Notices by Griffin (vcgriffin), page 9

  1. So @thelastgherkin @mrmattimation What Did you both think of the last episode?
    I think has a pretty good summary, but overall the season was quite bad. . Low point being the moon egg, and high point being parts of this episode.

    Sunday, 09-Nov-14 09:32:04 UTC from web in context
  2. @thelastgherkin I like that though. how can any of us be special against the heat death and matte decay of the universe.
    I think maybe 11 took it to far the other way, but at least he was 'fun'.
    In related news, 12 can do the whole 'you are special' very well off screen

    Saturday, 08-Nov-14 18:56:06 UTC from web in context
  3. @m14brony Need an excuse to post this

    Saturday, 08-Nov-14 18:29:00 UTC from web in context
  4. @m14brony Charlie Stross has a good bit to say on that topic

    Saturday, 08-Nov-14 18:25:31 UTC from web in context
  5. @mrmattimation

    Saturday, 08-Nov-14 16:42:26 UTC from web in context
  6. @ceruleanspark Also have some Trixie

    Friday, 07-Nov-14 19:53:36 UTC from web in context
  7. @critialcloudkicker another song ruined by Weird AL

    Thursday, 06-Nov-14 19:29:38 UTC from web in context
  8. @critialcloudkicker FIMFICTION has it marked completed as of 29th Mar 2014 at a reasonable 361,449 words

    Thursday, 06-Nov-14 16:07:53 UTC from web in context
  9. Is naughty.

    Saturday, 01-Nov-14 15:35:05 UTC from web Repeat of deadmadness665
  10. Just going to leave this here

    Friday, 31-Oct-14 19:33:34 UTC from web in context
  11. @vcgriffin Want to leave this here too

    Friday, 31-Oct-14 17:17:42 UTC from web in context
  12. Dash chasing Dash with portals

    Friday, 31-Oct-14 05:12:29 UTC from web Repeat of nerthos
  13. @ceruleanspark I remember when he said he would walk on our picket lines

    Friday, 31-Oct-14 17:02:25 UTC from web in context
  14. @deadmadness665,+TX,+USA/@32.6981846,-95.8852438,7z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x864971ce2282fdd5:0xe4c405e212d8c779?sa=X&ei=jJxOVPDJM4Le7AbsrIG4Aw&ved=0CI4BEPIBMAs

    Monday, 27-Oct-14 19:27:01 UTC from web in context
  15. Meanwhile in England...
    Its awfully funny # that we are having

    Thursday, 23-Oct-14 19:52:57 UTC from web
  16. Fake knowledge and why I hate it

    Thursday, 23-Oct-14 19:15:20 UTC from web
  17. @thelastgherkin @hawloween There is also this

    Thursday, 23-Oct-14 16:27:57 UTC from web in context
  18. @ceruleanspark Physical Object Acquired

    Wednesday, 22-Oct-14 16:13:39 UTC from web in context
  19. @ceruleanspark may be of interest to you, since you have a medal and all (third video down, under 'There is also the most fantastic remote controlled camera - it is mounted on a toy tank and its images are great.' )

    Tuesday, 21-Oct-14 20:00:10 UTC from web
  20. @ceruleanspark Negativeland

    Tuesday, 21-Oct-14 18:49:08 UTC from web in context
  21. While an annoying video from this years # will be of interest to no one. He's me. The 'War' Doctor and @starlightflux doing the Time Warp.
    I am disappointed that these kids no not know the moves.

    Monday, 20-Oct-14 18:41:06 UTC from web in context
  22. @monstertdi

    Monday, 20-Oct-14 17:24:03 UTC from web in context
  23. There Going to be a new Equestra Girls move, but they are going to be Ponies. WTF?

    Monday, 20-Oct-14 15:28:00 UTC from web in context
  24. @vcgriffin

    Sunday, 19-Oct-14 19:14:13 UTC from web in context
  25. @ceruleanspark Pretty sure you need to commit some War Crimes with AJ for a Medal

    Sunday, 19-Oct-14 08:32:15 UTC from web in context
  26. Some Relentlessly upbeat 'Weather'

    Thursday, 16-Oct-14 19:21:54 UTC from web
  27. Looks Like WTNV has had its effect on Glastonbury

    Wednesday, 15-Oct-14 14:32:10 UTC from web
  28. Full list of UK Locations, dates and times for cinemas showing Rainbow Rocks

    Monday, 13-Oct-14 15:23:13 UTC from web
  29. @ceruleanspark

    Monday, 13-Oct-14 15:14:37 UTC from web in context
  30. @ceruleanspark I was quitting while I was ahead.
    I don't expect contunuality from Moffat. He tries, The Coal Hill School was a nice touch. but if we try for a nice moon time line it just aint going to happen.

    Sunday, 12-Oct-14 20:57:37 UTC from web in context