Lovemere is a lifestyle brand. They enrich your motherhood journey by incorporating beautiful and comfortable innerwear and garments, giving you the confidence and courage you need.
The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.
More details...These are the people who listen to scribus's notices.
Lovemere is a lifestyle brand. They enrich your motherhood journey by incorporating beautiful and comfortable innerwear and garments, giving you the confidence and courage you need.
I make the funny meme videos. He/Him. www.youtube.com/mrmattimation CURRENT PROJECT(S): Undertale: The Twin Souls [Part 3] THE TOOLS WE USE: Adobe Animate CC 2017.5 (Character Animation) CACANi (Clean-up and Shading) Clip Studio Paint Pro (Painted Backgrounds & Standalone Pieces) Blender (3D Modelling & Rendering) Newgrounds Swivel (Rendering Flash file into an HD movie file) Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 (Editing) Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018 (Final Render) Audacity (Sound) Adobe Audition CC 2018 (Sound) Wacom Cintiq Compaion 2 (Drawing Tablet) Lazy Nezumi Pro (Drawing Assistance) Blue Yeti (Microphone) FL Studio 12 (Music) FLASH SETTINGS: Stage size: 640 x 360 (rendered at 1920 x 1080 in Swivel. Backgrounds are done at 5000 x 2500) Brush size: 2, with zoom scaling set to "on" Smoothing: 50 COMMISSION INFO: http://i.imgur.com/tsWjmpq.png TUMBLR http://mrmattimation.tumblr.com TWITTER http://twitter.com/mrmattimation TOP BANTER http://topbanter.net Steam: mrmattimation Snapchat: MrMattimation Xbox Live: MrMattimation Business email: mrmattimation(gnat)gmail(snot)com Fan Art: MattimationFanArt@gmail.com
I'm a past health coach who preferences running, cycling and voyaging. I have visited all neigboring to Vietnam nations by now. I am going to visit Australia soon as well. Ellon Musk is my hero!!!
I'm a junior manager who appreciates, playing chess, and climbing. I'm a Reader who examines 2 books every month. I love a wide scope of animals also. I would trade forex at whatever point I get the opportunity.
Prominentt Games are reshaping the world of skill game play. Our skill machines offer players with thrilling adventures, 3D graphics, and legendary game.
I've been a fan since 2012! I'm a fan artist, an RPer, I produced a popular audio play and participated in one blind reaction video, other than that I haven't been able to contribute as much as I would like to within the fandom due to a demanding job. Now I have all the free time in the world and have been using it to make up for lost time. I'd like to start contributing as much as I can if y'all will let me.
failed comedian with attitude problem in need of medication I cannot afford. maybe I should panhandle me some money with patreon?
Hey there! I'm Nightshade, pleased to meet you. I'm a more casual brony who used to be wayyy more hardcore. I'm just looking for friends in the community now.
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed, or numbered. My life is my own
Wolverhampton’s leading airport taxis and transfers team has been serving Wolverhampton for the past 15 years. We specialize in taxis services from Wolverhampton to all major airports in UK.
Mandatory Zizek At the same time, there is the much more unsettling opposite idea of the domination of my screen persona over my "real" self. Our social identity, the person we assume to be in our social intercourse, is already a "mask" that involves the repression of our inadmissible impulses. But it is precisely in the conditions of "just playing" - when the rules regulating our "real life" exchanges are temporarily suspended - that we can permit ourselves to display these repressed attitudes. Take the proverbial impotent shy person who, while participating in a cyberspace interactive game, adopts the identity of an irresistible seducer or sadistic murderer. It is all too simple to say that this identity is just an imaginary escape from real-life impotence. The point is rather that, since he knows that the cyberspace interactive game is "just a game," he can "show his true self" and do things he would never have done in real-life interactions. In the guise of a fiction, the truth about himself is articulated. The fact that I perceive my virtual self-image as mere play thus allows me to suspend the usual hindrances which prevent me from realising my "dark half" in real life. My electronic id is given wing.
Hello GuYs! Hope I am Invited With the Pony CLub. Tech FreeK and HopefuL. ManwaLk!
When I was in B-Tech I was equally fascinated towards both electronics and communication systems. And finally I decided to take a course which always has challenges and the technology which becomes the part of life (Mobile and Internet) so, I preferred communication systems as my career then I cracked gate exam with 99 percentile chosen M.Tech in NITT.
xmpp: elfwave on cock.li (fp 9CD09037 8E4CD1C9 022653F8 8DDCB96A 5372DB7B) Alts: ayy@fzp (same content), @ayy@niu.moe (very different)
I'm Going For a 'Private-Account'. I Dwell with The Mountain Sheep Him/Geezer!
Please ignore, if I followed you and you didn't like it, please contact @stitchxd@p2px.me
We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
EMAIL:shitposterclub@gmail.com XMPP: moon@talk.shitposter.club Matrix Ed25519 fingerprint: 2HuDUTEz3iFN5N3xl6PYp9xZW/EWhgbbt78SrFy4w8o
Someday you will find what you are looking for. Or maybe you won't. Maybe you will find something much greater than that.
I do experience working in hospital and work abroad as a DH, I also experience working in factory, garments and electronics. I work hard to help for my family.
I work at http://blickwinkel-portal.de + http://sportreporter24.de + http://boxticker.info
GNUsocial.de is shutting down :( Find me at @anarchosaurus@social.fsck.club
Moved to @normandy@don.archae.me
Atheist, father of two, and a engineer. enjoy programming - 3d animation - linux amongst other things.