Notices by RDN's Lucifer (nerthos), page 7

  1. @drinkingpony Alolan will smith

    Wednesday, 13-Feb-19 11:14:54 UTC from web in context
  2. @drinkingpony I was just joking about the word "kero", japanese onomatopeia for the sound a frog makes, hence characters named things like "kero kero keroppi" or "keroro gunsō", as the guy uses the word as his alias.

    I would never use a term like "cultural appropiation" outside of a joke.

    Wednesday, 13-Feb-19 10:29:19 UTC from web in context
  3. .

    Friday, 08-Feb-19 21:51:46 UTC from Repeat of majkatsu
  4. After spending so long on SPC the 1000 character limit seems so small. I used to see it as quite big.

    Nowadays I'm used to writing >2k character posts quite often. Then again I did use to write 3-part posts here with relative regularity back in the day.

    Kinda miss those times honestly.

    Sunday, 10-Feb-19 23:03:00 UTC from web
  5. @scribus @drinkingpony If you have a very good grasp of Spanish you can read Portuguese just fine, that's how I used to keep up with Mushi's faceplace posts and stuff he linked.

    You absolutely won't be able to understand spoken Portuguese though, specially from Brazil.

    Do ask mush mush about it if interested, he might have some sites detailing what's going on, and I'm not against roughly translating from Portuguese to English if needed.

    Sunday, 10-Feb-19 23:00:41 UTC from web in context
  6. @drinkingpony I do have a personal feud with this Kero guy for appropiating the term. That word belongs to frogs and frog allies, and using it in a pedophilic wolf context is cultural appropiation.

    Sunday, 10-Feb-19 22:56:41 UTC from web in context
  7. @drinkingpony Of course. I don't want a witch hunt or anything. There are several groups I dislike but I've made a point of believing in justice since I joined here, and dropping justice in favour of tribalistic glee at the other group going under the bus would jeopardize all the effort I've made to be recognized as an honourable person.

    Sunday, 10-Feb-19 22:55:36 UTC from web in context
  8. @drinkingpony That was by no means my implication.

    It was instead that in this particular case there seems to be conspiracy between the staff and the criminals to cover eachother.

    To be honest I couldn't care less about what drawn porn perverts share with eachother, as long as it's drawn as opposed to real porn. I don't know if the service will go down or not, but I do expect one or two staff members to at the very least pay bail because of it.

    Thursday, 07-Feb-19 01:28:43 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 06-Feb-19 00:24:30 UTC from web
  10. @drinkingpony @scribus @microsbm Yes, the grooming and the staff complicity with it, with the whole "it's not pedo if it's furry even though loli is bannable!!!" thing.
    Which should come as no surprise considering the kind of stuff some of the higher ups at the company are into.

    A chat client where grooming takes place is no more guilty than a park where a rape takes place, under normal circumstances, but when the criminals and the staff belong to the same fringe group and look after eachother, the situation starts to change.

    Tuesday, 05-Feb-19 21:40:45 UTC from web in context
  11. We had it good with old Skype

    Monday, 04-Feb-19 22:45:40 UTC from web
  12. Who's hyped for the Discord child grooming ring investigation?
    I bet it won't be too long until the entire thing goes under

    Monday, 04-Feb-19 22:37:33 UTC from web in context

    Sunday, 27-Jan-19 03:25:28 UTC from web
  14. @scribus The antivaccine cabal is reaping dividends

    Sunday, 27-Jan-19 02:09:59 UTC from web in context
  15. @mrmattimation They're mostly there to steal kids' 3DSs in the space between the plane lands and the passengers get their bags back.

    Friday, 18-Jan-19 01:58:37 UTC from web in context
  16. @mushi Cutest dog I've seen in a while

    Friday, 18-Jan-19 01:57:04 UTC from web in context
  17. On the other hand I'm all in for letting ethnic supremacist groups have at it and eventually wipe eachother off the planet. They'll gladly do it without any outside intervention if they're placed all in the same location.

    Sunday, 13-Jan-19 18:26:12 UTC from web
  18. @mrmattimation In that case the answer would likely be "sometime after '45"

    Sunday, 13-Jan-19 18:24:22 UTC from web in context

    Sunday, 13-Jan-19 18:22:44 UTC from web
  20. @thelastgherkin Can't do that before marriage

    Saturday, 12-Jan-19 15:12:45 UTC from web in context
  21. @ceruleanspark It was a wild ride, but an enjoyable one.

    Saturday, 12-Jan-19 15:12:25 UTC from web in context
  22. @scribus He does have a point though, considering how even saying "I'm proud to be white" gets the mob after you.

    Saturday, 12-Jan-19 15:10:02 UTC from web in context
  23. @scribus I don't know about other denominations, but in catholic churches you can just walk in with a bottle of water and ask for it to be blessed. Grandmothers do that all the time.

    Saturday, 12-Jan-19 15:07:23 UTC from web in context
  24. @ceruleanspark We're all ghosts here

    Saturday, 12-Jan-19 15:06:09 UTC from web in context
  25. @scribus As Carcino would have said (rest in peace)

    Thursday, 03-Jan-19 11:46:09 UTC from web in context
  26. I wonder what cavemen memes were like

    Sunday, 30-Dec-18 03:56:25 UTC from web in context
  27. @awl One of the basic human needs

    Sunday, 30-Dec-18 03:56:10 UTC from web in context
  28. @yodelerty Gamers rise up

    Saturday, 29-Dec-18 22:38:29 UTC from web in context
  29. @scribus That shouldn't be an issue at all, AFAIK that only concerns prostitution. And considering no one has closed down god damn switter yet...
    You could host in some other country too.

    Saturday, 29-Dec-18 22:36:26 UTC from web in context
  30. Also happy holidays to you all. Hadn't been around before to leave a message.

    Saturday, 29-Dec-18 03:12:33 UTC from web