Luke lawlor's home timeline


  1. Oops. I may have bought a # The next hour will tell.... !vgp

    Wednesday, 24-Apr-19 23:37:32 UTC from web
  2. Holy chrome, I want it. !vgp I love new release retro games.

    Monday, 22-Apr-19 01:43:13 UTC from web
  3. I just remembered For Honor. The video game where you could live out your fantasy of being a knight and play with a sword. Alternatively a Viking or ?Samurai? if you were one of 'those' people.

    I would really like a game like that on the Nintendo Switch, but focused on couch-play instead of whatever For Honor's main aim was.

    Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 23:04:15 UTC from web
  4. Damn Korok seeds. I cannot find them and I NEED more item storage for weapons.

    Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 18:18:29 UTC from web
  5. And now, the highpoint of Homestuck: >[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter.

    Sunday, 14-Apr-19 15:16:32 UTC from web
    • cherrying apple Majora's mangoing Mask. !vgp

      Saturday, 06-Apr-19 02:54:30 UTC from web
      • I just want @scribus to know that my phone pinged me that I had received his monthly donation just as I flushed the toilet, so it felt like he was paying me for that.

        Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:21:28 UTC from web
      • Also RDN has now outlived Google Plus

        Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:23:29 UTC from web
      • @maiyannah I was honestly disgusted earlier at a local news anchor praising the measure with a "journalists and content creators get no revenue for social media sharing and now facebook and google will have to pay them, this is great" speech.

        Wednesday, 27-Mar-19 08:53:35 UTC from web
        • Got these two cables to replace the wire of my headphones. Silicone coating instead of rubber, high quality. The black one is much nicer looking, but has 4 wires so it can only support the headphones. The orange one has five so it can support stereo headphones and a microphone, but is heavier and was used in an industrial welding area so it's not super pretty. I could try to use the common wire for both mic and speakers but I don't have a composite jack port on the computer and I'm not sure if it works with two separate jacks.

          The connectors are compatible between both so that's not an issue, they'd connect to the same port.

          Anyone experienced in audio hardware around?

          Wednesday, 27-Mar-19 08:49:47 UTC from web
        • The failure that was the last week of printing I underestimated the side forces too much.

          Monday, 25-Mar-19 20:18:58 UTC from web
        • In case anyone is interested, Morrowind is free for today

          Tuesday, 26-Mar-19 01:18:57 UTC from web
          • Hey does anybody know what boobs sound like? Asking for an after-dark sound effects show.

            Thursday, 21-Mar-19 23:22:42 UTC from web
          • @mushi

            Thursday, 21-Mar-19 02:24:16 UTC from web
            • I do want to talk about the implications of this unit for a moment, specifically "Dry Bones" and "Dry Bowser", whose naming conventions confuse and frighten me. When I die, will I become Dry Brian? Is a living Bowser Wet Bowser? Why do Piranha Plant have bone in it?

              Thursday, 21-Mar-19 00:00:23 UTC from web
            • Interested in registering a GNU Social account, and found this provider, perfect for my correct tastes.

              Monday, 18-Mar-19 17:40:23 UTC from web
            • @mushi

              Tuesday, 19-Mar-19 17:49:21 UTC from web
              • .

                Wednesday, 13-Mar-19 10:03:12 UTC from web
              • Sad times for New Zealand.

                Meanwhile, arguments about whether the shooter was legit or a CIA/whatever plant trying to do a 9/11 are popping up.

                Friday, 15-Mar-19 07:14:04 UTC from web
              • Consider this for the upcoming pokémon game starters:
                Water/Dragon for the chameleon
                Fire/Fairy for the rabbit
                Grass/Steel for the monkey

                Then for the first time each starter would have one advantage and one disvantage over each other, and the rock paper scissors nature of starters would disappear once they evolve.

                Friday, 15-Mar-19 05:37:08 UTC from web
              • @celesteh !babylon5 has a story arc lasting 4 seasons.
                Consider it my personal recommendation :-).

                Thursday, 14-Mar-19 23:52:13 UTC from
              • Yeah, this whole "unperson the problematic" movement is getting kind of like one of the more horror-y Bradbury stories.

                Sunday, 10-Mar-19 06:51:08 UTC from web
                • Show all 5 replies
                • @drinkingpony Broad strokes: the general atmosphere of the internet and this outrage culture we're going through. Specific instigator: The Simpsons pulling a Stalin on the Michael Jackson guest star episode and deleting it entirely from the catalog as though it had never happened. You know, exactly like Warner Bros DIDN'T DO about their WWII propaganda shorts.

                  Sunday, 10-Mar-19 15:40:13 UTC in context
                • @scribus " the general atmosphere of the internet and this outrage culture we're going through"

                  Oh, yeah, Outrage culture. Also known as the "Age of Apathy" for some. I know nothing of The Simpsons so I guess it is/was a recent episode.

                  But I guess most people have forgotten about it now since Notch ( the Minecraft dude ) done did something.

                  Monday, 11-Mar-19 20:44:22 UTC in context
                  Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
                • @drinkingpony @scribus It's not really about whether it was a good episode or not, it's about revisionism and a fascist mindset without any of the good parts of fascism, where anything that is deemed not kosher is censored and removed from public records.

                  It was an old episode that was relevant for the time it came out, but the kind of individual that complains about things being "problematic" has no sense of nuance, historical significance, context, or anything like that. Some would see anything that doesn't match the current discourse removed entirely.

                  Friday, 15-Mar-19 01:11:24 UTC in context
              • I miss this layout more than I realised.

                Sunday, 10-Mar-19 19:04:51 UTC from web
              • Me today

                Sunday, 10-Mar-19 07:57:01 UTC from web
                • "Here comes more crying"

                  cc: @awl

                  Sunday, 10-Mar-19 02:57:27 UTC from web
                • @Gherkin do you have a Tweetle accound?

                  Monday, 04-Mar-19 08:06:14 UTC from web
                • @everythingcats So much potential wasted. I would have been delighted to hear about everything cats.

                  Tuesday, 05-Mar-19 17:48:15 UTC from web
                  • My weekend project turned out pretty well https://Potato

                    Sunday, 03-Mar-19 04:46:57 UTC from web
                  • Can you tell where I've been focusing my collection? !vgp

                    Sunday, 03-Mar-19 20:16:06 UTC from web
                  • I also made the hardware store clerk count 232 rivets one by one. He had hand rivets, which are a rarity here since everyone uses pop rivets, but refused to sell me a box, insisting that they were sold by the unit.

                    He spent 10 minutes counting for $3 of rivets and $0.50 of nails.

                    Saturday, 02-Mar-19 03:23:19 UTC from web