Dakota Price's home timeline


  1. !RDN Think im going to try to build a gui using javafx...

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 17:31:31 UTC from web
  2. More Scootalove, because without Scootalove what is life? http://rainbowdash.net/url/771647

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 16:29:58 UTC from web
  3. Might start a flow for the ! RDN database

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 15:52:39 UTC from web
  4. Holey rusted metal, Batman!

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 13:28:06 UTC from web
  5. Now I wanna see the picture.

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 13:19:21 UTC from web
  6. Hehe, Shining armor is looking at Fluttershy's butt http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/771641

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 13:05:09 UTC from web
  7. I just ate 4 McDonalds breakfast burritos and now I'm full of shame. And burritos.

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 12:32:59 UTC from web
    ......|___________________, ,
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    send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care.
    C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 02:02:10 UTC from web
  9. I can only hope I've pleased Ross senpai on Skype

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 06:57:45 UTC from web
  10. While my input doesn't mean cherries to !RDN here's a concept I thought looked sort of neat for the title screen http://rainbowdash.net/url/771615

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 04:29:44 UTC from web
  11. @rarity [...] a smudge of frosting on my nose for more than a moment. In a lull after one of Rainbow's famous expositions, Princess Celestia rescued me from my embarassing state. She surreptitiously traced my jaw with her golden-shoed hoof...' / On the nightstand, grayed under sheer moonlight, was a lock of celestial hair. Rarity nearly gagged at the sight, because on that night, it had trailed in and aggravated her throat. 'I have one souvenir,' she wrote, 'that I have found worth keeping: hairs finer than royal silk, which I plan on binding a dress with.' [...]

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 03:58:06 UTC from bti
  12. Alright !RDN i have written the Flowchart for the frame. We still need to establish what language we are going to use and how the actual game will progress...

    Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 03:18:29 UTC from web
    • !RDN You guys should build the game in the SCUMM engine

      Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 02:26:02 UTC from web
    • Just about done the Flowchart for the frame of !RDN

      Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 02:24:55 UTC from web
      • hey !RDN just sat down at my piano for about 15 minutes thinking about the title screen sound and i had a cool little idea, so I improv'd it. Obviously not finished, but a decent sketch: https://soundcloud.com/pianissima-does/improv-for-rdn-1

        Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 00:17:52 UTC from web
      • !RDN I wanna date matt

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 23:51:28 UTC from web
      • I'd help with !RDN too but there's probably nothing I could do so yeah

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 23:49:01 UTC from web
      • Actual character sheet instead of fun doodles. Real progress of a sort. I'll do another character after my hand stops hurting. !RDN http://pny.lv/3ig9

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 22:28:16 UTC from web
      • !RDN http://pny.lv/3ifr

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:51:42 UTC from web
      • !RDN Who needs an original soundtrack? Just illegally download your favorite EDM song and use that!

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:44:19 UTC from web
      • so i think im just going to start writing random BGM things for !RDN till everyone gets an idea of what we want lol

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:41:56 UTC from web
      • hello

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:34:07 UTC from web
      • I'm up to 15 sources for my latest chapter. It's been an intriguing research-filled week.

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:11:56 UTC from web
      • !RDN http://pny.lv/3ifd

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:33:02 UTC from web
      • I just noticed the background for the !RDN page... It's freaking perfect.

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:20:33 UTC from web
      • I'll open Pandora's box. I'll make a Post with Fluttershy to get rid of the Fluttershy questions rotting in my ask box since the beginning of the creation of my ask blog.

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 20:38:00 UTC from Choqok
      • I haven't been on here in 5 months. How ya'll doing?

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:05:46 UTC from web
      • Hello, just got the bti client working with the help of loveydoe

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 19:56:38 UTC from bti
      • who else is even in !RDN

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 19:30:52 UTC from web
      • couldnt think of good dialogue !RDN http://pny.lv/3ie7

        Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 19:24:54 UTC from web