rgtrehhrth's home timeline


  1. Can anyone tell me what sort of monster this is ? ( I do... I know I want a few ) http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/766841

    Thursday, 03-Jul-14 10:58:39 UTC from web
  2. "hey person who I hardly know, go to Dallas for me so I can see the new Doom" How about no

    Wednesday, 02-Jul-14 05:37:10 UTC from web
  3. I'm gonna be completely honest here. New users scare me

    Wednesday, 02-Jul-14 05:23:47 UTC from web
  4. @miki real mature

    Wednesday, 25-Jun-14 12:50:18 UTC from web
  5. I feel like I might have had a dream that Pokemon were real. Either that, or maybe they were involved in an old D&D computer game? There was definitely some kind of dinosaur ladybits in there, though. And maybe it was Final Fantasy and not D&D.

    Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 16:42:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  6. And drink.

    Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 16:12:00 UTC from web
  7. Ageist cherriess. Apparently a game store can't pay someone under the age of 18 more than 15 dollors for the games he is selling.

    Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 15:46:21 UTC from web
  8. Talking about Demons, are we? http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/766492

    Monday, 30-Jun-14 13:36:30 UTC from web

    Monday, 30-Jun-14 13:19:19 UTC from web
  10. ##Spoiler So the thing is amazing I heard from everybody. And at the !Rainbow_Dash scene everyone in the theater was like all like "OMG!" In a very excited cheer.

    Saturday, 28-Jun-14 16:49:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • At least you guys are better than this one (I hope.) http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/765938

      Friday, 27-Jun-14 06:50:28 UTC from web
    • The wedding had gone perfectly, as he had dreamed since he met her. Only remained the kiss. They both leaned towards eachother, cheeks turning red from nerves and expectation, it was about to finally happen. But then, Luna suddenly leaned back. Her blue mane began to twist and rip itself apart, the figure becoming more and more bulky, as if muscle-bound. What was not long ago a blue pony princess now stood disfigured, on two legs. The whole crowd looked at it terrified, as the boyfriend looked at the eyes of the creature with an expression that could only be described as utter shock. Then, the figure exploded, and where it stood now a tall, strong and buff figure stood. The blond, muscular man clad in yellow then shouted:
      "You thought you were marrying Luna? Ha! It was me, Dio!"

      Thursday, 26-Jun-14 03:53:39 UTC from web
    • @bakasenpai Do work son. http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/763270

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 13:36:22 UTC from web
    • Do robots even have genders?

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
    • @admin ahaha.

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
      • @thelastgherkin Hashtag # http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/764671

        Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 21:16:41 UTC from web
      • Maybe it's because I use too much tape.

        Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 01:59:37 UTC from web
      • UH-OH

        Friday, 13-Jun-14 14:21:23 UTC from web
        • 30 minutes until this goddamn Wii U update finishes and I can actually play the damn thing.

          Tuesday, 10-Jun-14 21:42:40 UTC from web
        • @miki http://pny.lv/2wwf

          Monday, 09-Jun-14 21:15:58 UTC from web
        • @mushi You never said you were on a DOTA team. http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/763477

          Sunday, 08-Jun-14 20:51:33 UTC from web

          Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:39:59 UTC from web
        • @bakasenpai This is not going well. http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/762729

          Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 13:19:29 UTC from web
        • @lynnecarreon oooh, a barchelor party, just what i needed!

          Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 10:23:55 UTC from web
        • That Stripper also follows Gherkin.

          Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 13:21:28 UTC from web
          • A stripper is following me on this thing.

            Tuesday, 03-Jun-14 13:19:05 UTC from web
          • If I haven't played Dark Souls before should I buy 1 or 2?

            Sunday, 01-Jun-14 01:58:11 UTC from web
          • @chaikatrabant My friend in 29 Palms got shipped off to Australia. He's supposed to be out for 6 months, I regret not being able to see Godzilla with him.

            Saturday, 24-May-14 15:46:45 UTC from web
          • @thelastgherkin http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/762248

            Friday, 30-May-14 16:08:09 UTC from web