Sawyer VanDanElzen's home timeline


  1. There that's all I had to say

    Thursday, 27-Mar-14 17:18:27 UTC from web
    • I'm going to start talking in stupid ways like instead of saying "I'm going for a drive" I'll say "I'm going for a spin on the steel rodeo"

      Thursday, 27-Mar-14 16:20:42 UTC from web
      • Someday I shall have a Wacom.

        Thursday, 27-Mar-14 14:27:40 UTC from web
      • Someone make me a vending machine out of balsa wood so I can cosplay Shizuo Heiwajima

        Thursday, 27-Mar-14 11:53:59 UTC from web
      • So I've been watching Durarara!! and it's pretty great.

        Thursday, 27-Mar-14 10:39:32 UTC from web
        • This just in: @ceruleanspark's whole body is going inside of my butt

          Thursday, 27-Mar-14 10:29:59 UTC from web
        • So hyped for Goat Simulator

          Thursday, 27-Mar-14 08:11:14 UTC from web
          • Evangelion AU where the Angels are benevolent and seen as gods and the Eva's are a misguided attempt to resurrect fallen gods.

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 06:29:11 UTC from web
          • This made me laugh quite hard. Slight # for language.

            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 06:49:30 UTC from web

              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 06:17:31 UTC from web
            • Btw, if you guys do or do not recall, I helped get that big meetup going at Youmacon 2012. Here's the link again:

              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 03:11:48 UTC from web
              • With HotDiggedyDemon & SillyFillyStudios being at MME, we at Bronies of Youmacon would be remiss in, if nothing else, planning a meetup during this event! Nothing's set in stone just yet, so if you got any ideas, the rally starts here:

                Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 02:27:46 UTC from web
              • @oracle ALIEN YOU SAY

                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:33:32 UTC from web
              • Okay, sub it is. Any dub that changes names is a no go.

                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 12:59:19 UTC from web
                • Is the Durarara! dub good enough to justify watching as opposed to the sub? I haven't watched either but if the dubbing is ass I'm not interested in it.

                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 12:43:35 UTC from web
                  • God help the outcast with her witchcraft. Someday, I'm gonna go home.

                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 11:50:37 UTC from web
                  • Imagine if manga had alternate universes like western comics. Like, imagine Ultimate Naruto.

                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 09:37:18 UTC from web
                  • Real talk though wig or dye

                    Monday, 24-Mar-14 12:20:54 UTC from web
                  • I'm going to cosplay the teacher from Kill La Kill because the only part I don't have yet is the wig. Or I could just go for it and dye my hair blue.

                    Monday, 24-Mar-14 12:17:24 UTC from web
                    • Did homosexuality kill the dinosaurs?

                      Monday, 24-Mar-14 09:48:44 UTC from web
                    • @snowcone Yes that is what happened. I almost got tongue murdered.

                      Monday, 24-Mar-14 10:04:53 UTC from web
                    • mangoes you guys goodnight

                      Monday, 24-Mar-14 00:37:50 UTC from web
                    • I'm laughing this girl I met at the con yesterday is going to sew me an entire cosplay because she thinks I look like the heavy from TF2.

                      Sunday, 23-Mar-14 20:55:17 UTC from web
                    • Just got back from Mazumi con in San Antonio. A one day con. They didn't get mad about my free hugs sign which is unusual for a Texas con. In fact, they seemed to support it! I even started a trend with like thirty people carrying around free hugs signs made from paper.

                      Sunday, 23-Mar-14 07:05:06 UTC from web
                      • Getting ready to make the hour and a half drive from Austin to San Antonio. Fun stuff.

                        Saturday, 22-Mar-14 13:12:21 UTC from web
                        • Unless we're talking about Stallone's Rocky, in which case it's already twenty years too late.

                          Saturday, 22-Mar-14 08:57:40 UTC from web
                        • Also, I am intoxicated.

                          Saturday, 22-Mar-14 08:47:03 UTC from web
                        • !mtg I pulled a Chandra from the first pack I've bought in almost a year.

                          Saturday, 22-Mar-14 06:45:20 UTC from web
                          • Someone texted me saying they just put in a random number. Does that actually happen?

                            Thursday, 20-Mar-14 19:57:33 UTC from web