tim's home timeline


  1. I still don't think this ship works, but the art is cute! @#lightshipping !Fluttershy # # # # !saved https://derpiboo.ru/383950

    Thursday, 22-Aug-13 15:06:33 UTC from web
  2. This was posted than deleted by EQD. Maybe they reposted it, but here! http://i.imgur.com/YvfcN9P.gif !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy

    Saturday, 17-Aug-13 17:22:50 UTC from web
  3. I can't.. strangemoose.deviantart.com/art/Flutters-390183281 !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy

    Saturday, 17-Aug-13 00:05:34 UTC from web
  4. RDN needs something like this for their button. http://howxu.deviantart.com/art/DonationShy-392933668 !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy

    Friday, 16-Aug-13 14:11:49 UTC from web
  5. So !Rainbow_Dash is Daniel Ingram's fav pony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=r-4wqBx3lkE&t=366

    Thursday, 15-Aug-13 03:05:30 UTC from web
  6. !Rainbow_Dash # # http://ur1.ca/f25ny

    Thursday, 15-Aug-13 01:00:44 UTC from web
  7. !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/f24tx

    Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 23:26:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  8. # !Rainbow_Dash http://indiron.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-374275741

    Monday, 12-Aug-13 02:23:01 UTC from web
    • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=421958224591896 !Fluttershy's transformation

      Sunday, 11-Aug-13 16:13:10 UTC from web
      • @widget @cabal oh, I've just happened to see you sent a test-dent (http://www.rainbowdash.net/notice/2822603, 11 days ago) to @McScx@oracle.skilledtests.com . The test will have failed, but perhaps only because my non-RDN statusnet address is actually @McScx@quitter.se . Or perhaps you wanted to reach erkanyilmaz@oracle.skilledtests.com

        Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 02:21:13 UTC from web
      • Attention! If you use FireFox or Thunderbird please update to the latest versions to fix an issue with SSL certs due to new techniques in MitM attacks, thank you.

        Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 09:10:23 UTC from web
        • !Rainbow_Dash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiD2imqGMlU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUXnHNb2zd0

          Tuesday, 30-Jul-13 06:07:11 UTC from web
          • http://vladimirmacholzraum.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-Has-a-Valentine-for-Me-354088220 !Fluttershy

            Monday, 29-Jul-13 21:49:53 UTC from web
            • @#lightshipping http://moonsango.deviantart.com/art/PinkieDash-That-Moment-388137576 !Pinkie_Pie !Rainbow_Dash

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 19:46:42 UTC from web
            • !Rainbow_Dash as a dragon is like #

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 15:45:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • @widget Not neccesarily. Someone can pay without claiming ownership.

                Saturday, 20-Jul-13 03:10:17 UTC from web
              • @flamingpandaomg @eripie It's been FOREVER since I've last talked with you two. How has everything been going? I've just been so busy getting ready for my move to a new base with packing up all of my things and taking care of a TON of paper work...

                Sunday, 28-Jul-13 05:42:41 UTC from web
              • Hnng. . . *dead* !Rainbow_Dash http://tomdantherock.deviantart.com/art/Dashie-Hugs-342828119?q=gallery%3ATomDanTheRock%2F33367150&qo=23

                Friday, 26-Jul-13 03:44:38 UTC from web
              • !Rainbow_Dash Dingus! Dingus! Dingus! # http://ur1.ca/epsge

                Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:59:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • @cabal @nerthos Hi. A statusnet security issue has been discovered and @erkanyilmaz@oracle.skilledtests.com sent you a dent to tell you about it. Unfortunately the dent seems not to have reached Rainbowdash: http://quitter.se/conversation/1885043#notice-2073448 Best regards :-)

                  Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:52 UTC from web
                • On another note... Brain you have betrayed me for the last time, when I want to dream of !Rainbow_Dash I want her as a pony, not a human. *pokes brain with crayons*

                  Thursday, 18-Jul-13 16:34:11 UTC from web
                • !Rainbow_Dash reminds me of a Spartan out of armor. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa90/ChaosQuizzical/Rainbows_face_zps6ade8c1a.jpg

                  Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:03:13 UTC from web
                  • Jeez you guys were debating at TWO MEGABYTES PER SECOND.

                    Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:28:57 UTC from web
                  • @russianbronymn I see you, always.

                    Friday, 12-Jul-13 02:52:52 UTC from web
                  • Hey everypony. Can you help send some hugs to my friend Chatoyance? She really needs some because some internet meanies won't leave her alone: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Chatoyance

                    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 01:29:25 UTC from web
                  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F7Y1uUfeyk @#Fluttershy # !Fluttershy

                    Thursday, 11-Jul-13 15:19:06 UTC from web
                  • http://derpy.me/rZKih Awesome smelling !Rainbow_Dash soap!

                    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 11:19:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • So you guys would be okay with high school setting?

                    Monday, 10-Jun-13 18:42:11 UTC from web
                  • !lgbt My home state of Minnesota legalized same-sex marriage recently. I believe this legislation goes into effect on August 1st. :) We still have a long way to go when it comes to the struggle for marriage equality, but at the same time, we have made tremendous progress during the past decade (12 states in the US now recognize same-sex marriage).

                    Sunday, 02-Jun-13 07:21:29 UTC from web