Corey W. Williams's home timeline


  1. That time when North Korea has a better news service than CNN or Fox...

    Monday, 25-Apr-16 03:02:52 UTC from web
    • Jesus Christ

      Sunday, 24-Apr-16 20:20:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • See, when you say "I'm gonna go out the same way I came in," think about whether it should be "covered in blood," "covered in someone else's blood," or "covered in my mother's blood."

      Sunday, 24-Apr-16 06:32:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • my brother is watching some new MLP and who teh Potato Knishes is the white-girl-with-dreadlocks pony

      Saturday, 23-Apr-16 21:16:38 UTC from web
    • @thelastgherkin #

      Saturday, 23-Apr-16 07:50:19 UTC from Choqok
    • If you're watching this week's episode of Game of Pones, please remember to use the tags "spoiler" or "spoilers" to discuss it during the 48 hour period after the episode ends. Thanks!

      Saturday, 23-Apr-16 07:41:04 UTC from StatusNet Android
    • Nevermind, it's 70 goddamned minutes delayed.

      Saturday, 23-Apr-16 00:48:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Now... if I could just figure out why everything in this apartment can read my external except my creaky ancient desktop, which keeps asking my to format it...

      Friday, 22-Apr-16 23:45:04 UTC from web
    • We're going to watch Costner's Robin Hood later tonight; just remembered who plays the sherriff :(

      Friday, 22-Apr-16 23:09:30 UTC from web
    • A friend of mine will celebrate tomorrow's 500th anniversary of the German beer purity law. I think it's silly but I've seen lesser reasons to drink and get plastered.

      Friday, 22-Apr-16 08:55:57 UTC from Choqok
    • I believe that Sanders is literally being Weekend-At-Bernie'sed

      Thursday, 21-Apr-16 22:37:27 UTC from web
    • Dear Americans on RDN and GnuSocial that are old enough to vote: For goodness sake, don't let Trump get elected

      Thursday, 21-Apr-16 21:08:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • I hope there's never another presidential assassination because I'm pretty sure news stations use 4K cameras standard and I sort of don't want to see the president's brains all over CNN.

      Thursday, 21-Apr-16 18:57:28 UTC from web
    • I'm addicted to wonder trade again, send help.

      Thursday, 21-Apr-16 04:29:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • @yata anyway, I hope you feel better. The older you get it does seem to get easier to not give a fug anymore.

      Thursday, 21-Apr-16 03:32:44 UTC from
    • That viral video with the guy telling his laughing-gas high daughter that the zombie apocalypse happened is Jonathan's mentor. We both now refer to him as "the funny 9gag guy".

      Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 22:20:02 UTC from web
    • .

      Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 22:15:39 UTC from web
      • Why am I seeing grapeing Hamilton discourse on my tumblr dash

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 22:07:19 UTC from web
      • OK I'm sure German has a word for the feeling when the god damned vending machine won't take your money. What is it?

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 17:06:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • I URGE any Sanders supporting Americans on RDN who are of voting age to NOT turn to Trump in anger should Clinton get the nomination. If the election ends up being Trump vs. Clinton - which is the more likely outcome, at this point - vote Clinton. I get it, the system is broken and you're papayaed off. But if you vote for Trump simply because he's like Bernie and he's not a part of that system, you're raging against the wrong machine.

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 02:36:28 UTC from web
        • Show all 18 replies
        • @mrmattimation Both of them will uphold the status quo that benefits a small, opulent oligarchy. Donald Trump, being a right-wing demagogue and crass opportunist, most likely doesn't believe 98% of the stuff he is saying to the electorate.

          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:52:33 UTC in context
        • @m14brony Is that a risk you really want to take?

          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:54:07 UTC in context
        • @mrmattimation Trump has a history of "flip-flopping," which is made evident by his support of universal healthcare and a ban on "assault weapons" in the past. He also hired immigrants and relied on Chinese labor to produce goods. Trump's brash show of confidence plays on the fears and frustrations of ordinary people fed up with both the Democrats and traditional Republicans. But being a wealthy oligarch, like Hillary, he would work to defend the interests of wealthy oligarchs. It isn't feasible to make Mexico pay for a Berlin Wall or to round up 11 million illegal migrants.

          Even if Trump somehow endangered the interests of the capitalist class as a whole, they would find a way to remove him from power.

          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 04:05:09 UTC in context
      • If you want to lose weight, you do it gradually, you don't just go and get lypo because that's hella unsafe.

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:36:01 UTC from web
      • *walks in, sees politics being discussed, turns around and walks back out*

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:31:24 UTC from web
      • I think I need several bottles of this, mainly because I hate myself...

        Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 23:43:58 UTC from web
      • It seems Titan puts out more Multi-Doctor Events than normal stories.

        Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 21:39:24 UTC from web
      • I hate the MRAs (Mutant Registration Acts)

        Monday, 18-Apr-16 22:49:05 UTC from web
      • Are the TV shows essential watching for fully enjoying the MCU or can i skip those?

        Monday, 18-Apr-16 22:40:06 UTC from web
      • i sincerely hope that in a thousand years archaeologists dig up what once was Skywalker Ranch and the only thing they find is a copy of Howard the Duck.

        Monday, 18-Apr-16 22:31:59 UTC from web
      • My quick FCBD 2016 review: The Korra comic was pretty darn good and delightful. 100% recommendable. I can't say that about "ROM Spaceknight" or "Boom Studios 2016 Summer Blast". ROM was too short to say anything about it, as well the featurette in the Boom Studios Summer Blast. I got it because of the "exclusive" Adventure Time part. It was OK. Archie was neat but I came to the conclusion that I'm not into highschool romance stories. Despite of that it's good, especially in the art department. It's super cool that my comic shop doesn't care about the US Free Comic Book Day and send the comics anyway with the current shipment.

        Monday, 18-Apr-16 21:30:48 UTC from Choqok
      • Dropbox updated.

        Monday, 18-Apr-16 20:47:18 UTC from web
        • I too love to complain about videogames attempting to appeal to people who are not me

          Sunday, 17-Apr-16 21:20:04 UTC from web