Sawyer VanDanElzen's home timeline


  1. the other day someone said i was awkward to which I replied "Shut up I'll eat your grapesing legs" whos awkward now huh

    Thursday, 17-Apr-14 07:10:20 UTC from web
  2. Have you ever had an idea for a thing and you really want to make the thing but at the same time you don't because you don't think you could do it justice that's how I feel right now

    Tuesday, 15-Apr-14 06:38:38 UTC from web
  3. I've got half a bottle of black hair dye on my head

    Saturday, 12-Apr-14 15:35:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • I'm reading Naruto and listening to Panic! At the Disco. I'm having middle school flashbacks.

      Thursday, 10-Apr-14 15:18:05 UTC from web
    • i haven't heard from @widget and @minti in ages, hope everything is going swell on their end.

      Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 18:53:46 UTC from web
    • Hey, anyone who is interested in storytelling should get the Moth stories app. It's a collection of hour long segments with between three and seven stories told by people about events in their lives. They're all told without notes and they range from really hilarious to emotionally heavy. It's my new favorite app. It's great.

      Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 09:42:14 UTC from web
      • Leaving for Florida in 3 hours. Any wise advise?

        Tuesday, 08-Apr-14 07:29:06 UTC from web
      • Dirty furry weeaboo blowing up my phone with favourite notifications

        Sunday, 06-Apr-14 06:06:07 UTC from web
      • Peeps favouriting old notices again what up

        Sunday, 06-Apr-14 04:23:17 UTC from web
      • pinkie has pretty eyes

        Sunday, 06-Apr-14 04:40:41 UTC from web
      • Earliest known capture of this site:

        Sunday, 06-Apr-14 04:11:05 UTC from web
      • How evil can you be before it just stops being practical? Cause some of these early Bio-Ware villains are more like Saturday morning cartoon kind of even than anything else. What's that, Dart Malik? You want us to blow up a whole planet to kill one person? Killing billions of people? And we won't even bother evacuating our own troops first? Sounds like a plan.

        Saturday, 05-Apr-14 04:56:13 UTC from web
      • Does Samurai Flamenco get any better or is it just two guys staring meaningfully into each other's eyes while one wears a superhero costume?

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 20:41:32 UTC from web
      • What am I even watching

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 21:13:15 UTC from web
      • gatta go fast

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 18:44:23 UTC from web
      • So I've been thinking about doing a YouTube channel. What do you tools think I would be good at?

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 07:46:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Someone suggest a game. I need a game to play that I haven't yet played.

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 06:29:50 UTC from web
      • @snowcone only the healthiest

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 07:38:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • About to install a game from a disc for the first time since I was 12 years old.

          Thursday, 03-Apr-14 07:25:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Honestly will dream of the fanfic fron this My Little Pony: Dragonfire (Promo) - Hub Network:

            Wednesday, 02-Apr-14 06:13:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • I cannot truly articulate how emotionally affected I was by the new Homestar Runner update.

            Wednesday, 02-Apr-14 06:02:35 UTC from web
          • Checked my YouTube inbox for the first time in months.

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 20:28:52 UTC from web
          • People who want Dead Space for free

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 20:02:49 UTC from web
          • Seriously? w-a-n-g is censored? THAT'S A NAME. LIKE ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE HAVE THAT NAME

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 19:54:15 UTC from web
          • And no, I'm not saying what it means yet. Mostly because I haven't thought of any name that fits.

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 19:46:44 UTC from web
          • Hey nerds sign this petition or I'll poop on your math homework

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 19:03:52 UTC from web
          • @snowcone Tim doesn't like anyone.

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 18:52:48 UTC from web
          • No way in heck am I eating that crappy beef tonight

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 17:37:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Someone say something stupid so I can respond with a cutting remark related to my last post

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 16:42:59 UTC from web
          • Everyone is so nice.

            Thursday, 27-Mar-14 17:44:10 UTC from web