Marshal Stomm's home timeline


  1. @bluberyblast your picture is absolutely magnificent!

    Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 23:50:36 UTC from web
  2. So I'm afraid my CPU is a little bit injured, and very sensitive to heat. :C

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 05:31:01 UTC from web
  3. Hi guys.

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 05:03:05 UTC from web
  4. This is me, waiting for a conversation that catches my eye. This is me, not finding one yet.

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 05:27:21 UTC from web
  5. And on a related note, I can't find my bow tie.

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 05:20:17 UTC from web
    • The Doctor: [hears ticking noise and sees broken clock] Okay that's scary. Young Reinette: You're scared of a broken clock? The Doctor: Just a bit scared, yeah. Just a tiny bit. 'Cause you see, if this clock's broken, and it's the only one in the room, than what's that?

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 05:07:26 UTC from web
    • Oh wow. Three new names on here. Anyway, i just got the whole first (and only :c ) season of Firefly along with the movie Serenity. *squee*

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:50:22 UTC from web
    • Guys, I need proof that straight males in the mlp fandom ship things just as much as normal fandoms. Help?

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:26:18 UTC from web
    • Kernel compiling takes a while. Huh.

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:02:05 UTC from web
    • can anyone of you ponies give me any ideas on what to do? im bored and out of ideas..

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 03:45:38 UTC from web
    • if anyone cares, they are chocolate chip cookies in the oven

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 03:35:21 UTC from web
    • My K501's left driver was rattling. Blowing seems to have fixed it.

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 03:28:55 UTC from Choqok

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 02:57:36 UTC from web
    • Just finished series six of Doctor Who. That's as far as Netflix has it. What the hell am I going to do with my eyes & ears (not to mention my feels) now?

      Friday, 28-Dec-12 06:23:49 UTC from web
    • @carcinopony

      Friday, 28-Dec-12 06:05:43 UTC from web
    • Ugh... MultiMC and Minecraft? No. GLC doesn't like it. Let's try that MagicLauncher I always hear about

      Friday, 28-Dec-12 05:48:45 UTC from Choqok
    • That girl's got some serious squirrels in her pants.

      Friday, 28-Dec-12 05:34:51 UTC from web
    • I don't remember having all these bed sheets

      Friday, 28-Dec-12 05:19:54 UTC from web
    • Why

      Friday, 28-Dec-12 04:48:12 UTC from web
    • @humanbean hates ponies. I don't even know why he's here.

      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 02:30:32 UTC from web
    • Ok, I'm bored of that game now.

      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 02:25:53 UTC from web
    • @thatonepony Weird, usually MMOs use the monthly fee system, so playing in a private server solves the problem.

      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 01:49:53 UTC from web
    • Wow. Looks like we've had a few re-designs since I was here last.

      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 01:18:15 UTC from web
    • What did I even just say

      Monday, 19-Nov-12 19:45:54 UTC from web
    • The hot pink convertible soared down the dusty road, a large cloud of smoke billowing out from its exhaust pipe. "You should be braking WHY AREN'T YOU BRAKING" shrieked Mocha the okapi from the passenger seat. Even in the intense and downright dangerous atmosphere, Savannah the giraffe still managed to give her one of her deadpan glares. "You think I'm not trying that?" she said, but checked herself. "Someone cut the brakes. Fairly sure there's a bomb under the hood too," she continued. Mocha's eyes managed to widen even wider. "WHYYYYYYYYYYY" she howled, as her former quiet life reading books in the middle of nowhere flashed before her eyes. #

      Friday, 02-Nov-12 17:16:06 UTC from web
      • Scribus likes this.
      • Show all 43 replies
      • @scribus I add to it once daily. Might have to pick up the pace if I want it done before December, mind.

        Thursday, 22-Nov-12 09:15:59 UTC in context
      • From the far end of the garden, Fluttershy heard a knock on her door. She hustled to her front yard, and skidded to a halt as she turned the corner. “Oh, hello…” she said quietly. "There you are," said Savannah. "I need an inside man for a mission. You've got the skillset." "Oh, I think you've mistaken me for someone else..." Savannah raised an eyebrow. "You're not that good at identification without all the pheromones and stuff, are you?" "Um, do I know you?" "I got you this house, remember? You wanted to get away from your home and all that jazz, leave everything behind, and start anew?" Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh, you're that giraffe." "Yep," said Savannah. "Here." Savannah handed her an invite. "Don't chicken out on me now. One last favour, I swear." "I don't know..." "Don't make me blackmail you." There was a glint in Savannah's eyes that made Fluttershy hope she was joking. "I'll be there," she said steelily. #

        Monday, 26-Nov-12 21:08:33 UTC in context
      • @thelastgherkin ?

        Monday, 26-Nov-12 21:10:41 UTC in context
    • So the ask molestia blog was down for a bit. I was getting hopeful that we might've actually been rid of it. :(

      Friday, 16-Nov-12 21:27:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
    • Okay. @Cavatina did one of these a while back, and I thought it was cool, so now it's my turn. These are all my headphones. The blue-green ones are my pride and joy, my Skullcandy SK Pros (and before you laugh at Skullcandy, these are actually good.) These are for producing and listening at home. The black and gold are my Wicked Airline Specials, for out-and-about listening. The black and orange are my Tritton Triggers for Xbox, and the white are my Steelseries 4XBs for PC gaming. :3

      Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:47:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • it is November.... it is not a time for chrismas commercials....

      Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:40:41 UTC from web
    • @thatonestocking BRB looting nearest convenience store.

      Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:36:00 UTC from web
    • Nvm. Better example. Retard my timing to the point the fuel is com busted while the exhaust valves are open. :3

      Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:10:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid