A group for the bronies in Southern California.
The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.
More details...scribus groups
socalbronies Southern California Bronies California http://www.meetup.com/SoCalBronies/
videogameponies Video Game Ponies!
A group for all the ponies who enjoy playing video games! From FPS to RPG to RTS!
heavymetalbronies Bronies who happen to be fans of the musical genre known as heavy metal
All Bronies who are metal fans join this group! If you don't then you're insulting Dio.
muffins Muffin Power!
Whether you prefer blueberry, cinnamon, banana, or even sour gummy worm ship muffins, you belong here!
techponies The Tech Ponies Virginia
Fellow Ponies that enjoy technology in general. Or more specifically: coding, designing, building, modding etc.
californians Californian Bronies CA, USA
A group for all the bronies from all nooks and crannies of California.
equestriandawn Equestrian Dawn mush.equestriandawn.com:8789 http://equestriandawn.com
A group for the Pony MUSH, "Equestrian Dawn."
ponydreamers equestria dreamers club
for all the ponies who dream of finding a way to equestria and becoming a pony
filmbronies Movie Bronies
Classic or new, obscure or mainstream, loved or loathed - a group for bronies to discuss movies.
irlfps Real-Life FPS Gamers Earth
For bronies & ponies who play airsoft, LASER tag, paintball, or even water guns - come on in!
teatime Tea Drinkers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A61345
Black, green, or otherwise, the best Brownian Motion producing device ever to have been invented.
noregrets No Regrets Everywhere!
For those who live life with no regrets! Our logo is my cutie mark tattoo to prove: I have no regrets!