fluttershyisbestpony's home timeline


  1. This. !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/cdmh1

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 20:21:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  2. time for lowercase network.

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 19:45:32 UTC from web
  3. @datponygotvtec Oh man, this guy thinks Fluttershy's a bruiser. That's hilarious.

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 18:26:13 UTC from web
  4. http://amiminatoyet.tumblr.com/ I'm done.

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 18:13:45 UTC from web
  5. @thatonestocking I have no idea how to do the black-text thing. || That's part of why I describe it as over-the-top and similar to anime. Two easy comparisons (one in part due to direct references in-story): Full Metal Alchemist, Dragon Ball Z. Either way, it's not that far out of universe bounds. Re: Necromancy FoE style. Re: Courier of New Vegas. Doesn't mean everything they do in the story is a good idea.

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 18:09:42 UTC from web
    • Show all 11 replies
    • @thatonestocking "Author hadn't planed that far ahead" They had already planned beyond it as far back as chapter 18ish (author's note for chapter 52), but I have no idea if they planned that particular event. Even Kkat intentionally left some elements unplanned until they were being written (Kkat Interviews). || And now the # segment: I have more issues with the existence of the OIA than anything else the story does. I understand why it's there as a narrative tool. I like a number of the particular adventures it facilitates happening at all. Still uncomfortable. (Also, she's just as suicidal after becoming cyberpony as she was prior. The first two things she does after not dying is A> DRINK SUICIDAL LEVELS OF BOOZE B> TRY TO RUN TO DEATH) Puppysmiles is best pony.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 18:35:01 UTC in context
    • @thatonestocking Know what would have been weird but neat? If they ended it right after defeating Deus and left the open end for other writers to pick up.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 20:15:22 UTC in context
    • @thatonestocking Shoot, I never considered that. That would have been kinda spiffy too.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 20:19:11 UTC in context

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 17:50:37 UTC from web
  7. So I had a first person dream, where I /almost/ fell asleep. Too bad I didnt

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 17:55:04 UTC from web
  8. @renovatedkitchen http://derpiboo.ru/199317

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:43:43 UTC from web
  9. So presumably thanks to "Les Miserables" I dreamt of lower-class revolution. Though, mine was more of a "McDonald's employees unionize" situation than a war. And a buddy and I were dragged into it because we (thought we) were exploring abandoned homes - but somebody lived there and her tale of woe so moved us we got involved. Also, completely unrelated, but throughout the whole dream Robert Downey, Jr. was a train thief. But not in a stealing things on a train way - he actually stole entire damn trains. And at one point I washed my hands with a hamburger patty.

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 17:42:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  10. I can't tell if the claws on the end of this thing are connected to some sort of motor or if you just have to flare them out yourself. It'd be awfully silly to make them bendable and not motorize them, but I don't see any mechanism in them. :T

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 17:44:16 UTC from web
    • @thatonestocking Can I come with you? I make a great idiot lackey!

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 17:33:17 UTC from web
    • @thatonestocking With all due respect, Linux can get way better gaming performance than Windows even with the crappy drivers we have currently. My phone battery is rather low, so I can't give you a link, but VALVe posted a blog post about how they had several times more FPS on their Linux version of L4D2 (which was barely optimised) than under the thoroughly optimised Windows version.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 16:58:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • People tell me I like death to much. They say I get really into it, both in games and movies. I tell them it is like work and home you keep them separate from eachother.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:45:55 UTC from web
    • The only bad thing about IRC they don't give you a lot of room before it calls you for flooding. I accidentally did it twice in the year I was role-playing there :/

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:11:38 UTC from web
    • Weirds me out to recall that I've had my account with RDN longer than my account with !EquestrianDawn MUSH. I invested far more time into that MUSH than anything else in the past year and a half. Seems like my interest in RPing just totally fell by the wayside though. Almost like listening to fanfics via Text-to-Speech has totally overshadowed RPing in terms of efficiency for my lifestyle to the point that it's hard to justify RP VS reading a fanfic / watching a video / attempting to write my own darn stories. Don't have to spend those extra hours of time waiting for the back and forth from the whole read-response cycle and whatnot. Anywho. Happy New Year, y'all! And Happy Holidays too! (There were a bunch of them and I don't remember half of 'em.)

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:04:29 UTC from web
    • Reminder that this year is a *13*. You're all going to have bad luck this year.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 05:04:51 UTC from api
    • @thatonestocking Family decided to go to Burger King instead. :<

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 04:32:07 UTC from web
    • "The most used search terms in our in-site search are very much not safe for work; only ‘spike’, ‘rarity’ and ‘comic’ are publishable" sure must be nice to be a derpibooru mod

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 04:17:51 UTC from web
    • what was one of your guises favorite memories this year mine was finding out that my 2 best buds were bronies

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 03:59:01 UTC from web
    • !!! http://ur1.ca/cddi1

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 02:19:34 UTC from web
    • I just realized 2013 will be the first year of my existence that will not have a repeating number in the year.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 02:42:52 UTC from web
    • I've had nothing but eggnog and ice cream today, this is healthy eating yes

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:37:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
    • The song playing on the radio right now is about the singer breaking into someone's house and telling BS about her childhood memories and how they mean the house is hers

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:40:24 UTC from StatusNet Android
      • Wait how could I even forget I bought ice cream wow there's something wrong with me.

        Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:38:36 UTC from web
      • Hello everyone. Happy holidays to all you lovely people!

        Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:12:14 UTC from web
      • i know i'm an hour late but HAPPY NEW YEAR :D

        Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:22:23 UTC from web
      • Happy almost-but-not-quite new years to the people in the US and happy new years to the people elsewhere. :D

        Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:09:22 UTC from web
      • "BREAKING NEWS: U.S. TO GO OVER FISCAL CLIFF. Assault rifles selling out across U.S."

        Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:20:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
        • Anyway, happy stupid holiday to whoever doesnt think this is a stupid holiday~

          Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 00:24:48 UTC from web