Sugar's home timeline


  1. $85 is officially the most I've spent on one game.

    Saturday, 05-Jan-13 00:49:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  2. Y'know, if Mayo didn't keep crashing on me, maybe I might actually be able to post here. A computer would also help, but all I have for now is my phone.

    Saturday, 05-Jan-13 00:24:23 UTC from Mayonnaise
  3. oh hey, !pokemmo updated.

    Saturday, 05-Jan-13 00:01:42 UTC from web
    • Silliness with @noirbatch <3 I can't believe how much I love this man =^.^=

      Friday, 04-Jan-13 23:14:43 UTC from web
    • I'm bored.

      Friday, 04-Jan-13 22:26:35 UTC from web
      • any doctor who fans here?

        Friday, 04-Jan-13 01:33:36 UTC from web
      • @thatonestocking Oh hey thanks.

        Friday, 04-Jan-13 00:26:51 UTC from web
        • Butts.

          Friday, 04-Jan-13 00:25:57 UTC from web
          • Anyone have any experience at all with Plasma Active? It might almost convince me to get a tablet (as long as I can use a keyboard with it). !techponies

            Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 20:23:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • I cross my fingers. I install Arch Linux on my Pogoplug POGO-E02. I hope I won't brick this. !techponies

            Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 16:58:10 UTC from Choqok
          • Guess who happens to be bored.

            Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 03:36:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • @thatonestocking WHOH YUH TAHKIN BOOT

            Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 06:19:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Sleeping is for the weak. Someone humor me.

            Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 06:15:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • And that is, guys, how you turn a casual holiday conversation into waifu talk.

            Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 05:14:10 UTC from web
          • @nerthos Nerths

            Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 04:17:40 UTC from web
          • And I'm back.

            Monday, 31-Dec-12 17:58:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • I got my extremely cheap pogoplug. The original software is extremely dumb. Really dumb. This device doesn't have samba shares nor nfs. You have to use their damn dumb software or use the website to access the data. I'll have to install Arch Linux on this device to get the right amount of functionality I wanted. !techponies

              Monday, 31-Dec-12 11:20:16 UTC from Choqok
            • !homestuck Wow Jake you sure are dumb.

              Monday, 31-Dec-12 00:25:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • RT @thatonestocking @bronycompany2012 You misspelled "butt."

                Sunday, 30-Dec-12 03:34:23 UTC from api
                • seriously. too much talking. it is diving me crazy

                  Friday, 28-Dec-12 00:18:36 UTC from web
                • Vintage!

                  Saturday, 29-Dec-12 04:32:37 UTC from web
                • Well my golden retriever pushed me off of my bed last night and I couldn't move her.

                  Friday, 28-Dec-12 14:35:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Welp I've got to ollie outie. Later, ponies.

                  Friday, 28-Dec-12 03:37:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Oh refrigerator-san your doors are so large and you have so much space inside of you. I'm going to put my leftovers in you.

                    Friday, 28-Dec-12 03:01:09 UTC from web
                  • @thatonepony Absolutely not. I take back anything I've said about HS characters, this is the worst by far.

                    Friday, 28-Dec-12 03:00:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • I'll have a MiFi thing set up tomorrow morning for awhile so I can livestream games off my phone. By games I mean solitaire. And I am bad at solitaire.

                    Thursday, 27-Dec-12 02:52:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • There is close to no connection up here.

                      Thursday, 27-Dec-12 02:47:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !SpiralKnights So this happened

                        Wednesday, 26-Dec-12 13:13:04 UTC from web
                      • *sigh* And that's yet another charging cable ruined because I can't leave my phone to charge in the car for ten minutes without something happening to it

                        Wednesday, 26-Dec-12 00:26:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      • Well I have close to no connection, happy quachristnkhah.

                        Wednesday, 26-Dec-12 01:26:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid