Notices by Alcoholic Beast (drinkingpony), page 7

  1. "Waaah Waaah Waaah ! Our healer is not healing."

    Nonsense, you get healed the most. You guys just spread out too much for me to heal you guys effectively

    Teammate 2 : "Yeah, our Pip sucks !"

    **sigh** Wait till the end of the round... Wait till the end of the round...

    Oh hey what do you know, I got rated Most Valuable Healer at in the end of the round stat. I got WAY more than average for a Pip, and the healer on the opposite team was Seris, I outhealed Seris. Wow. Suck on that stupid team that said I could not heal !

    Aight, this is just a weird flex and rant at the same time. But hey I just started playing Paladins and this is the first actual bad salt game I had.

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 23:10:29 UTC from web in context
  2. @adiwan Its not lying and committing fraud if you genuinely thought it was the thing you provide the reciept for.

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 18:27:15 UTC from web in context
  3. @adiwan Orrrr, you could just lie your way into seeing the contents and then getting the right reciept... Or not if you do not think the content is worth it.

    But I know you are not comfortable with that.

    ( Oh, another possibility is that the sender got the adress wrong and you actually do not have a reciept )

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 10:31:23 UTC from web in context
  4. @adiwan Man post offices in Germany are weird.

    What are they going to do, send it back to China ? Just wait it out :)

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 10:27:45 UTC from web in context
  5. @drinkingpony Oh, right, the punchline. At one point this guy ( the one who repeatedly went "DEBATE ME ! DEBATE ME !" ) had to admit that the movie just was not that defendable, or even good. But then he said "But you are still going to get the blueray/dvd right" and was promptly laughed at in a "Haha, but why tho ? We dislike/hate the movie"

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 10:10:42 UTC from web in context
  6. @adiwan Fans are gonna fan, untill something happens that makes them not want to be a fan anymore.

    I remember reading about some guy who had made a MCU-Wall, containing the DVD cover for every Marvel Superhero movie ever released, complaining about how he did not really like one particular movie but was still deadset on getting the thing for his wall since else his collection would be incomplete ( this was years ago )

    Extreme fans gonna extreme fan I guess.

    Hell, kinda reminds me of this 2 hour long thing of some guy who was harassing a movie critic on Discord for a debate for his opinion on a movie was SO WRONG he simply had to correct the narrative, or at least attempt to, it was a total fail and is probably one of the best examples of how to learn from other people's mistakes ( ) Its quite humorous at times, but I am not sure if I can recommend it unless if you got 2 hours to waste.

    ( Such as when on CCTV monitor duty at work at night)

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 10:09:02 UTC from web in context
  7. @adiwan Can't you just show up with a random reciept from whoever send it ? I mean it is's not like they are actually going to check if there is actually prismatic doomsday ray refactor plating in there.

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 09:54:10 UTC from web in context
  8. I just woke up and read something so incredibly stupid that it would be best to just ignore it while shaking my head and repeat the mantra "How can anyone be this naive ?" untill something shinier comes along and I forget all about it. with my luck, should be about 5 minutes and a good glass of misery liquid.

    Monday, 04-Nov-19 09:50:18 UTC from web
  9. @adiwan I can explain. Somewhat.

    1. People own all these games because just the roster updates to them are worth buying the game all over again. This has been a hot-button topic in the hardcore-gameosphere ever since ( and no doubt before ) CoD became an annual franchise. FIFA just started to really stand out because unlike CoD it did not had different guns, an engine, or even more polygons ( with only 2~3 exceptions that I know of ) and you simply can not have the old game play online because everyone migrated to the newer game. And couch-co-op back in the day, well you would not want to be the cheapass amongst friends would you ? Think of the shame.

    The reason that they are now on flea-markets everywhere is because FIFA has joined the league-of-anti-hong-kong ( in an attempt to remain buddy buddy with China and keep access to the market no doubt )

    Surely you heard of the Blitzchung Blizzard thing ? Well, it is like that, only soccer-juicy. Kinda.

    Sunday, 03-Nov-19 23:25:36 UTC from web in context
  10. One of my IRL buddies

    "Who cares about Battlefield V, Battlefield 2021 is coming out !"

    Yeah do you know when, because I know for when they got it planned

    "Yeah, fiscal year 2021, so we probably get the game somewhere october 2020"

    No, 2021

    "No 2020"

    Fine... don't believe me, but if I win you got to shave off your stupid mustache

    "But If I am right, then I get a case of beer"

    Your mustache versus a case of beer ? You are on, But I thought you thought more for your mustache.

    And while being anointed in a lot of swearing because apparently calling it a cheap stupid mustache was over the line, another stupid bet was made.

    Sunday, 03-Nov-19 20:09:27 UTC from web
  11. To think that back at E3 2017 Nina Struthers ( Mahria Zook ) walked on stage as the Chief Synergy Officer and proceeded to call everyone in the gaming industry dumb. And that now for the year 2020 people are planning to dub it the "Year of No Cow-Excrement" in the hope that it will become better is sort of clashing in my head as a... Weird symbolicisation... perhaps best explained like

    2017 : waking up
    2018 : coffee
    2019 : taking a shower and then the hot water suddenly stops so it is now cold AF
    just before 2020 : realisation moment "OH GOD THE GAMES INDUSTRY IS ON FIRE AND WE HAVE TO EXTINGUISH THE FLAMES !!! Quick lets call 2020 the year of no bullgrape or something, lets see if that works !"

    Sunday, 03-Nov-19 18:14:34 UTC from web
  12. @adiwan Ehmm, no ? I have a list of terribly bad good movies ( Machette, Iron Sky, Kung Fury, Hobo With a Shotgun, Sharknado, Surf Nazi's Must Die, Hercules in New York, Poultrygeist : Night of the Chicken Dead, Batman ( Clooney ) & Robin, Face/Off ) that are filled with "haha, oh my, I can not believe they did that, haha"

    I can only guess that is what you mean with 'not very excelling but like them nontheless"

    I also have a list of Terrible Terrible movies ( Troll 2, Birdemic, Laserblast, Cool Cat saves the kids, the frEd movies, The Last Airbender ( M Knight ) foodfight ) that make me point at the screen and make horror faces like that one scene from Body Snatchers, you know the one.

    I mean, unless if I tone down 'like' to 'could watch it again instead of playing video games'. Then you get movies like Beverly Hills Cop, Police Academy, Showdown in Little Tokyo, Naked Gun, Die Hard ( Best Xmas movie ), Fifth Element, Starship Troopers, Liar Liar, and Wreck it Ralph

    Sunday, 03-Nov-19 00:32:36 UTC from web in context
  13. Supplementary and hilarious video regarding Ross Marquand

    Guess who he is voicing. Just saying. He probably knew a little boatload more about acting like Han Solo.

    Probably the Seawise Giant, the largest boat in the world after a quick google search.

    Do not take anything in this post/dash/rainbowpost serious or use it for anything other than a reason to smirk, laugh, or something like that.

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 19:33:12 UTC from web
  14. @adiwan Solo was mediocre at best, but lets agree to disagree. You are right regarding being too close to TLJ though. But then again we are pretty much talking about the mother of all cataclysmic events that drove the fandom in twain.

    If the people were not so split on TLJ like they were, then things like 'fandom fattigue' never got invented and we probably would not have much negative stuff to say about Solo.

    Well, other than the directors of Solo being fired at 90% completion of the movie over 'creative differences' and the thing going out of budget by several dozen millions. The 'news' that comes out later to patch up that hole seems awfully convenient to say the least where actors speak out against the fired directors.

    But hey, those are in the same category of people that said that Alden Ehrenreich needed on site coaching how to be more like Han Solo. I call out Nepotism. I reckon you would not have had this problem if you hired Ross Marquand ( I am kidding, a bit )

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 19:27:29 UTC from web in context
  15. Star wars news : Cnet made an article called "Star Wars has never been better, thanks to Disney". But if you read it there is an entire section of the article that do nothing but praise things that either just came out or are still in the pipeline.

    Then you read the comments and the most upvoted one just JUMPS at the opportunity to say "Oh [editor], I just love your article. [ ... ] I just love how all the toxic comments prove your point"

    Meanwhile all I can think of is. The failure of Solo. The total halt of Star Wars Story movies. Creative freedom was being called to a complete halt by LucasArts. Toy Sales are down the drain. Galaxy's edge is effectively 'empty'. Ryan Johnson did not get his trilogy. D&D told no to Star Wars in favour of Netflix. Rise of Skywalker is STILL being worked on. And I am not even going to touch the whole 'Star Wars Adventures' thing while making Leia a 'woke woman'

    But wait, I think it is a Disney Shill Plant, after all, it is Cnet. And who owns Cnet ?

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 18:21:42 UTC from web in context
  16. @adiwan At least that story had a good enough ending, even if it took a week for Amazon to step in and pimpslap someone who deserved a pimpslap.

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 17:43:09 UTC from web in context
  17. @scribus Water is wet, sun shines, grass grows, and the moment we find a way to harness the power of stupid for energy production we will never have energy production woes ever again for as long as there are fandoms of THAT caliber.

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 17:41:50 UTC from web in context
  18. @adiwan We all have a friend that recieved something double, for some reason all of the times I heard my friends 'brag' about it it was about rather powerful video cards.

    Probably going back at least 10 years or so.

    Maybe it is your lucky day. Ehmm, actually, I do not even halfway think that a PCB could cost that much unless if the name of the device is rather unknown, obscure, or less than legal.

    You are not building a death ray again are you ?

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 14:18:49 UTC from web in context
  19. @scribus Finally got my way 'round to see it. I like it. Though I hope you are prepared to cringe at the influx of people who say that it looks like Undertale ( especially with the reference of the big knife ) since I already found one person who told me that whilst looking over my shoulder.

    Saturday, 02-Nov-19 11:07:42 UTC from web in context
  20. Some mentally young person was all in tears because he found out that Rick and Morty are going to be on HBO Max. I just said nothing, making it more awkward.

    I wish I was making that up.

    Also, no, it was not a child.

    Friday, 01-Nov-19 21:34:23 UTC from web
  21. @scribus Last time I trusted a book I ended up summoning Cthulhu in power armour...

    Never again. Books are evil, the more words the eviller.

    Friday, 01-Nov-19 18:31:44 UTC from web in context
  22. @mrmattimation If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were running against eachother that makes them rivals. If someone in your 'group' calls you out for doing or being bad, then you are rivals too.

    Also, I keep spouting blatantly untrue bullgrape ? Have you ever looked into a mirror ? Also I hope Reddit dies since it is nothing but a circlejerk.

    Gaslighting not a tool of the alt-right. It is being employed as a tool by all political sides.

    You are blind if you do not see the relevance of being called a something by a super ( Oh but she is not running, so it is ohkay *eyeroll* )

    I do not care if she does not stand a chance, I find it hilarious that someone can make a comeback from the brink of falling off the radar by a FUBAR by HRC.

    I am afraid I know nothing about her Turkey though. Only thing I know about Turkey is a recent vote in the House of Representatives about acknowledging a genocide. But I would be surprised if Tulsi knows anything about that, even though that is her job.

    Friday, 01-Nov-19 10:33:12 UTC from web in context
  23. @mrmattimation Didn't they say the same thing about the current president ?

    Aging like milk that one is.

    But to adres what you said. It is not the fact that she is fighting someone who isn't on the ballot, It is that the other party picked a fight and lost in the most spectacular way. I hope you like seeing her on the debate stage ( even if she might not get any microphone time ). Remember who you have to thank for that, someone who has been an insider for YEARS.

    Friday, 01-Nov-19 01:02:33 UTC from web in context
  24. @mrmattimation Dammit Matt, if you are about to say something so ridiculously funny warn me first. Now I have to clean the splatter damage from my monitor.

    Next thing you are going to tell me that Hillary was not a political rival to Obama back in 2008 either ( 128 delegates too short, you know what I am talking about )

    But I know what is wrong here. Go look up the definition of the word 'Rival' and then get back to me.

    Oh for the love of... now I have streaks all over my monitor.

    Friday, 01-Nov-19 00:57:13 UTC from web in context
  25. Everytime I look at the inner workings of current day America I am both amazed and amused just a little bit more.

    Imagine telling your political rival that she is a Russian asset ( and then the Republican fubar story bending ) only to see your political rival hit over 2% in the DNC approved polls so you get see her be on the debate.

    I might be REALLY late to draw that conclusion but it took a while for me to figure out how the DNC polling actually works.

    But I am probably boring you all to death with stuff like this, I just had to laugh when I found out how the boomerang effect actually worked in this :)

    Thursday, 31-Oct-19 13:46:27 UTC from web in context
  26. @adiwan I feel like I should wish you the best of luck getting to your vacation safely. But I also do not want that to sound patronising. Not sure how to do that really. So I'm just saying it like this I guess.

    Thursday, 31-Oct-19 12:10:42 UTC from web in context
  27. Well, my search of Overwatch vs Paladins led me through some weird hole that I am now sad that I never got to play Gigantic.

    Video that got me 'there' :

    Thursday, 31-Oct-19 12:07:24 UTC from web
  28. So I know it is just a video game, but still, fetching crude oil to run through my forge as coolant as I make Steel. Of which the heated coolant I throw on a huge chunk of frozen crude oil... so I get more usable oil... Hell has frozen over and all you know.

    ( Oxygen Not Included )

    Wednesday, 30-Oct-19 14:31:09 UTC from web
  29. @adiwan Just remind him that you can program robotic arms and can actually remove that bug that crawled up his orifice and died.

    Mostly smacktalk ofc, but I reckon you can get a giggle out of it.

    Wednesday, 30-Oct-19 14:26:16 UTC from web in context
  30. @adiwan I hope your colleague was flabbergasted at least.

    Wednesday, 30-Oct-19 14:18:31 UTC from web in context