Rachel Merser's home timeline


  1. Hnng. . . *dead* !Rainbow_Dash http://tomdantherock.deviantart.com/art/Dashie-Hugs-342828119?q=gallery%3ATomDanTheRock%2F33367150&qo=23

    Friday, 26-Jul-13 03:44:38 UTC from web
  2. !Rainbow_Dash Dingus! Dingus! Dingus! # http://ur1.ca/epsge

    Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:59:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • On another note... Brain you have betrayed me for the last time, when I want to dream of !Rainbow_Dash I want her as a pony, not a human. *pokes brain with crayons*

      Thursday, 18-Jul-13 16:34:11 UTC from web
    • !Rainbow_Dash reminds me of a Spartan out of armor. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa90/ChaosQuizzical/Rainbows_face_zps6ade8c1a.jpg

      Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:03:13 UTC from web
      • http://derpy.me/rZKih Awesome smelling !Rainbow_Dash soap!

        Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 11:19:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • http://ichibangravity.deviantart.com/art/Last-Day-Apology-Accepted-383120845 @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

        Saturday, 06-Jul-13 02:57:56 UTC from web
        • !Rainbow_Dash # http://ur1.ca/ejaf2

          Friday, 05-Jul-13 04:55:27 UTC from web
        • http://ichibangravity.deviantart.com/art/Crossing-the-Line-Twice-381584913 @#silly @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 16:17:14 UTC from web
          • @#cute @#RD @#Scootaloo !Rainbow_Dash # http://princesssilverglow.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-and-Scootaloo-for-Kallisti-III-379933495 !ppr !saved

            Tuesday, 02-Jul-13 23:29:40 UTC from web
            • !Rainbow_Dash on my xbox being awesome and stuff. http://ur1.ca/eftb4

              Tuesday, 25-Jun-13 16:25:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !xboxlivebronies my GT is ( DASHYDADICTATOR ) and im lookig for some pony to play DEFIANCE with me

                Saturday, 22-Jun-13 05:38:22 UTC from web
              • Quote from !Rainbow_Dash "Apparently my awesomitude outshines my kickassedness."

                Saturday, 22-Jun-13 00:35:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • # !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/e78ak

                  Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 23:49:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Once upon a time I knew who drew this, but then they became a sell-out and have it all over products in stores. Thus I bought a pillow if it from a local place. !Rainbow_Dash http://www.ponywallpapers.com/rainbow-dash-2764/

                    Saturday, 01-Jun-13 06:29:18 UTC from web
                    • !ppr !saved # picks -- !Twilight_Sparkle @#Twilight http://fav.me/373059678 http://fav.me/371877792 http://fav.me/373117853 http://fav.me/369419191 -- # @#Spitfire http://fav.me/373043743 -- !Luna @#Luna http://fav.me/373033541 http://fav.me/373068314 http://fav.me/373153471 -- !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy http://fav.me/373031361 http://fav.me/372997556 -- !Celestia @#Celestia http://fav.me/373022708 -- !Pinkie_Pie @#Pinkie http://fav.me/373014079 -- !Rainbow_Dash @#RD http://fav.me/373125998 -- # http://fav.me/368136803 -- # @#Derpy http://fav.me/373055612 -- # @#Vinyl http://fav.me/373113401 -- # http://fav.me/372998234

                      Thursday, 23-May-13 20:01:15 UTC from web
                    • !ppr !saved !Rainbow_Dash @#RD http://fav.me/368872975

                      Thursday, 23-May-13 19:57:50 UTC from web
                      • !ppr !saved !Fluttershy !Rainbow_Dash !Applejack @#RD @#AJ @#Fluttershy http://fav.me/373092130 http://fav.me/372286953 http://fav.me/372699594

                        Thursday, 23-May-13 19:23:17 UTC from web
                        • !Rainbow_Dash http://graystripe64.deviantart.com/art/Dash-Family-Photo-371937547

                          Monday, 20-May-13 07:00:17 UTC from web
                          • !xboxlivebronies would like more friends to play CoD or minecraft! "The bad muffin2."

                            Monday, 20-May-13 02:08:35 UTC from web
                          • So is the rari-trend still going on?

                            Thursday, 16-May-13 05:34:01 UTC from web
                          • Dashies so fresh you can give her hugs! http://gifsound.com/?gif=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/130/9/0/imsofresh_by_tomdantherock-d64sg6q.gif&sound=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv=j6N4vQ6m360 !Rainbow_Dash #

                            Saturday, 11-May-13 12:11:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • !xboxlivebronies Hey bronies of Xbox! I have friended most of you guys, Im really lonely and I have no friends that are bronies. GT = M4G1C x B0ULD3R

                              Thursday, 09-May-13 16:14:55 UTC from web
                            • Best pillow! !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/djt18

                              Saturday, 27-Apr-13 00:20:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • I dropped my rd headphones in the sink well washing dishes. Started to shock me. Took them out, still sound perfect. Magic. # !Rainbow_Dash

                              Friday, 26-Apr-13 00:14:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • I own the real !Rainbow_Dash now <3 # http://ur1.ca/dj3ct

                              Thursday, 25-Apr-13 21:32:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • http://www.ebay.ca/itm/My-little-pony-FIM-plush-Rainbow-dash-handmade-custom-minky-plushie-/271192034365 Id sell my invisible car for this. !Rainbow_Dash

                              Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 02:49:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              • @#lightshipping # !Pinkie_Pie !Rainbow_Dash !Twilight_Sparkle !ppr http://kty159.deviantart.com/art/6-366553355

                                Friday, 19-Apr-13 14:31:33 UTC from web
                                • Ah. A picture to go with my old joke! http://ur1.ca/desas

                                  Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 00:19:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                • So I bought those !Rainbow_Dash earphones and they are easy the best sounding I ever had. Shouldnt be suprised but wow. !cambronies

                                  Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 05:22:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  • Google's improving. !Rainbow_Dash http://ur1.ca/dclki

                                    Thursday, 11-Apr-13 21:17:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid