Neon Pop's home timeline


  1. @flashmint Okay...

    Wednesday, 11-Sep-13 23:02:03 UTC from web
  2. Why is this guy treating everyone without AdBlock like they're in a third world country? It's literally waiting 5-30 seconds for a video to load, at most.

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 20:30:56 UTC from web
  3. @widget @cabal oh, I've just happened to see you sent a test-dent (, 11 days ago) to . The test will have failed, but perhaps only because my non-RDN statusnet address is actually . Or perhaps you wanted to reach

    Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 02:21:13 UTC from web
  4. Attention! If you use FireFox or Thunderbird please update to the latest versions to fix an issue with SSL certs due to new techniques in MitM attacks, thank you.

    Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 09:10:23 UTC from web
    • @widget Not neccesarily. Someone can pay without claiming ownership.

      Saturday, 20-Jul-13 03:10:17 UTC from web
    • @cabal @nerthos Hi. A statusnet security issue has been discovered and sent you a dent to tell you about it. Unfortunately the dent seems not to have reached Rainbowdash: Best regards :-)

      Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:52 UTC from web
    • Jeez you guys were debating at TWO MEGABYTES PER SECOND.

      Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:28:57 UTC from web
    • @russianbronymn I see you, always.

      Friday, 12-Jul-13 02:52:52 UTC from web
    • Hey everypony. Can you help send some hugs to my friend Chatoyance? She really needs some because some internet meanies won't leave her alone:

      Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 01:29:25 UTC from web
    • So you guys would be okay with high school setting?

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 18:42:11 UTC from web
    • Goodnight.

      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 04:46:45 UTC from web
      • Hello! Whats going on in here?

        Wednesday, 22-May-13 04:04:51 UTC from web
      • The Power Glove - it's so bad!

        Monday, 06-May-13 04:35:03 UTC from web
      • @vt3c Here is a better picture.

        Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:48:16 UTC from web
      • Rand: Ah. All I had to do was become the most powerful warlord on Earth to get a woman to stop nagging me.

        Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:26:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • @snowlynx Tests you don't have to care about are fun. I also drew a slice of pizza for an answer and, on three separate occasions, answered questions with complaints about how the guy behind me kept resting his feet on my chair.

        Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:38:11 UTC from web
      • yay and why am i your hero and what is lemongrab

        Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:57:01 UTC from web
      • Mmmm. Apple cider.

        Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:55:04 UTC from web
      • Ping statistics for XXXXXXXX: Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 84, Lost = 16 (16% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 109ms, Average = 53ms

        Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 15:38:25 UTC from web
      • I wish I had a healthy snake, I'm in the mood for an apple

        Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:46:58 UTC from web
      • I just remembered that I have the soundtrack to like 3 sonic games and I don't even like Sanic

        Sunday, 21-Apr-13 20:32:22 UTC from web
      • Anything interesting being talked about?

        Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 04:28:49 UTC from web
      • For those not streaming, Boston police have preliminary confirmation of 2 confirmed dead, 23 injured so far

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:16:25 UTC from web
      • I would love to donate blood for these sorts of things if my blood wasn't useless.

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:13:09 UTC from web
      • Turn on your TVS! Explosions at the Boston Marathon.

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:02:15 UTC from web
      • God dammit I'm an emotional wreck. If I'm not happy I'm angry at someone or depressed by the dead-end my life will eventually become.

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:23:16 UTC from web
        • @zeldatra Now now. It gets better. Trust me. Life is has terrible ups and downs. Believe me. Just remember, don't let something petty like this break you. You are not a teacup. You are a sturdy tin cup that can take a beating or two.

          Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:27:43 UTC in context
        • @cabal Yeah, I am by no means giving up entirely. I actually am very happy, most of the time. But I get angry really easily, and that's a flaw I constantly try to fix, to no avail. Depression usually sinks in after I realize how stupid I am and it is painful as all hell. Thanks, though.

          Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:31:11 UTC in context
      • @widget @redenchilada Thanks ~ function plot(){plot();}plot(); Just to make this even more embarrassingly nerdish <3

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:02:54 UTC from web
      • I really wish more people would take their issues with the site to staff DMs so they can be worked out civilly instead of putting them on Public where everyone feels a need to chime in with some snide remark or petty insult. hint hint nudge nudge

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:20:08 UTC from web
      • @widget @snowlynx @nerthos @zeldatra Whatever happened. Just let it go. Everyone has their opinion. My customers frequently call me an idiot over the phone and getting all worked up about it will make it worst. Also, I want you guys to read this blog post... one of my customers almost killed me because I allowed myself to get wayyy too upset.

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:17:28 UTC from web