Notices by RDN's Lucifer (nerthos), page 6

  1. @mushi

    Tuesday, 19-Mar-19 17:49:21 UTC from web
  2. @midn Welcome to RDN! We're running StatusNet, a previous iteration of what would later be called GNU Social, but it's basically the same.
    Do keep in mind that this instance is mostly self-oriented so federation might be iffy.

    Tuesday, 19-Mar-19 03:17:14 UTC from web in context
  3. @thismightbeauser The vegans will never find your eggplant among the bepis

    Tuesday, 19-Mar-19 03:15:05 UTC from web in context
  4. @scribus

    In any case this particular shooter looks less and less like one, particularly due to doing a classical 8chan thing of trying to sic the media on someone they dislike but is not particularly involved, and the fact that cia plants usually get themselves shot to tie loose ends, but this one got captured.

    Sunday, 17-Mar-19 21:39:46 UTC from web in context
  5. Sad times for New Zealand.

    Meanwhile, arguments about whether the shooter was legit or a CIA/whatever plant trying to do a 9/11 are popping up.

    Friday, 15-Mar-19 07:14:04 UTC from web in context
  6. @scribus It'd make rival fights more interesting too considering all three would have a chance against eachother.

    Friday, 15-Mar-19 06:27:26 UTC from web in context
  7. Consider this for the upcoming pokémon game starters:
    Water/Dragon for the chameleon
    Fire/Fairy for the rabbit
    Grass/Steel for the monkey

    Then for the first time each starter would have one advantage and one disvantage over each other, and the rock paper scissors nature of starters would disappear once they evolve.

    Friday, 15-Mar-19 05:37:08 UTC from web in context
  8. @xrevan86 Huh, didn't know there was a group for that.

    Friday, 15-Mar-19 01:21:40 UTC from web in context
  9. @drinkingpony @scribus It's not really about whether it was a good episode or not, it's about revisionism and a fascist mindset without any of the good parts of fascism, where anything that is deemed not kosher is censored and removed from public records.

    It was an old episode that was relevant for the time it came out, but the kind of individual that complains about things being "problematic" has no sense of nuance, historical significance, context, or anything like that. Some would see anything that doesn't match the current discourse removed entirely.

    Friday, 15-Mar-19 01:11:24 UTC from web in context
  10. .

    Wednesday, 13-Mar-19 10:03:12 UTC from web in context
  11. @awl ~20k posts into spc I do too.

    Sunday, 10-Mar-19 22:05:25 UTC from web in context
  12. @scribus Did you ever expect an ideology based on childish emotion and glorifying mental illness to go any other way?

    Sunday, 10-Mar-19 07:59:09 UTC from web in context
  13. Me today

    Sunday, 10-Mar-19 07:57:01 UTC from web
  14. "Here comes more crying"

    cc: @awl

    Sunday, 10-Mar-19 02:57:27 UTC from web
  15. @drinkingpony >pokemon tactical nuke
    Oh I love anarchocapitalism

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-19 20:37:25 UTC from web in context
  16. @scribus I can't decide whether pokémon gun or pokémon sword is cuter

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-19 17:49:15 UTC from web in context
  17. @everythingcats So much potential wasted. I would have been delighted to hear about everything cats.

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-19 17:48:15 UTC from web
  18. @drinkingpony Nah, I just had nothing to do, the weather was nice, and I felt like building something. Might end up building another since a friend of mine asked me how much I'd charge for one though.

    It's a bit heavy for acting apparel anyway

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-19 17:20:00 UTC from web in context
  19. @scribus were he that witty I don't think he would have counted them!

    Sunday, 03-Mar-19 04:47:39 UTC from web in context
  20. My weekend project turned out pretty well https://Potato

    Sunday, 03-Mar-19 04:46:57 UTC from web in context
  21. By the end of it he probably wished he had just guessed how many rivets were in the box and sold it to me like that.

    Saturday, 02-Mar-19 03:29:15 UTC from web
  22. I also made the hardware store clerk count 232 rivets one by one. He had hand rivets, which are a rarity here since everyone uses pop rivets, but refused to sell me a box, insisting that they were sold by the unit.

    He spent 10 minutes counting for $3 of rivets and $0.50 of nails.

    Saturday, 02-Mar-19 03:23:19 UTC from web in context
  23. I decided to do some metalworking since it was a nice day outside and wanted to try working with softer metals. Made some laurel leaves to rivet to a circlet. I'll likely finish it this weekend if weather agrees.

    Saturday, 02-Mar-19 03:21:17 UTC from web
  24. @mrmattimation >Not demanding the government is progressive for once and equips public restrooms with the three seashells

    Saturday, 02-Mar-19 02:23:10 UTC from web in context
  25. @drinkingpony How

    Friday, 22-Feb-19 11:39:55 UTC from web in context
  26. @whycantideletemyshame An internet monument to stand forevermore

    Friday, 22-Feb-19 11:38:16 UTC from web
  27. @scribus I once made french fries at 3am, let's start a club

    Thursday, 14-Feb-19 06:37:23 UTC from web in context
  28. @firestormdangerdash How much are they going for? This might be just the thing to get mushi for his academic achievements of late

    Thursday, 14-Feb-19 06:36:35 UTC from web in context
  29. @drinkingpony Frogs are friends not fugs

    Thursday, 14-Feb-19 05:37:29 UTC from web in context
  30. @rye I'm not a clown, moooom! I'm a juggalo!

    Tuesday, 12-Feb-19 20:30:06 UTC from Repeat of guizzy