan Sorrell Reno, Nevada

    ###IF YOU NEED MY ATTENTION WHEN I'M NOT ON RDN, shoot me an email at lad3stitute AT gmail DOT com### I'm a 19 year old male student, who is home schooled/takes online classes. I'm also autistic (asperger's syndrome/high functiong autism) and besides being a brony, my passions are video games and computers. My interest and hobbies include video games, computers, drawing, cooking, music (mostly video game music and alt rock), and game development.

  • chaosmagic chaosmagic Oberdrosen/Burgenland/Austria http://chaosmagicsmod.tumblr.com

    My name is Chaosmagic or Chaos for short. I'm interested in lotsa stuff xD I like to make friends and stuff. My manelanguage is german, but my english is not too bad either X'D I'm from Österreich ( austria ) ^-^ I'm androgyne and interested in males c:

  • Red Flash redflash Red Flash Glasgow, Scotland

    I design satellite bits for a living. And a hobby. I like ponies, but you knew that already. http://espiritrouge.tumblr.com

  • Leah Elizabeth Gnagy ♀ cutesaurus Leah Elizabeth Gnagy ♀ In Scatman's World http://sectacy.deviantart.com

    As the ponies decorated a field for their summer party, they came upon a huge boulder too big for any of them to move. "It's too heavy," said Merriweather as she and her friends pushed against the big rock. Just then, Cutesaurus joined her friends. "I'm strong enough to move it," she said, easily rolling the rock out of the field. To thank their friend, the ponies made Cutesaurus the guest of honor at the party!

  • madington flavors madflavors madington flavors Somewhere over the rainbow


  • Jeff Stathers dusty Jeff Stathers Delta, British Columbia, Canada http://www.youtube.com/user/SonicPinhead

    Once known as Pinhooves, I am now just a retired brony. Sorry guys. If you want to contact me, I use the following: Twitter (DustyPinhead), Skype (sonicpinhooves) and Gmail (sonicpinhead@gmail.com)

  • Akil K. drac Akil K. Sandy Springs,Ga

    Well, I'm an student attending at the Art Institute in Atlanta studying to become an animator in the film industry. But right now I'm just a good 'ole cartoonist that will occasionally draw some ponies among other things...

  • Jordan Cameron tenmihara Jordan Cameron London, ON

    Fairly standard nerdisms; anime video games. Connoisseur of many forms of animation (which is how I came to love FiM). Attending business school with the dream of running my own comic book shop.

  • Astra astra Astra Probably Stuck Between Dimensions

    (Yes, I know this place is back. No, I don't plan on returning; I just don't fit in with the whole "4chan vibe", as I heard it described recently. Anyway, if anyone wants to keep in touch, catch TryshaGray on Twitter. Otherwise, have fun, and keep it pony.) Not all ponies miss out on all that Princess Luna has put together for her show after she brings out the moon! Me? I do some of my best work and spell-weaving when the stars come out. Besides, I tend to be the sort to keep to myself, a lot of the time. Lately, I've found I'm a lot more of a "Twilight Sparkle" person, though some still say I have a very "Fluttershy" personality, right down to being more likely to talk to your critter companions than you, at first. It takes me a little while, but if I don't get too badly spooked, I'll open up. And if you see me suddenly pop out of a moon portal, or catch my eye hovering in the sky as I try to find someone or something I've lost again . . . sorry about that. I really try not to startle people too much with this stuff. It's just so cool, though!

  • Alexander Frost alextheant Alexander Frost UK, Mansfield

    A friendly anime and video game nerd, who gets angry at the close minded and the stupid.

  • Barton Flank pawnheart Barton Flank Salford, UK

    Used to live in Glasgow. Now I am here. I play Guitar. Yay, woohoo, you rock etc. I think too much about things, drink too much coffee, socialise too little, and hate labels. except on bottles. I love picking those. Oh, and I am the Duke of Kiddermarester, and extremely rich! Lick my decals off, brony. My only other significant net presence: http://rateyourmusic.com. RhymeDragWithDrag at your service. Oh, by the way, MLP:FiM and Earth, Wind and Fire? Best combination ever!

  • derps derps
  • Deanna!! milksake Deanna!! Teeexas http://milksake.deviantart.com/

    I like ponies. . . . And cosplaying.

  • Nightmare Moon queenmeanie Nightmare Moon http://twitter.com/QueenMeanie

    Bow before me, peasants.