chaosmagic subscriptions, page 5

These are the people whose notices chaosmagic listens to.

  • crimefighter crimefighter Chicago, IL

    I'm a freshman at DePaul majoring in computer science, I do some stupid stuff when I'm board and need to get off my ass and update tumblr more often. I am the foremost expert on sonic the hedgehog in the state of Illinois, read tons of comics, and watch lots of bad anime. Also I'm a pretty big fan of fighting games, mostly I play skullgirls and KOF (exclusively PS3).

  • chipthe3rd chipthe3rd

    I'm mostly found on the RP section, but I drop by every so often.

  • Leaf Jump leafjump Leaf Jump Ponyville

    Likes: trees, flowers and all kinds of plants Dislikes: Fire

  • Rainbow Dash rainbowdash Rainbow Dash Ponyville, Equestria

    Flying around Ponyville at Mach Speed clearing the weather. I dream to one day be a member of the Wonderbolts.

  • Brendan haganbmj Brendan Virginia, US (Virginia Tech) Student at Virginia Tech enrolled in Freshman Engineering - with an intent to major in Computer Engineering. Interests include general coding/scripting, anime, photography, watching hours of youtube q.q Apparently I'm Mandarin Napoleon (like the orange). (ಠ益ಠ)

  • m e m e  f u c k e r topkek m e m e f u c k e r H E L L

    i like cheese xDDDDS

  • Ignaesia "The Invincible" Arwin ignaesia Ignaesia "The Invincible" Arwin Minegarde

    As a proud member of the Hunting Guild I work to keep Equestria safe from all giant roaming beasts. Those ponies like I, willing to put their hooves on the line, are known as: Monster Hunters!

  • gwen gwen near cologne
  • Shine shine Shine Sofia, Bulgaria

    I live in Bulgaria. My interests include programming, drawing, music, basketball, skiing, beer and ponies. You can usually find me in the threads on /b/, though I sometimes lurk ponychan. Uhm... what else should I say...? I don't know...

  • Rainbow Dash rainbowdash1911 Rainbow Dash Virginia

    I love doing everything fast and efficient! I love almost all games, movies, and music. I Program things in my free time and play games/make music as well.

  • nopenopenope nopenopenope nopenopenope United Kingdom


  • June Carmody juneiperjazz June Carmody
  • Eric loak Eric Virginia Tech

    Hey, my name is Eric. I'm a college student, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I love to play DDR/ITG, I watch a lot of anime, and I am proud to be a brony!

  • Everypony's Mama draggle Everypony's Mama

    Witch From the Volcano of Gloom, 25 Years Later ~ My Friendship is Magic remake of Draggle is a unicorn with a broken horn and a cutie mark symbolizing motherhood :) I am essentially Draggle in the real world, in 2011. I'm a ditz married to a nerd. We reproduced. Five kids and I'm pregnant with number six. We'll have seven if an adoption goes in our favor. I gave FiM Draggle twelve because I want more. Among those twelve in my fanon are Snips and Snails. I'm a teaching assistant and charity volunteer and part-time graduate student (and here I used to think I was too dumb for college, ha ha ha) in addition to being a mommy, and I love love love what I do. Also I'm really weird and impulsive and get into crazy situations. You'll get used to me, hopefully.

  • puck puck
  • princessweetiebelle princessweetiebelle Ponyville, Equestria

    HI! I'm a super friendly filly, I'll talk to anypony! I love music, MLP:FIM of course, gaming, and I'm a big Russophile~ Hugs and love for anyone that needs it~! and even if you don't need it! ♥

  • cabal cabal

    Founder of