desiros subscriptions, page 2

These are the people whose notices desiros listens to.

  • Stephen Child stecissunrise Stephen Child Cumbria, UK

    SteC here, multimedia and graphics student, artist of the 'Soarin for Vengeance' T-shirt and generally a nice person. Video games, alt music and sports entertainment take up my time but I'm also an artist lending support to my favourite shows (especially this one!)

  • William Long solarflare William Long Acworth, GA

    I'm an animation student at The Art Institute of Atlanta. I love story boarding and doing character bios for mlp fan fic.

  • Joanne Bidet scootabrew Joanne Bidet San Antonio

    1000 characters? That's not enough to describe me! XD I'm Joanne, and I loooooovvvveeee coffee. It's my morning drink, my lunch drink, and my dinner drink. I'm almost always awake, and... I've been a musician all of my life, and I've been playing the guitar since I was only three years old. A long time, isn't it? :D I guess I did manage in under 1000 characters!

  • clarity clarity

    Hi there! I prefer cupcakes to muffins. I don't have a favorite pony, but I'm competitive like Rainbow Dash, hyper like Pinkie Pie, geeky like Twilight Sparkle, shy like Fluttershy, a drama queen like Rarity, and... No, I'm not like Applejack at all. I was going to say hardworking... But no. Okay, I lied. Rarity is best pony. Avatar drawn by this person:

  • Scribble scribble Scribble Trowbridge, UK

    Slightly insane British brony and Gravity Falls fan. TV and Film student. Bi and forever in love with @spamcan. Also pegasus and collar lover. Braeburn is best pony.

  • noooooo poomagooopkedmskmcf noooooo poop


  • nobody nobody Ontario, Canada

    I'm a 15 year old brony, and I love MLP:FiM :D My steam name is nibz

  • Jeff Stathers dusty Jeff Stathers Delta, British Columbia, Canada

    Once known as Pinhooves, I am now just a retired brony. Sorry guys. If you want to contact me, I use the following: Twitter (DustyPinhead), Skype (sonicpinhooves) and Gmail (

  • Sydney Moore sydnizzle112 Sydney Moore mau5land

    Hai :3 I'm Sydney. (a.k.a. Sydnizzle) I'm new to this place soo.. if I get confused.. I'm sorry ^_^"

  • Samantha T ponypajamas Samantha T Usa.

    My name is Samantha. I believe pajamas are pretty comfy!

  • Ginger Snap gingersnap Ginger Snap Arkansas

    Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria...wait, where was I going with this?

  • Welcome Pony (Bot) welcomepony Welcome Pony (Bot) Sugarcube Corner

    I am the amalgamation of a thousand years of innovation in welcoming technology, strung together by a web of PHP unity, held up through the sheer determination of the SQL illuminati, and housed on a cheap $5 VPS. I am the Welcome Pony. The hero RDN deserves, but not the one it needs. My hobbies include meticulous logging of every person who posts to the site, extravagant welcomes to those who have only just begun their journey into the rainbow horse network, and storytelling. I enjoy learning new ways to make other people feel welcome. My favorite flavor of cookie is PHPSESSID. I love everyone, even if I seem impersonal at times. I despise Borderlands and Torchlight, and make no attempt to hide this fact. I occasionally suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder. ~ ~ ~ Original daemon script by @minti. Currently maintained by @redenchilada. Avatar source:

  • Toothpaste Pony! minti Toothpaste Pony! Quebec, Canada

    If you need to contact me, PM me or send me an @ reply. I have notifications on so I will get it. Was a moderator and contributing programmer for RDN at one point, no longer am. Contact details: Skype: tylian0 Email: (Primary) Please note that if you add me on Skype, don't expect me to talk ever. It's not that I don't want to I'm just REALLY bad at having one-on-one conversations. I'm perfectly fine in group chats though so, feel free to do that.

  • Toksyuryel toksyuryel Toksyuryel Renton

    Some kind of otherkin dragon thing who thinks he'll be a professional programmer someday. Favorite pony is Pinkie Pie, but Luna is best pony. Figure that one out.

  • Astra astra Astra Probably Stuck Between Dimensions

    (Yes, I know this place is back. No, I don't plan on returning; I just don't fit in with the whole "4chan vibe", as I heard it described recently. Anyway, if anyone wants to keep in touch, catch TryshaGray on Twitter. Otherwise, have fun, and keep it pony.) Not all ponies miss out on all that Princess Luna has put together for her show after she brings out the moon! Me? I do some of my best work and spell-weaving when the stars come out. Besides, I tend to be the sort to keep to myself, a lot of the time. Lately, I've found I'm a lot more of a "Twilight Sparkle" person, though some still say I have a very "Fluttershy" personality, right down to being more likely to talk to your critter companions than you, at first. It takes me a little while, but if I don't get too badly spooked, I'll open up. And if you see me suddenly pop out of a moon portal, or catch my eye hovering in the sky as I try to find someone or something I've lost again . . . sorry about that. I really try not to startle people too much with this stuff. It's just so cool, though!

  • pugs911 pugs911 Calgary

    Brony since 02/28/12

  • doates doates doates King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United States


  • Keanna S. mizumun Keanna S. Atlanta, GA

    Hi there...My name is Mizu Mun...(Too) Affectionate and (Attempted) Sweet, Spontaneous, Stern, Blunt, Serious(ly funny...ha), Hard-Working, Capable, Aggressive, Playful, Cheerful, Energetic, Socially Adjusted...I was taken by the herd fall of last year...and i positively love Rainbow Dash...she's the coolest thing alive nowadays...

  • Forest Rain forestrain Forest Rain Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

    Hi everypony! ^.^ I'm Forest Rain. I produce music (alternative, orchestral, pop), sing, paint, and narrate fanfictions. I love nature, art, music, and the use of technology for good. I am proudly a blank flank! ;p

  • Seth Edwards noirbatch Seth Edwards Tulsa, OK

    So I am not on this site that much anymore, if you reply it may be a month later before I get back. Anyways, Have a good day. *rides off into the sunset*

  • Rising Superstar Eric liamcadenza Rising Superstar Eric United Kingdom

    just leave it in

  • Zenneth zennx Zenneth Dark Babylon -or - Portugal, depends on the weekday
  • Nicolas Perreaul noir Nicolas Perreaul Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Likes reading a book listening to all kinds of music, Writing fanfics and my favorite ponys is Rarity and Luna.

  • abc abc
  • Brad Paine Jr. dj9volt Brad Paine Jr.
  • Cloud cloudchaser Cloud Canada


  • Jacob Anderson axelgunn Jacob Anderson Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States

    I'm 19 years old, I'm a gamer, I like to read, I'm rather competitive, I like to write, I love MLP:FiM. I don't have a favorite pony because I think that's a very difficult thing to do. Love and Tolerate everypony, and brohoofs all around!

  • RDN's Lucifer nerthos RDN's Lucifer Sea Hitler's water apocalypse

    For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle’s lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. Federation is getting worse by the minute so contact info Steam: sirnerthos Skype: nerthos.osea.yo

  • TheFunkyTortoise thefunkytortoise TheFunkyTortoise Danmark

    Former username: rozeluck Been here since, what 2012? I really don't know anymore 3DS friend code: 0318-8212-4490

  • Carl Howser stopwatch Carl Howser

    Me? Just some pony who likes time. And traveling through it. And paradoxes. And paradoxes. And paradoxes and [time stream damaged, infinite loop detected]