Notices by Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker), page 5

  1. @zennx

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 21:01:24 UTC from web in context
  2. ... This looks safe ...

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 17:56:43 UTC from web in context
  3. I am now the proud owner of this device ( Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 ) . flea-markets rule. As for what I'm going to do with it, ehmm, I might start with some Descent 3 I guess ? ... Are there any recent games with Force Feedback really worth playing ?

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 16:20:21 UTC from web
  4. @redenchilada I used to do some cooperative scenario-play ( stable ) with voip and some Dutch Bronies. Stuff was bonkersly fun :)

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 14:27:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  5. @nerthos ... ... ... I kinda like your version of an ideal world, even if it is really "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"-based. I wonder howlong it would take to have a stable region with anarchistic ideal's like that.

    Back to BBBBD. Firstly I have NO clue how to have any say in what ends up in BBBBD. Secondly I just read ... So they seem to be doing just that what you propose without any of our intervention. So, are we winning yet ? ... Maybe ? ... It seems 50 billion hues of grey to me.

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 21:57:21 UTC from web in context
  6. ... Cmon OpenRCT2 developers, Give me a stable release already :D #

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 21:33:26 UTC from web in context
  7. @adiwan Yeah, that is the problem with dubbing alright. . Look at that list, it is WAY too big. And that is just because she is a good dubber ( well, retired dubber now, I think ). So at one point all the caracters become one, which is bad, or you end up with noobie voices that you kind of just want to slap before they put you asleep.

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 09:15:58 UTC from web in context
  8. @adiwan ... Not bad... but even if I was able to understand all of it I think I would also still prefer the English version.

    In fact there is probably only 1 thing that became better with dubbing, and that is Darkwing Duck in Dutch. And that is probably only because Johnny Kraaijkamp Jr was a shoefit role for DWD, whereas James Jonah Cummings did a metric ton of Disney caracters

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 09:02:34 UTC from web in context
  9. @weerosie Pretty sure you can have that one for free once the novelty wears off. I fancy something like this actually.

    Monday, 25-Apr-16 20:13:13 UTC from web in context
  10. Well, this thing has gotten me to laugh out loud for a quarter of a second or so. Even if it is extremely corny and obvious.

    Monday, 25-Apr-16 18:41:55 UTC from web
  11. @taknamay with my headcanon of I now request an artist to make it into a funny drawing of Exodia writing on top of letters

    Monday, 25-Apr-16 18:38:04 UTC from web in context
  12. I found a collection of old-timey pictures from them olden days, warning people of how electricity could prove fatal. I have never been this thankfull for ISO norms. I mean, I think I should be thankfull to those, right ?

    Sunday, 24-Apr-16 15:12:41 UTC from web
  13. @adiwan I'd like to immagine something like but you batter tanks and planes and whatnot instead of penguins.

    Sunday, 24-Apr-16 14:38:32 UTC from web in context
  14. @adiwan ... not sure if want

    Sunday, 24-Apr-16 14:29:15 UTC from web in context
  15. @adiwan the first pageflip will give you a shield, and consequent pageflips will shoot poison darts at your face. ( total original joke, not stolen from )

    Saturday, 23-Apr-16 15:30:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  16. Look at this 17 second YouTube , It is a water-lock people use when brewing things. I have one, but it was getting old, and old thick plastic becomes increasingly yellow untill you can barely see though it. Someone told me to boil it in water to make it clear again. Turns out it turns it marble white instead. ( I probably should have seen this one coming ). Pretty sure I have no other choice now but to buy a new one ?

    Saturday, 23-Apr-16 12:18:49 UTC from web
  17. @adiwan @awl @nerthos I think this thing right here ( ) has convinced me that this 20 Euro was a gift from the great SunButt herself.

    Thursday, 21-Apr-16 17:56:45 UTC from web in context
  18. ... Originally I thought I saw Pauley Perrette, Am I nuts ?

    Thursday, 21-Apr-16 13:40:03 UTC from web
  19. I do not know what it is, where it came from, and how terrible it supposedly is ( fighting scene, India, very ). But I love it

    Thursday, 14-Apr-16 11:28:45 UTC from web in context
  20. Who remembers Amy's Baking Company ? I just learned of this tidbit right here ... For some reason I find this sort of humorous in a morbid kinda way.

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 21:58:37 UTC from web
  21. ... Is this a good thing ? No, seriously, at this point all I see is a the successor to something that was more awards than game. My feelings are FUBAR towards this franchise. Was it even any good ? Did it woo anyone ?

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 12:46:31 UTC from web
  22. @thelastgherkin Words can not describe ... But other things can, things like

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 10:45:02 UTC from web in context
  23. @moonman Well, that would explain a few things *sigh*. Also the only reason why Facebook is so good at it now is because it seems to be an acceptable norm these days. Everybody has it now, and clickbaity articles about "how not having a Facebook account with accessible profile when you are job-hunting is a bad thing" probably only added to the "everybody needs Facebook !"-effect. I detest Facebook for pretty much all those reasons we have mentioned sofar, and a few personal ones. As such I can't wait for a curve like to become reality for Facebook.

    Tuesday, 12-Apr-16 01:37:42 UTC from web in context
  24. Look at the size of my gun, and look at the size of what I have to hit... Oh god I am gonna die !

    Sunday, 10-Apr-16 12:35:04 UTC from web
  25. "So cloud" they began "What do you think of the Jim Sterling v Digital Homocide thingie ?". ... What thing ? the part where Jim had a field-day with Digital Homoside ripping their game a new one, and replying to the following drama, or the fact that Digital Homoside is now trying to find a way to sue Jim ?. "The latter" they said. ... Yeah guys, strap yourselves in for a nice 31 minute video which has nothing to do with bad games or Jim, but at the end you'll know exactly what I think is going to happen.

    Saturday, 09-Apr-16 12:55:18 UTC from web
  26. @scribus I'll be watching later today, does that count as Kung Fu ?

    Saturday, 09-Apr-16 11:10:01 UTC from web in context
  27. @adiwan More relateablyness

    Friday, 08-Apr-16 20:30:11 UTC from web in context
  28. I just had a problem very similar to this ... Only I am using windows 7 and only have an X360 controller. I mean I heard about Win 10 and Xone controllers making a bit of trouble. But this is ridiculous.

    Friday, 08-Apr-16 11:51:23 UTC from web
  29. ... This made me laugh out loud. The uncut version is an extention of this clip, but that one might be less safe for work ( as is usual per uncut versions of things on the Internet )

    Tuesday, 05-Apr-16 17:30:26 UTC from web
  30. @moonman Well, that made me laugh :) ... Also for some reason is playing in my head.

    Monday, 04-Apr-16 00:53:31 UTC from web in context