ceruleansparkold's favorite notices, page 5

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  1. @broniebrown Hah! He's grown a bit since Nightmare Night. Not as cute now, but still cute. #

    Saturday, 22-Feb-14 16:07:01 UTC from web in context
  2. BTW, today's pony episode had incredicle plot. # #

    Saturday, 15-Feb-14 17:36:17 UTC from web
  3. # # # # Rainbow Dash's birthday cake has 21 candles.

    Friday, 31-Jan-14 21:57:47 UTC from web in context
  4. @mushi xD like her mentor. # http://www.fimfiction-static.net/images/story_images/20146.png

    Saturday, 22-Feb-14 22:27:19 UTC from web in context
  5. Once again Sweetie turns out to be the socially daring one. #

    Saturday, 22-Feb-14 16:10:39 UTC from web
  6. @nerthos Yes! On FiMFiction? Where he # Dug his way out of Tartarus?

    Thursday, 18-Sep-14 04:10:37 UTC from web in context
  7. @northernnarwhal # At the end of the game, after the final boss fight, Vergil suddenly decides he's a villain. It's not exactly /poorly/ done, but it's unecessary. If this game was actually the first DmC game, it would have been a really nice and interesting twist, but since it's a reboot of a beloved franchise, it winds up being something that everyone knew (or at least hoped) would happen.

    Friday, 05-Sep-14 23:17:49 UTC from web in context
  8. @nerthos My favorite part is when Kamina dies #

    Sunday, 20-Jul-14 01:38:53 UTC from web in context
  9. http://rainbowdash.net/url/774220 # #

    Sunday, 24-Aug-14 04:16:19 UTC from web
  10. @expatpaul @ghostdancer there's lots of lego and it moves! #

    Saturday, 01-Mar-14 16:20:31 UTC from micro.fragdev.com
  11. @foxgopher Oh. Ryuuko slayed the original life fiber, went back to the planet, and they lived relatively normal lifes I guess? They leave an open ending, mostly considering there's loads of life fibers out these still. I hope there's a second season a la Gurren Lagann. #

    Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 02:01:12 UTC from web in context
  12. # # Not to mention PieLight friendshipping.

    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 18:19:00 UTC from web in context
  13. # # so Fluttershy was as sweet as ever, and that Daring Do cosplayer was a jerk. Rarijack and FLutterDash friendshipping prevails.

    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 18:18:04 UTC from web in context
  14. new episode starts with two squee noises #

    Sunday, 16-Mar-14 12:44:17 UTC from web
  15. @snowcone # Nachos.

    Sunday, 23-Feb-14 04:48:42 UTC from web
  16. I need to draw something so I can have a monopoly on promoted groups

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 05:26:00 UTC from web in context
  17. I have a day off so I get up earileir than I would do if I was going to work. Gah

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 06:22:47 UTC from web
  18. @redenchilada ;_;

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 06:21:13 UTC from Choqok in context
  19. Rev up those fryers.

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 07:15:43 UTC from web
  20. @redenchilada just re-post some old art.

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 07:07:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  21. Help! HELP! ... MY LEG!

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 07:24:19 UTC from web
  22. Cuz I am sure hungry for one...

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 07:23:50 UTC from web
  23. Just worked very hard on a tweet. Hmmm

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 07:27:23 UTC from web
  24. well thats fox news

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 08:39:24 UTC from web in context
  25. Coming up on Fox News: http://pny.lv/4n8o American fourth graders should have the freedom and right to as much masculine tobacco and underage pregnancy as they want; women who are as powerful as men are an abhorrence; and what's the point of a woman wearing trousers when it's easier to jack off to her in shorts? All this and citations to designs outdated by four years, only on Fox News.

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 08:29:29 UTC from web in context
  26. @kromonos Ich glaub nicht wenn Du einen einzigen im Wohnzimmer plazierst das dann draussen auf der Strasse noch WLan ist, bei mir sinds die Strasse runter bis zu 50M

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 12:40:03 UTC from AndStatus in context

    Tuesday, 09-Jul-13 21:09:18 UTC from web in context
  28. @ceruleanspark Here you go http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/272748

    Tuesday, 09-Jul-13 19:21:57 UTC from web

    Saturday, 06-Jul-13 22:18:47 UTC from web in context
  30. @ceruleanspark Yes. Possibly 16%, even 17% better.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 07:36:53 UTC from web in context