Imani Hicks's home timeline


  1. @ellie I wish I were cool enough to speek weeb

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 08:49:41 UTC from web
  2. @ellie I laughed

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 08:45:43 UTC from web
  3. I want Celestia to be my senpai. I'm totes jelly of Twilight Sparkle.

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 08:33:03 UTC from web
  4. Is senpai an acceptable replacement term for husbando (or however you spell that)?

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 08:15:59 UTC from web
  5. best speedrun I've seen was Pokemon gen 1

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 07:03:11 UTC from web
    • How to speedrun DDR: a conversation I never dreamed i'd have.

      Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 06:45:43 UTC from web
      • Oh my papayasing god people actually speedrun Crazy Taxi?

        Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 06:37:54 UTC from web

        Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 06:33:35 UTC from web
      • For god's sake stupid puppy stop crying

        Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 05:48:03 UTC from web
      • Oh yeah. I got on the webz to find out something. I need to watch the Castlemania episode

        Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 06:06:02 UTC from web
      • So, The basic story is, Cousin saw The album logo of Immortal (blackGryph0n and baasik's album) and for some reason it had the logo from "Faster Than you know" (Which an image of twilight sparkle with white eyes and is floating in the air) and he say (cause I was going to show him some music) "Is this what you were going to show me" and I say "no, its the wrong thing" and turn it off and put it away and he says "Why is it wrong, cause it had a pink pony" (he is 24 here, so older, and a REALLY awesome dude, so I would probably be ok with telling him) but then I say (as we are alone) "Do you know what a Brony Is" and he says no. I sigh and Say "This is going to be hard" and he says "Why is that" and pulls out his phone. I panic cause I thought he was gonna google it And I say "What you doing" and he was texting...... I dont know what to think.........

        Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:40:02 UTC from web
      • I still have the heart of a goth deep down.

        Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:45:02 UTC from web

          Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:26:23 UTC from web
        • RT @ellie @northernnarwhal

          Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:34:56 UTC from web
          • @ellie It's so majestic!

            Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:34:24 UTC from web
          • #

            Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:16:10 UTC from web
          • >tfw not in the 90s living in the midwest

            Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:17:29 UTC from web
          • brb watering beard

            Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:05:29 UTC from web
          • I am on Trampoline, I am watchin sky, it is very fun!

            Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:15:53 UTC from web
          • I never knew broach had so many definitions.

            Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:20:19 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies I wanna go to this con in Denver, but i'm going to need to carpool and split a hotel if I do.

              Monday, 11-Aug-14 23:55:57 UTC from web
            • # Awesome open server weekend.

              Monday, 11-Aug-14 16:13:30 UTC from web
              • !utahbronies Awesome con!

                Monday, 11-Aug-14 16:12:48 UTC from web
                • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

                  Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
                • I think the main problem is that these cars aren't designed for racing on road courses, and more importantly these drivers aren't as comfortable with road courses. Obviously they can tune the setups on the car to make it a little better, but I mean these guys go in the grass and dirt so much it's almost embarrassing. That never happens in F1 or other non-Stock Car leagues.

                  Sunday, 10-Aug-14 21:13:10 UTC from web
                • Night all # and # for all

                  Sunday, 10-Aug-14 01:08:43 UTC from web
                • So did anyone here happen to go to BronyCon and get any pics? I've been trying to find pics of my cosplay

                  Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:27:52 UTC from web
                • I see what you did there

                  Saturday, 09-Aug-14 23:54:42 UTC from web
                • Update for those that may still be paying attention: rolled into new hampshire last night, everyone survived, including all the cats... we're not sure about the car yet.

                  Saturday, 09-Aug-14 23:40:43 UTC from web
                • @nut You're cute

                  Saturday, 09-Aug-14 23:52:40 UTC from web