Notices tagged with daringdo

  1. !PPR Once again, # in action.

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 19:37:13 UTC from web
  2. !PPR # in Another Day, Another Dungeon ...

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 19:34:06 UTC from web
  3. @ceruleanspark I love how !DaringDo art is still being churned out.

    Monday, 21-May-12 18:20:11 UTC from web in context
  4. for all you daring do fans out there, have some !daringdo and the sapphire stone uninterrupted

    Sunday, 25-Mar-12 23:33:37 UTC from web in context
  5. @bronyalex ah, well that is the very embodiment of the spirit of !daringdo for even if there is no treasure to be found you can enjoy the journey!

    Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 23:10:42 UTC from web in context
  6. I drew !DaringDo in my Advance Art Class today :3

    Friday, 24-Feb-12 03:09:59 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  7. !DaringDo ! :3

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 06:24:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  8. @lyokotravels and so you should! !daringdo is the best!

    Thursday, 16-Feb-12 00:28:33 UTC from web in context
  9. I see they got rid of the !daringdo network name now! When she comes back in a future episode, rename it for the week!

    Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 11:16:29 UTC from web
  10. Berry Punch was dressed as !daringdo on Nightmare Night she like it before it was cool.

    Monday, 13-Feb-12 14:21:14 UTC from web
  11. # look at this # !DaringDo page thingamahjig!

    Monday, 13-Feb-12 05:41:55 UTC from web
  12. !sfbronies !daringdo costom pony at the all nighter meetup the longest Brony meetup by time in California so far :3

    Sunday, 12-Feb-12 05:48:19 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  13. @derpy128 I think !daringdo is like RD's ideal. It's like what would happen if RD achiever her full potential... DD doesn't have to think about coolness at all, it just comes naturally to her, whereas, while RD is undoubtedly cool, she still gets hung up on doing only the cool things

    Thursday, 09-Feb-12 01:49:34 UTC from web in context
  14. @derpy128 !daringdo is best pony! She has coolness, awesomeness and radicalness in astronomical measures

    Thursday, 09-Feb-12 01:43:59 UTC from web in context
  15. @trister !daringdo is totally awesomE!

    Thursday, 09-Feb-12 01:43:02 UTC from web in context
  16. @lyokotravels !Daringdo *

    Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 02:08:29 UTC from web in context
  17. @derpy128 !daringdo is best pony.

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 16:35:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  18. !cider, !daringdo, and !rainbowdash, how fitting

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 02:18:14 UTC from web
  19. !Awwyeahh !brOnyville !facehoof !hugs !mog !dasherz !Pipsqueakfans !newlunarrepublic !thegame !Unionofunicorns !ledg !moonstuck !spitfire !newtopic !luna !Princessanemi !royalcanterlotvoice !psl !legoponies !ponyoverdose !Canterlotforum !daringdo and drink some juice for !rdndrinkinggame because I'm not 21

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 01:53:30 UTC from web in context
  20. @cavatina yahh.. I like em' both !RainbowDash and !DaringDo :3

    Monday, 06-Feb-12 08:20:59 UTC from web in context
  21. @sebastian1314 how did I not know this existed! !daringdo is best pony!

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 18:02:22 UTC from web in context
  22. @sebastian1314 # is # !daringdo

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 18:00:55 UTC from web in context
  23. @mrdragon Correction, !daringdo is always best pony.

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 16:29:56 UTC from web in context
  24. @redenchilada Today, !daringdo is best pony

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 16:28:46 UTC from web in context

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 16:22:05 UTC from web
  26. @serrio !daringdo network!

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 15:16:11 UTC from web in context
  27. Anypony up for turning this in to !daringdo network for a few days?

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 14:14:29 UTC from web in context
  28. !daringdo

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 13:57:10 UTC from web
  29. Sometimes, I really love this fandom. !daringdo

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 11:21:01 UTC from web