mustang's home timeline


  1. Two Mushi's?

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 00:22:51 UTC from web
  2. I'm on !Skype even tho it's 11:09PM xD

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:11:03 UTC from web
  3. Carcino is mai waifu

    Saturday, 11-Feb-12 04:05:24 UTC from web
    • Also hi everypony!!

      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 07:16:21 UTC from web
    • # # #

      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 07:12:45 UTC from web
    • eeyup I !Skype called with AJTheEngineer , JakkleApp , MicTheMicrophone , Hypermark and some others today :3

      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 05:40:23 UTC from web
    • *Swings in on a vine*

      Sunday, 05-Feb-12 15:09:11 UTC from web
    • ...The Simpsons arcade game is now on Xbox Live Arcade?! Oh man, I SO have to buy that sometime! Never thought it'd get a home console port! !vgp

      Sunday, 05-Feb-12 14:45:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • poop That is all

      Sunday, 05-Feb-12 14:46:38 UTC from web
    • Had to post this

      Sunday, 05-Feb-12 14:17:52 UTC from web
    • good morning everypony! how are we today?

      Saturday, 04-Feb-12 10:30:16 UTC from web
    • 4 hours to wait for the new episode

      Saturday, 04-Feb-12 11:00:30 UTC from Choqok
    • I'm gonna head for bed now. Goodnight everypony!

      Saturday, 04-Feb-12 10:41:19 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Ponies? Ponies =D

      Saturday, 04-Feb-12 10:18:36 UTC from web
    • I'm on !Skype talking with Bronies.

      Friday, 03-Feb-12 03:34:46 UTC from web
    • Good morning everypony :)

      Sunday, 29-Jan-12 12:03:05 UTC from web
    • I don't get it! WHY DO I CRY NOW?

      Sunday, 29-Jan-12 11:40:47 UTC from web
    • Well, it's now time to sleep, for tomorrow duty beckons. Farewell, fair equines of the lands of RDN

      Sunday, 29-Jan-12 09:14:06 UTC from web
    • Hello again, everypony.

      Sunday, 29-Jan-12 08:51:32 UTC from web
    • Also hi everypony!

      Saturday, 28-Jan-12 01:49:14 UTC from web
    • Here have a random #, which I'm actually posting just cause I need to test something in !mintrefresh >_>

      Saturday, 28-Jan-12 01:42:29 UTC from web
    • What are y'all doing?

      Thursday, 26-Jan-12 03:36:37 UTC from web

      Thursday, 26-Jan-12 03:39:02 UTC from web
    • Good evenin everypony

      Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 05:16:24 UTC from web
    • @babbysupreme Actually, for me, it's apple bloom, then sweetie belle, then scootaloo

      Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 05:19:59 UTC from web
    • @yodelerty I'm okay! I got the last Perfume album I didn't have, so I'm enjoying to that. Trying to not freak out about the week. And how're you~?

      Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 05:12:24 UTC from web
    • Brony !Skype Calls FTW :3

      Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 06:11:50 UTC from web
    • How's everypony doing? Been reading <.<

      Sunday, 22-Jan-12 09:45:21 UTC from web
      • Show all 16 replies
      • @abigpony I still can't understand why it's lauded as amazing and 6 is six starred. For being a RD story, she gets probably less than a page of dialogue and her characterization isn't really there at all. The one conflict in the entire story is done badly and makes the whole problem seem like they got insanely mad over just spilling a drink.

        Sunday, 22-Jan-12 10:54:16 UTC in context
      • @abigpony The biggest letdown is how little you can care about Rainbow Dash at all. The whole separation thing is supposed to be heart breaking, but how can you when all you know about her up till that point is she likes racing. I can't feel bad for someone if I don't feel like I know them. I can't deny that done better, this would legitimately be a sad story, but as it is it comes off as "I have this idea for a story, but I don't have all the details so I'll just give you the main points an you can come up with the details yourself."

        Sunday, 22-Jan-12 11:04:33 UTC in context
      • @abigpony Hmm, well I personally wouldn't say too sappy, just that the moments where try to convey it they do poorly and are hit and miss. Depending on how you wrote it, maybe that's the better option. A review would probably be taken into consideration more by its author if it points out the issues instead of just, "This is like really, really bad as in super bad."

        Sunday, 22-Jan-12 11:19:57 UTC in context
    • Had a bad dream where hanging out with the wrong kinds of people and doing some "harmless" pranks with the master xontrols to a Walmart super market caused a catastrophic fire that hurt manypeople and left us responsible for a pretty heavy crime sentance.

      Sunday, 22-Jan-12 09:31:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • @pony @pony @pony @pony @pony

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 02:16:17 UTC from web