desiros subscriptions, page 3

These are the people whose notices desiros listens to.

  • Schicksal Thelen schicksal Schicksal Thelen Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

    Well, I don't see myself as the most interesting fellow, but I came here on recommendation of a friend in order to find some bronies nearby! I work on a couple of farms and ride horses between both New Hampshire, and Massachusetts (I'm in NH every other weekend). 16 as of May 1 (2012), and I'm hoping to go to school for engineering! I do love being outside and doing demolition works. Definately hoping to find some nearby friends! :D Yaaay! And I draw. I do a lot of arts, still trying to get more into digital arts. At the moment I mostly do paintings and metal engravings! I would like to try out some chiselwork! I'm a bit clumsy though, so that may not be the best idea...

  • Kiba Hickin kibaderpy Kiba Hickin UK Birmingham


  • sb42 sb42 sb42 United States

    Yo! I should really write a bio sometime shouldn't I? Gah... I guess I will. Someday... Oh! I know! I'll write it tomorrow! Yeah, that's it! =D Cool? Cool.

  • Daring Do daringdo Daring Do
  • Solidus Sans liquidusmira Solidus Sans Donkey Kong Country

    sometimes i go to the store and eat all the cheddar cheese

  • Pinkie Pie partypinkiestyle Pinkie Pie

    Helllloooooo. I'm a 18 y/o pegasister and I enjoy anime, manga and chatting along with mlp ^^

  • Aly Copeland rainbowdash17 Aly Copeland Cloudsdale, Equestria, USA

    I LOOOOOOVE MLP FIM!!!! It's the best show EVER! Rainbow Dash is the best pony! :D I AM A GIRL! Shoot me a message anytime! i love to talk! also email me when u want, just make sure u say that you're from rdn. My email is Have a ponytastic day!

  • Sam Rain waterpegasus Sam Rain Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

    Quiet likes art.

  • madington flavors madflavors madington flavors Somewhere over the rainbow


  • Cerulean Spark ceruleanspark Cerulean Spark United Kingdom

    I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me. And then, when I am too broken to go on, I will float my dying body right down the throat of the darkness and make it choke on me.

  • Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark ceruleansparkold Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark United Kingdom

    My old username. Currently undergoing an identity crisis

  • Scribus scribus Scribus IE, CA

    The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.

  • princessweetiebelle princessweetiebelle Ponyville, Equestria

    HI! I'm a super friendly filly, I'll talk to anypony! I love music, MLP:FIM of course, gaming, and I'm a big Russophile~ Hugs and love for anyone that needs it~! and even if you don't need it! ♥

  • Zachariah Isreal Ayer lightningchaser Zachariah Isreal Ayer Mexico,Maine ,USA

    Im Zach im a brony From Mexico Maine. i enjoy smoking ciggs and mlp fim and i love reading mlp fim fanfics Oh and im 15 please dont give comment about smoking chances are i wont listen iv tried to quit but relized i enjoy it to much to do so.

  • Czar Crystal czar Czar Crystal Hungary

    Hungarian Brony here! Otherwise, name is Czar. Hope to get more friends and spend good time with all the ponies here!

  • Macpony55 macpony55 Macpony55 United States

    I dunno, I suppose I do stuff, there's pretty much no limit to the stuff I do. Enjoy new things, enjoy old things, talk to me about something, maybe I'll know what you're sayin', or maybe I won't and I'll be learning something new. Win-Win, for me at least :p TCButters is my name for other online things

  • Bo Jordan 09mlpfimfan Bo Jordan Stephenville, TX, U.S.A.

    I'm a regular brony who likes ponies and video games. :) I'm also looking for a good video editing software (videos) for anyone who wants to tell me one.

  • Feng Lee qqzjuuwx Feng Lee Shanghai China

    A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out。Sometimes in life, you find a special friend。

  • Sir E. Hooves III eaglehooves Sir E. Hooves III Cleveland, Ohio

    Just as a clarification, the name (if I'm not using a gag one) is a reference to my time with the BSA. Three big interests (excluding ponies) are cars, computers, and scouting, and the last one means the most to me (There's a very long, personal, story there) (plus the fleur-de-leis looks nice). For the people linked here, the '/signature' is pretty much my universal signature for texts and emails, and the one thing that my pony and non-pony accounts have in common across the web. Other than that, I'm your average pegasus from the suburbs. Also, I finally got a dedicated e-mail: eaglehooves (at) gmail, a dedicated pony Skype: eagle.hooves, and am on Steam as "Lord Elusive"

  • LyokoTravels lyokotravels LyokoTravels United States
  • Stumperman stumperman Stumperman United States of da mericans

    Sup I'm a random dude who's not a brony anymore but only here cause friends

  • cat diaz cat cat diaz United States
  • lilytheamazingfaintingpony lilytheamazingfaintingpony Østlandet, Norway


  • anononono anononono
  • Jonathan Burgess ral Jonathan Burgess Infamy

    N'er-do-well of the highest order.

  • Xandrae Imnotgivingmynametoamachine fortecanter Xandrae Imnotgivingmynametoamachine Chelsea, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    I'm only making this account because Fluttershy will cry if I don't.

  • Applejack mlpapplejack Applejack Ponyville,Equestria

    Howdy I'm Applejack been buckin apples all my life an I sure do love makin new friends

  • derps derps
  • zstargazer zstargazer St. Louis

    Just A Space nerd of 17 years of age.

  • steevee charizard steevee san antonio

    sometimes i wonder, what could friendship be?