Sawyer VanDanElzen's home timeline


  1. Finished South Park: The Stick of Truth. Story wise it was an extended episode of the show. Gameplay wise it was a mixture between early Final Fantasy and Metroid, with a bit of rhythm game in there for texture. Over all it didn't seem that long though looking at my timer (yes I time how long it takes me to play games. I do this for reasons) it took me about twenty hours to get through the story and do all the side quests. If you're a fan of irreverent humor and surprisingly subtle self-referential humor then you should check it out. !VGP

    Thursday, 20-Mar-14 15:43:49 UTC from web
  2. I want to watch an anime with at least one really great ass twist that isn't hinted towards very much at all. Like, "How did you survive that fall with no injury?" "It must have been my latent anime powers!" and then they laugh it off but in like the second to last episode surprise mothergrapeser you're half horse half alien

    Thursday, 20-Mar-14 15:17:44 UTC from web
  3. I am SO down for the next episode of klk. It's gonna be dank

    Thursday, 20-Mar-14 11:28:18 UTC from web
  4. His horns are duck bills.

    Thursday, 20-Mar-14 10:59:24 UTC from web
    • Ughh ahhh okay no Kill La Kill has the CREEPIEST villain I've seen in an anime in a long time.

      Thursday, 20-Mar-14 10:35:59 UTC from web
      • This just in the little red streak in Ryuko's hair is actually magic

        Thursday, 20-Mar-14 09:32:52 UTC from web
        • Oh snap plot twist

          Thursday, 20-Mar-14 09:09:29 UTC from web
          • Who whatever is happening with Satsuki and her mom is creeping me out hardcore

            Thursday, 20-Mar-14 08:16:08 UTC from web
          • Kill La Kill has the best compilation episode.

            Thursday, 20-Mar-14 07:59:41 UTC from web
          • Oooh I need a 4k TV to see this video in all of it's glory. I wasn't aware Youtube could do that yet.

            Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 16:55:43 UTC from web
          • I can't believe I paid real money for someone to draw my dumb joke Homestuck OC

            Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 16:48:52 UTC from web
          • Day just got better. A friend is doing some commissions for me and they're streaming it.

            Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 16:24:38 UTC from web
          • The McDonald's application process was probably the strangest one I've done.

            Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 14:02:08 UTC from web
          • Things you should not do if you want to keep your job: Call your boss out for being a racist and not believing that insomnia is a thing that exists .

            Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 13:26:03 UTC from web
          • Haha, there goes my job. Gonna punch the wall a couple times.

            Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 13:01:31 UTC from web
            • My friend was feeling depressed so I drove to What-A-Burger at 4 in the morning to play Magic with her. What a life.

              Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 11:53:09 UTC from web
            • Nobody appreciates the fact that I'm going to reach the status of Giant Woman by having a short person sit on my shoulders while I wear tights and we paint ourselves blue and put on a giant wig and a dress

              Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 08:35:07 UTC from web
            • This just in: I am going to do a two person cosplay with one of my friends. Opal, from Steven Universe. The character has four arms and is, in fact, a giant woman. So my short friend will be sitting on my shoulders. It will be incredible.

              Wednesday, 19-Mar-14 06:30:01 UTC from web
            • Yo everyone here should follow my new twitter. I'm @honkandtwerk

              Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 19:57:14 UTC from web
              • So literally none of you know this but I've had a boyfriend for like four months and today we said our first "I love you" and I am so happy that I can't just not share this

                Friday, 14-Mar-14 05:28:42 UTC from web
              • @snowcone I certainly shared my banana.

                Friday, 14-Mar-14 06:15:51 UTC from web
              • The sad thing is that all of those suggestions are 100% true

                Friday, 14-Mar-14 05:53:41 UTC from web
              • Help he wants to know who Tim is how do I explain this place

                Friday, 14-Mar-14 05:49:41 UTC from web
              • @snowcone The guy practically lives in my pants

                Friday, 14-Mar-14 05:39:48 UTC from web
              • @snowcone Maybe? I don't know.

                Friday, 14-Mar-14 05:35:50 UTC from web
              • So I'm actually seriously beginning to consider renting a house with some of my online friends. No idea what it'll entail.

                Thursday, 13-Mar-14 05:45:25 UTC from web
                • Went food shopping for my little stash. Of food.

                  Monday, 10-Mar-14 00:59:02 UTC from web
                • Sup suckas.

                  Monday, 10-Mar-14 00:46:26 UTC from web
                • Tha party poopas crew

                  Monday, 10-Mar-14 01:01:34 UTC from web
                • Someone should seriously design a "Not the Bees Network" logo.

                  Monday, 10-Mar-14 00:55:19 UTC from web