Notices by Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker), page 9

  1. @nerthos What is your opinion on BanBossy then ? ( ) . People were certainly calling that SJW-something, but I do not see them as "sabotaging themselves by behaving as villains" but instead I see them suffering from a horrible ideology. Also the Irony regarding having bossy influencefull/powerfull people trying to ban the word bossy, that is sort of really bossy behaviour. I think there would be a way better B word that could have been banned come to think of it.

    Thursday, 18-Feb-16 23:06:22 UTC from web in context
  2. @nerthos Interesting that you would go with Saruman. Here have an outtake from a certain comic, care to guess what supervillain passed "the test" ?

    Thursday, 18-Feb-16 21:53:12 UTC from web in context
  3. @colfax Hmm, I can order through Germany. But they have like only 25% of the catalogus of the USA's store.

    also :

    Still it boosts up the magical number to about 20

    Thursday, 18-Feb-16 21:36:50 UTC from web in context
  4. Hmm... Derpy Bear... I like :)

    Thursday, 18-Feb-16 21:10:52 UTC from web in context
  5. TIL : zorses exist ... and they can look really fabulous

    Wednesday, 10-Feb-16 19:10:16 UTC from web
  6. @rarity Oh hey I just found ... Which pretty much goes into what we're talking about... I really do not know of any other way to prepare them though... Although I guess I could try to grill them... Is that a good idea even ?

    Tuesday, 09-Feb-16 22:48:51 UTC from web in context
  7. @rarity

    Tuesday, 09-Feb-16 22:35:03 UTC from web in context
  8. @rarity

    Are those hot dogs ?

    Tuesday, 09-Feb-16 22:20:22 UTC from web in context

    Doing all this just to see if I need replacement parts would be a little bit too much for my taste

    Saturday, 15-Aug-15 12:34:46 UTC from web
  10. ... I want one

    Friday, 14-Aug-15 18:04:27 UTC from web
  11. I just ordered myself one of these waterproof protective cases for my S4 ( , Seido Obex ) because my Otterbox Preserver now misses a seal ( and in turn lost it's water-proof-ness ) ... I hope it will arrive soon. For I do not think that my phone, in it's current state, can survive another surprise assault by either hail, rain, water, or surprise pool visits or... perhaps other sticky liquids I can not, or will not, mention

    Friday, 14-Aug-15 14:31:14 UTC from web
  12. I know what it says, but I do not know what the individual words mean. Something like "Energy-Drinks, First become 16 years or older, until then we can recommend milk" And I can REALLY agree with that.

    "Gibt's bei uns erst ab 16" just strikes me as odd, as does "Bis dahin"

    Monday, 27-Jul-15 11:08:37 UTC from web
  13. ... This not even 6 seconds long thingie kinda portrays perfectly what one of my IRL "friends" has become... He's acting like a total Soldier... and he is doing it on purpose ...

    Saturday, 25-Jul-15 15:21:35 UTC from web
  14. @bobo A bit too fishy for my taste

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-15 22:00:16 UTC from web in context
  15. @adiwan just gonna show you this thing

    And wow, I really want to at least play Mage Knight or Epic Spell Wars right now :o

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-15 21:59:42 UTC from web in context
  16. Hmm, I just blew up my Heineken Speakerkratjes ... which were promotional items from 2008 or something... I wonder if I should think about fixing them, or just tossing them. After all they are just cheaply china made thingies.

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-15 21:26:00 UTC from web
  17. @yodelerty This says it all :)

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-15 13:12:16 UTC from web in context
  18. @metaltao like that one

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-15 03:29:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  19. @bobo It actually has one of these though.

    Monday, 20-Jul-15 17:09:14 UTC from web in context
  20. @adiwan Oh, that also still happens in Germany eh ? Darn WW2. Out here in the sticks the locals have actually started to put down betting pools on the next one that is going to be found. It's surprisingly easy to tell Brittish made and German made bombs from eachother ( especially the airdropped kinds ), and it might actually have to do something with [inserts image] ... It's a good series BTW :) ( just not about WW2, or bombs )

    Monday, 20-Jul-15 16:56:16 UTC from web in context
  21. @bobo I do not think I am going to like this bro-speak. I am thinking about by the way

    Saturday, 18-Jul-15 23:30:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  22. ... It also seems to be bugged... Bugged achievements ... *growling feral noizes*

    Saturday, 18-Jul-15 21:03:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  23. # is weird... I wish I had it as a kid, randomly dunking stuff in Liquid Nitrogen XD ( like... hands ) as an added bonus, have the survival of the fittest video ( that also includes Liquid Nitrogen ) here :

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 19:52:49 UTC from web
  24. @adiwan

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 12:51:52 UTC from web in context
  25. Soo, a Dutch brony just told me that it's too bad that dancing to work isn't socially acceptable. So, yeah, I am going to give a big birdflip symbol to the world tomorrow as I dance the to work

    Wednesday, 08-Jul-15 11:48:29 UTC from web in context
  26. Hmm, lets see, this here laptop ( ) ... It does not always go on when asked, in fact, it does not even give me a BIOS load from time to time ( ranging anywhere from 0 to 50 seconds to start giving me the DELL BIOS splash screen ) ... I wonder I'm better off tossing it

    Sunday, 28-Jun-15 18:31:00 UTC from web
  27. @ceruleanspark If by cool you mean "Person in total disregard for gun safety and discipline" yea go ahead :) ( I mean, that's what it looks like to me )

    Sunday, 28-Jun-15 18:27:01 UTC from web in context
  28. @adiwan I actually had to look at to see what's inside of a wiimote... and hell-no, I am NOT touching that... Except maybe with the same method as in that video since I am not even halfway capable to read PCB's ... And that Alcohol on used toothbrush thing might actually work... or you can toss it.

    Sunday, 28-Jun-15 16:23:26 UTC from web in context
  29. @adiwan Oh, and gamestores usually have bananaty loot anyway. I somewhat hint at for obvious reasons ( and it's a good video )

    Sunday, 28-Jun-15 12:24:36 UTC from web in context
  30. @awlyra I have yet to start on the Arkham/batman series. But I somehow really think you should try this game . And yes this was the last thing to come out of Bungee before Halo ( I finished the game :) I guess that means I am hardcore ? )

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 14:53:16 UTC from web in context